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Pyrgomatidae (coral barnacle)

Thecostraca - Balanomorpha - Pyrgomatidae

Pyrgomatidae was named by Gray (1825). It is extant. Its type is Pyrgoma.

It was assigned to Chionolasmatoidea by Jones (2007); and to Balanoidea by McLaughlin et al. (2005), Aguirre et al. (2014) and Chan et al. (2021).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1825Pyrgomatidae Gray
2005Pyrgomatidae McLaughlin et al. p. 43
2007Pyrgomatidae Jones p. 294
2014Pyrgomatidae Aguirre et al.
2021Pyrgomatidae Chan et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
PancrustaceaZrzavý and Štys 1997
subphylumCrustaceaBrünnich 1772
classThecostraca(Gruvel 1905)
subclassCirripedia(Rafinesque 1816)
infraclassThoracica(Darwin 1854)
orderBalanomorpha(Pilsbry 1916)
superfamilyBalanoideaLeach 1817
familyPyrgomatidaeGray 1825
familyPyrgomatidaeGray 1825

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. Pyrgomatidae Gray 1825 [coral barnacle]
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Subfm. Ceratoconchinae Newman and Ross 1976
G. Ceratoconcha Kramberger-Gorjanovic 1889
G. †Eoceratoconcha Newman and Ladd 1974
Subfm. Megatrematinae Holthuis 1982
G. Adna Sowerby 1823
G. Megatrema Sowerby 1823
G. Pyrgomina Baluk and Radwanski 1967
Subfm. Pyrgomatinae Gray 1825
G. Arossella Anderson 1993
G. Australhoekia Ross and Newman 2000
G. Cantellius Ross and Newman 1973
G. Cionophorus Ross and Newman 2001
G. Creusia Leach 1817
Creusia neogenica Weisbord 1972
G. Darwiniella Anderson 1992
G. Eohoekia Ross and Newman 1995
G. Galkinius Perreault 2014
G. Hiroa Ross and Newman 1973
G. Hoekia Ross and Newman 1973
G. Neopyrgoma Ross and Newman 2002
G. Neotrevathana Ross 1999
G. Nobia Sowerby 1839
G. Parahoekia Ross and Newman 1995
G. Pyrgoma Leach 1817
Pyrgoma cretacea Woodward 1869
Pyrgoma preftoridanum Brooks and Ross 1960
G. Pyrgopsella Zullo 1967
G. Pyrgospongia Achituv and Simon-Blecher 2006
G. †Savignium Leach 1825
G. Trevathana Anderson 1992
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Locomotion: stationaryc
Attached: yesc
Epibiont: yesc
Life habit: epifaunalc
Diet: suspension feederc
Vision: limitedc
Created: 2008-03-04 07:51:33
Modified: 2011-06-14 02:28:17
Source: c = class
Reference: Kiessling 2004

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Badenian to the top of the Late/Upper Pleistocene or 13.65000 to 0.01170 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 12.7 Ma

Collections (28 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Fiji Pyrgoma sp. (68330)
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Austria Pyrgoma costatum (124259)
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Portugal Ceratoconcha costata (151584 151585)
Badenian13.65 - 12.7Moldova Creusia multicostata (78661)
Tortonian - Messinian11.62 - 5.333Morocco Creusia oraniensis (70929)
Messinian7.246 - 5.333Morocco Ceratoconcha oraniensis (34723 34724) Creusia oraniensis (70890 70927)
Messinian7.246 - 5.333Malta Creusia costata (131977)
Messinian7.246 - 5.333Algeria Creusia oraniensis (69864 70785 70860 70862 70863 70864 70879 70880 70882 70886 70887)
Early/Lower Pliocene5.333 - 3.6Spain Pyrgomatidae indet., Savignium sp. (153720)
Late/Upper Pliocene3.6 - 2.588USA (Florida) Creusia neogenica (92739 92740)
Early/Lower Pleistocene2.588 - 0.781USA (Florida) Pyrgoma preftoridanum (35025)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Jamaica Ceratoconcha barbadensis (185031)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117USA (Florida) Pyrgoma sp. (96538)