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Avolatavis was named by Ksepka and Clarke (2012). Its type is Avolatavis tenens.
It was assigned to Panpsittaciformes by Ksepka and Clarke (2012).
It was assigned to Panpsittaciformes by Ksepka and Clarke (2012).
A. tenens (type species)
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
2012 | Avolatavis Ksepka and Clarke p. 396 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Reference | Diagnosis | |
D. T. Ksepka and J. A. Clarke 2012 | Presence of a pronounced, ovoid tubercle on the plantar surface of the base of trochlea metatarsi II is an autapo- morphy of Avolatavis tenens among Pan-Psittaciformes. Addi- tional differential diagnosis as follows: differs from Quercypsitta in the stouter tarsometatarsus (proximal width = 35% of total length in Avolatavis, versus 28% in Quercypsitta) and absence of a sulcus located proximal to the incisura intertrochlearis medialis on the dorsal face of the shaft. Differs from Halcyornithidae, Messelasturidae, and Vastanavidae in wider pelvis (unknown in vastanavids), trochlea cartilaginis tibialis forming very deep(proximodistally) concavity, and absence of a crista medi- anoplantaris of the tarsometatarsus. Additional differences from halcyornithids include presence of a well-developed sulcus at midline of the articular surface of trochlea metatarsi II and pedal digits of subequal robustness (versus digit III markedly more robust than digit II). Additional differences from messelasturids include a narrower trochlea metatarsi III. Additional differences from vastanavids include a shallow (versus deeply concave) fossa metatarsi I, presence of a well-developed sulcus at midline of the articular surface of trochlea metatarsi II, trochlea metatarsi II ex- tending well distal to level of trochlea metatarsi IV (versus sube- qual projection), and a strongly ginglymoid trochlea metatarsi III with a deep (versus shallow) dorsal sulcus. Avolatavis differs from Psittacopes lepidus in much larger size (tibiotarsus ∼60% longer), in the proximal displacement of the lateral foramen vasculare proximale relative to the medial foramen vasculare proximale of the tarsometatarsus, and in that the proximal three phalanges of pedal digit IV are markedly shorter than the penultimate pha- lanx (versus subequal in length). Avolatavis differs from extant parrots in that the rims of trochlea metatarsi III are less widely spaced relative to one another and symmetrical (versus medial rim more extensively plantarly projected), the pedal digits are of subequal robustness (versus digit III markedly more robust than digit II), and the proximal phalanx of digit IV lacks pronounced ventral flanges, which form a nearly enclosed canal for the flexor tendon.
Avolatavis can be excluded from other semi-zygodactyl and zygodactyl clades by pronounced differences in other regions of the hind limb skeleton. Avolatavis differs from the extinct Sand- coleidae in the unexpanded (versus greatly enlarged) tuberculum musculi gastrocnemialis lateralis of the femur, straight (versus medially bowed) tibiotarsus, plantarly located (versus medially located) fossa metatarsi I, and unabbreviated (versus highly abbreviated) proximal phalanx of digit II. Avolatavis differs from the extinct Zygodactylidae in the stout (versus gracile and greatly elongated) tarsometatarsus and abbreviated (versus un- abbreviated) proximal pedal phalanges. Avolatavis differs from Eurofluvioviridavis (Aves incertae sedis), which also has a stout grasping foot, in lacking that taxon’s characteristic very large trochlea metatarsi II and by having much less strongly reduced proximal pedal phalanges. Avolatavis differs from Parvicuculus (Aves incertae sedis) by lacking a crista medianoplantaris and having a much smaller foramen vasculare distale. |
No measurements are available
Source: subo = suborder, o = order | |||||
References: Benton 1983, Marsh 1875 |
No collection or age range data are available