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Insecta - Blattodea

Artisoptera was named by Engel (2021). It is extant.

It was assigned to Euisoptera by Engel (2021).

Sister taxa

Synonymy list
YearName and author
2021Artisoptera Engel

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
superclassHexapodaLatreille 1825
NeopterygotaCrampton 1924
infraclassNeopteraMartynov 1923
PolyneopteraMartynov 1938
superorderDictyopteraLatreille 1829
orderBlattodea(Latreille 1810)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Unr. Artisoptera Engel 2021
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Unr. Icoisoptera Engel et al. 2013
Fm. Kalotermitidae Froggatt 1897
G. Calcaritermes Snyder 1925
Calcaritermes vetus Emerson 1969
G. †Cratokalotermes Bechly 2007
G. Cryptotermes Banks 1906 [drywood termite]
Cryptotermes glaesarius Engel and Krishna 2007
Cryptotermes pouilloni Jouault and Nel 2022
Cryptotermes ryshkoffi Pierce 1958
Cryptotermes yamini Krishna and Bacchus 1987
Invalid names: Cryptotermes batheri von Rosen 1913 [nomen nudum]
G. †Electrotermes von Rosen 1913
Electrotermes affinis Hagen 1856
Electrotermes flecki Nel and Bourguet 2006
Electrotermes girardi Giebel 1856
G. †Eotermes Statz 1939
Eotermes grandaeva Statz 1939
G. Glyptotermes Froggatt 1897
Glyptotermes abyssinicus Bouju et al. 2021
Glyptotermes grimaldii Engel and Krishna 2007
Glyptotermes paleoliberatus Engel and Krishna 2007
Glyptotermes pusillus Heer 1849
Invalid names: Termes (Eutermes) diaphanus Giebel 1856 [synonym], Termes (Eutermes) punctatus Giebel 1856 [synonym]
G. †Glyptotermites Armbruster 1941
Glyptotermites assmuthi Armbruster 1941
G. †Huguenotermes Engel and Nel 2015
Huguenotermes septimaniensis Engel and Nel 2015
G. Incisitermes Krishna 1961
Incisitermes krishnai Emerson 1969
Incisitermes peritus Engel and Krishna 2007
G. †Kachinitermes Engel et al. 2007
Kachinitermes tristis Cockerell 1917
G. †Kachinitermopsis Engel and Delclòs 2010
G. Kalotermes Hagen 1853
Subg. Calotermes (Calotermes) Hagen 1853
Kalotermes disruptus Cockerell 1917
Kalotermes fossus Zhang et al. 1994
Kalotermes nigellus Zhang et al. 1994
Kalotermes nigritus Snyder 1946
Kalotermes nisus Zhang et al. 1994
Kalotermes oeningensis von Rosen 1913
Kalotermes piacentinii Piton and Théobald 1937
Kalotermes rhenanus Hagen 1863
Invalid names: Calotermes bosniaskii Handlirsch 1907 [nomen nudum]
G. Neotermes Holmgren 1911
Neotermes grassei Piton 1940
G. †Oligokalotermes Nel 1987
G. †Otagotermes Engel and Kaulfuss 2016
Otagotermes novazealandicus Engel and Kaulfuss 2016
G. †Proelectrotermes von Rosen 1913
Proelectrotermes berendtii Pictet and Hagen 1856
Proelectrotermes fodinae Scudder 1883
Proelectrotermes holmgreni Engel et al. 2007
Proelectrotermes roseni Armbruster 1941
Invalid names: Calotermes (Neotermites) frischi Armbruster 1941 [synonym]
Proelectrotermes swinhoei Cockerell 1916
Invalid names: Neotermites Armbruster 1941 [synonym]
G. †Prokalotermes Emerson 1933
Prokalotermes hagenii Scudder 1883
G. †Pterotermopsis Engel and Kaulfuss 2016
Pterotermopsis fouldenica Engel and Kaulfuss 2016
G. †Taieritermes Engel and Kaulfuss 2016
Taieritermes krishnai Engel and Kaulfuss 2016
G. †Valkyritermes Jouault et al. 2022
Valkyritermes inopinatus Jouault et al. 2022
Invalid names: Calotermes (Calotermes) erythrops von Rosen 1913 [nomen nudum], Calotermes (Calotermes) resinatus von Rosen 1913 [nomen nudum], Electrotermitinae Emerson 1942 [invalid subgroup], Protermitidae Holmgren 1909 [synonym]
Unr. Neoisoptera Engel et al. 2009
Fm. †Archeorhinotermitidae Krishna and Grimaldi 2003
G. †Archeorhinotermes Krishna and Grimaldi 2003
Archeorhinotermes rossi Krishna and Grimaldi 2003
Fm. Rhinotermitidae Froggatt 1897
G. Coptotermes Wasmann 1896
G. Dolichorhinotermes Snyder and Emerson 1925
Dolichorhinotermes apopnus Engel and Krishna 2007
Dolichorhinotermes dominicanus Schlemmermeyer and Cancello 2000
Subfm. Heterotermitinae Froggatt 1897
G. Heterotermes Froggatt 1897
Invalid names: Leucotermes Silvestri 1901 [synonym]
G. †Lukotermes Perkovsky and Nel 2021
G. Reticulitermes Holmgren 1913
Invalid names: Maresa Giebel 1856 [replaced]
Subfm. Prorhinotermitinae Quennedey and Deligne 1975
G. †Zophotermes Engel 2011
G. Rhinotermes Hagen 1858
Rhinotermes miocenicus Nel and Paicheler 1993
G. †Rhinotermites Armbruster 1941
Rhinotermites dzierzoni Armbruster 1941
Rhinotermites kuehni Armbruster 1941
Rhinotermites wasmanni Armbruster 1941
Invalid names: Psammotermitinae Holmgren 1911 [empty]
Fm. Stylotermitidae Holmgren and Holmgren 1917
G. †Parastylotermes Snyder and Emerson 1949
Parastylotermes calico Pierce 1958
Parastylotermes frazieri Snyder 1955
Parastylotermes krishnai Engel and Grimaldi 2011
Parastylotermes nathani Perkovsky 2020
Parastylotermes robustus von Rosen 1913
G. †Prostylotermes Engel and Grimaldi 2011
Prostylotermes kamboja Engel and Grimaldi 2011
G. Stylotermes Holmgren and Holmgren 1917
Fm. Termitidae Latreille 1802 [termite]
Subfm. Apicotermitinae Grassé and Noirot 1955
G. Anoplotermes Muller 1873
Subfm. Macrotermitinae Kemner 1934
G. Macrotermes Holmgren 1910
Subfm. Nasutitermitinae Hare 1937
G. Atlantitermes Fontes 1979
G. Caribitermes Roisin 1996
G. Constrictotermes Holmgren 1910
G. Nasutitermes Dudley 1890
G. Parvitermes Emerson 1949
G. Subulitermes Holmgren 1910
G. Trinervitermes Holmgren 1912
G. Velocitermes Holmgren 1912
Subfm. Termitinae Latreille 1802
G. Amitermes Silvestri 1901
G. Gnathamitermes Light 1932 [long jawed desert termite]
G. Gnathotermes Holmgren 1912
G. †Metatermites Armbruster 1941
G. Microcerotermes Silvestri 1901
G. †Nanotermes Engel and Grimaldi 2011
G. Termes Linnaeus 1758
Invalid names: Mirotermes Wasmann 1897 [synonym]
Invalid names: Amitermitinae Kemner 1934 [synonym], Eutermes fraasi von Rosen 1913 [nomen dubium], Eutermes nickeli Armbruster 1941 [nomen dubium], Eutermes sachtlebini Armbruster 1941 [nomen dubium], Mirotermes resinatus von Rosen 1913 [nomen dubium], Termes (Eutermes) croaticus Heer 1849 [nomen dubium], Termes (Eutermes) obscurus Heer 1849 [nomen dubium], Termes (Termes) amicus von Rosen 1913 [nomen dubium], Termes buchii Heer 1864 [nomen dubium], Termes drabatyi Armbruster 1941 [nomen dubium], Termes giganteus Hagen 1855 [nomen nudum], Termes hauffi Armbruster 1941 [nomen dubium], Termes korschefskyi Armbruster 1941 [nomen dubium], Termes scheeri Armbruster 1941 [nomen dubium], Termes schleipi Armbruster 1941 [nomen dubium], Termes stitzi Armbruster 1941 [nomen dubium], Termes weismanni Armbruster 1941 [nomen dubium]
G. †Waipiatatermes Engel and Kaulfuss 2016
Waipiatatermes matatoka Engel and Kaulfuss 2016
Fm. †Tanytermitidae Engel 2021
G. †Tanytermes Engel et al. 2007
Tanytermes anawrahtai Engel et al. 2007
G. †Tanytermitalis Engel and Cai 2021
Tanytermitalis philetaerus Engel and Cai 2021
No diagnoses are available