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Antilocapridae (pronghorn)
Antilocapridae was named by Gray (1866). It is extant. Its type is Antilocapra.
It was assigned to Ruminantia by Gray (1866); to Pecora by Flower (1883); to Booidea by Hay (1902); to Ruminantii by Jaekel (1911); to Pecora by Cook (1934); to Bovoidea by Carroll (1988); to Pecora by Hassanin and Douzery (2003); to Artiodactyla by Kurten and Anderson (1980), Nowak (1991) and Davis (2007); to Pecora by Flower and Lydekker (1891), Matthew (1908), Agnarsson and May-Collado (2008) and Spaulding et al. (2009); and to Ruminantia by Gregory (1910) and Bravo-Cuevas et al. (2013).
It was assigned to Ruminantia by Gray (1866); to Pecora by Flower (1883); to Booidea by Hay (1902); to Ruminantii by Jaekel (1911); to Pecora by Cook (1934); to Bovoidea by Carroll (1988); to Pecora by Hassanin and Douzery (2003); to Artiodactyla by Kurten and Anderson (1980), Nowak (1991) and Davis (2007); to Pecora by Flower and Lydekker (1891), Matthew (1908), Agnarsson and May-Collado (2008) and Spaulding et al. (2009); and to Ruminantia by Gregory (1910) and Bravo-Cuevas et al. (2013).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1866 | Antilocapridae Gray p. 325 |
1883 | Antilocapridae Flower p. 185 |
1891 | Antilocapridae Flower and Lydekker p. 90 |
1902 | Antilocapridae Hay p. 686 |
1908 | Antilocapridae Matthew p. 561 |
1910 | Antilocapridae Gregory p. 466 |
1911 | Antilocapridae Jaekel p. 234 |
1934 | Antilocapridae Cook p. 161 |
1980 | Antilocapridae Kurten and Anderson p. 319 |
1988 | Antilocapridae Carroll |
1991 | Antilocapridae Nowak |
2003 | Antilocapridae Hassanin and Douzery |
2007 | Antilocapridae Davis p. 229 |
2008 | Antilocapridae Agnarsson and May-Collado p. 974 figs. Fig. 2 |
2009 | Antilocapridae Spaulding et al. |
2013 | Antilocapridae Bravo-Cuevas et al. p. 604 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Fm. Antilocapridae Gray 1866 [pronghorn]
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Subfm. †Antilocaprinae Gray 1866
G. †Capromeryx Matthew 1902
†Capromeryx arizonensis Skinner 1942
†Capromeryx arizonensis schultzi Skinner 1942
†Capromeryx gidleyi Frick 1937
†Capromeryx mexicana Furlong 1925
†Capromeryx tauntonensis Morgan and Morgan 1995
Invalid names: Breameryx Furlong Eustace 1946 [synonym], Dorcameryx [synonym]
G. †Sphenophalos Merriam 1909
†Sphenophalos garciae Webb 1973
†Sphenophalos middleswarti Barbour and Schultz 1941
†Sphenophalos nevadanus Merriam 1909
Tr. †Stockoceratini Frick 1937
G. †Stockoceros Skinner 1942
†Stockoceros conklingi Stock 1930
†Stockoceros onusrosagris Roosevelt and Burden 1934
†Stockoceros onusrosagris nebrascensis Skinner 1942
G. †Tetrameryx Lull 1921
†Tetrameryx irvingtonensis Stirton 1939
†Tetrameryx knoxensis Hibbard and Dalquest 1960
†Tetrameryx mooseri Dalquest 1974
†Tetrameryx shuleri Lull 1921
†Tetrameryx tacubayensis Mooser and Dalquest 1975
G. †Hexameryx White 1941
G. †Ilingoceros Merriam 1909
†Ilingoceros alexandrae Merriam 1909
†Ilingoceros schizoceras Merriam 1911
Subfm. †Merycodontinae Matthew 1904
G. †Cosoryx Leidy 1869
Subg. †Cosoryx (Paracosoryx) Frick 1937
†Cosoryx (Paracosoryx) sabulonis Matthew and Cook 1909
†Cosoryx (Paracosoryx) wilsoni Frick 1937
Subg. †Cosoryx (Subparacosoryx) Frick 1937
†Cosoryx furcatus Leidy 1869
†Cosoryx furcatus stembergi Frick 1937
†Cosoryx furcatus sternbergi Frick 1937
Invalid names: Cosoryx (Paracosoryx) burgensis Frick 1937 [synonym], Cosoryx agilis Douglass 1899 [synonym], Cosoryx burgensis Frick 1937 [synonym]
†Cosoryx furcatus mooki Frick 1937
†Cosoryx ilfonsensis Frick 1937
G. †Ramoceros Frick 1937
Subg. †Ramoceros (Merriamoceros) Frick 1937
Subg. †Ramoceros (Paramoceros) Frick 1937
†Ramoceros (Paramoceros) brevicornis Frick 1937
†Ramoceros (Paramoceros) marthae Frick 1937
†Ramoceros (Paramoceros) palmatus Frick 1937
†Ramoceros osborni Matthew 1904
Invalid names: Ramoceros (Paramoceros) howardae Frick 1937 [synonym], Ramoceros (Paramoceros) kansanus Frick 1937 [synonym], Ramoceros hitchcockensis Frick 1937 [synonym]
†Ramoceros ramosus Cope 1874
†Ramoceros ramosus quadratus Frick 1937
G. †Merycodus Leidy 1854
†Merycodus crucensis Frick 1937
†Merycodus hookwayi Furlong 1934
†Merycodus joraki Frick 1937
†Merycodus major Frick 1937
†Merycodus minimus Frick 1937
†Merycodus minor Frick 1937
†Merycodus necatus Leidy 1854
†Merycodus sabulonis Matthew and Cook 1909
Invalid names: Cosoryx (Subparacosoryx) savaronis Frick 1937 [synonym]
†Merycodus tehuanus Cope 1877
†Merycodus trilateralis Cope 1877
†Merycodus warreni Leidy 1858
†Meryceros warreni johnsoni Frick 1937
Invalid names: Meryceros nenzelensis Frick 1937 [synonym]
Invalid names: Dicrocerus Cope 1875 [synonym], Meryceros Frick 1937 [synonym], Merycodus prodromus Cook 1934 [nomen dubium]
G. †Paracosoryx Frick 1937
†Paracosoryx alticornis Frick 1937
†Paracosoryx dawesensis Frick 1937
†Paracosoryx furlongi Frick 1937
†Paracosoryx loxoceros Furlong 1934
†Paracosoryx nevadensis Merriam 1911
†Paracosoryx wilsoni Frick 1937
G. †Plioceros Frick 1937
†Plioceros blicki Frick 1937
†Plioceros dehlini Frick 1937
†Plioceros floblairi Frick 1937
G. †Texoceros Frick 1937
†Texoceros altidens Matthew 1924
Invalid names: Capromeryx texanus Hesse 1935 [synonym], Dorcameryx optimae Reed and Longnecker 1928 [synonym]
†Texoceros edensis Frick 1937
†Texoceros guymonensis Frick 1937
†Texoceros minorei Frick 1937
†Texoceros vaughani Frick 1937
Invalid names: Cosorycinae Frick 1937 [empty], Ramocerotinae Frick 1937 [empty]
No diagnoses are available