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Titanoderma pustulatum
Melobesia pustulata was named by Lamouroux (1816). It is extant.
It was recombined as Lithophyllum pustulatum by Foslie (1904), Braga and Aguirre (1995) and Saxena et al. (2005); it was recombined as Titanoderma pustulatum by Naegeli (1858), Kroeger (2007), Kishore et al. (2015) and Kishore et al. (2017).
It was recombined as Lithophyllum pustulatum by Foslie (1904), Braga and Aguirre (1995) and Saxena et al. (2005); it was recombined as Titanoderma pustulatum by Naegeli (1858), Kroeger (2007), Kishore et al. (2015) and Kishore et al. (2017).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1816 | Melobesia pustulata Lamouroux |
1858 | Titanoderma pustulatum Naegeli |
1904 | Lithophyllum pustulatum Foslie |
1995 | Lithophyllum pustulatum Braga and Aguirre |
2005 | Lithophyllum pustulatum Saxena et al. |
2007 | Titanoderma pustulatum Kroeger p. 7 |
2015 | Titanoderma pustulatum Kishore et al. p. 62 |
2017 | Titanoderma pustulatum Kishore et al. p. 210 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Titanoderma pustulatum Lamouroux 1816
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Reference | Diagnosis | |
R.K. Saxena et al. 2005 | Dimerous thin laminar thalli, composed of 3-4 layers of
cells, giving a foliaceous, irregular appearance of superimposed plants. Primigenous filaments are characterized by oblique palisade cells. Cells are 11-17 /-lm (M= 14, SD= 2.6) in length and 26-52 /-lm (M= 38, SD = 9.6) in height. Postigenous filaments are composed of more than one cell. Epithallus is not preserved. Conceptacles are hemispherical, raised above the thallus surface. Cells in the conceptacle roof are 12-32 ).lm (M= 22, SD= 8.05) in length and 8-12 /-lm (M= 16, SD= 5.02) in diameter. Conceptacles are 105-I35/-lm in height and 3IO-352/-lm in diameter. |
No measurements are available
No ecological data are available
Collections (48 total)
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Rupelian | Iran | Titanoderma pustulatum (138868) | |
Neogene | Spain (Almería) | Lithophyllum pustulatum (137744) | |
Serravallian | India (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) | Lithophyllum pustulatum (222143 222145) | |
Badenian | Romania | Lithophyllum pustulatum (198869 198873) | |
Tortonian | Spain (Granada) | Lithophyllum pustulatum (147183) | |
Tortonian - Messinian | Italy (Pescara) | Titanoderma pustulatum (222523) | |
Messinian | Italy (Lecee) | Lithophyllum pustulatum (222468) | |
Messinian | Italy | Lithophyllum pustulatum (34688 138020 138034) | |
Messinian | Spain (Almería) | Lithophyllum pustulatum (137745) | |
Messinian | Italy (Salento Peninsula) | Lithophyllum pustulatum (138076 138077 138079) | |
Messinian | Spain | Lithophyllum pustulatum (34472 147446) | |
Messinian | Italy (Salento Peninsul) | Lithophyllum pustulatum (138074 138075) | |
Zanclean | Italy (Provinz Siena) | Lithophyllum pustulatum (138092 138093) | |
Pliocene | Spain (Almeria) | Lithophyllum pustulatum (222405 222406 222410 222411) | |
Late/Upper Pliocene - Early/Lower Pliocene | Spain (Almería) | Lithophyllum pustulatum (137725) | |
Late/Upper Pliocene - Early/Lower Pliocene | Spain | Lithophyllum pustulatum (137719 137726) | |
Late/Upper Pliocene - Early/Lower Pliocene | Spain (Cádiz) | Lithophyllum pustulatum (137721) | |
Late/Upper Pliocene | Spain | Lithophyllum pustulatum (147449) | |
Early/Lower Pleistocene | USA (Hawaii) | Lithophyllum pustulatum (105531) | |
Early/Lower Pleistocene - Middle Pleistocene | New Caledonia | Lithophyllum pustulatum (89431) | |
Pleistocene | India (Andaman Islands) | Titanoderma pustulatum (221977) | |
Middle Pleistocene | USA (Hawaii) | Lithophyllum pustulatum (105528) | |
Middle Pleistocene | Italy | Titanoderma pustulatum (176817 176818) | |
Middle Pleistocene - Late/Upper Pleistocene | Maldives | Lithophyllum pustulatum (83646) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | USA (Hawaii) | Lithophyllum pustulatum (105526) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | New Caledonia | Lithophyllum pustulatum (89435) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Italy | Titanoderma pustulatum (166071 166072) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | India | Titanoderma pustulatum (165868) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Australia (Queensland) | Lithophyllum pustulatum (184506) | |
Late/Upper Pleistocene | Portugal (Azores) | Titanoderma pustulatum (89618) | |
Holocene (interglacial) | Australia (Queensland) | Lithophyllum pustulatum (166495 166497) | |
Holocene | Greece | Lithophyllum pustulatum (97633) |