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Insecta - Thysanoptera - Phlaeothripidae

Synonymy list
p. 98
YearName and author
1836Phlaeothripinae Halliday
1927Hoplothripina Priesner
1927Hoplothripini Priesner
1960Lispothripina Priesner
1961Plectrothripini Priesner
1981Phlaeothripinae Okajima
1981Plectrothripini Okajima
1999Haplothripini Schliephake p. 97
1999Phlaeothripinae Schliephake p. 97
1999Phlaeothripini Schliephake p. 98
2000Haplothripini Schliephake p. 226
2000Phlaeothripinae Schliephake p. 226
2001Hoplothripini Schliephake p. 30
2001Lispothripina Schliephake p. 30
2001Phlaeothripinae Schliephake p. 30
2003Hoplothripina Schliephake p. 177
2003Hoplothripini Schliephake p. 177
2003Phlaeothripinae Schliephake p. 177
2019Phlaeothripinae Ulitzka
2019Plectrothripini Ulitzka
2021Phlaeothripinae Mound and Hastenpflug-Vesmanis p. 29

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
superclassHexapodaLatreille 1825
NeopterygotaCrampton 1924
infraclassNeopteraMartynov 1923
superorderThripidaFallen 1814
orderThysanopteraHaliday 1836
suborderTubuliferaHaliday 1836
familyPhlaeothripidaeHalliday 1836
subfamilyPhlaeothripinaeHalliday 1836
subfamilyPhlaeothripinaeHalliday 1836

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subfm. Phlaeothripinae Halliday 1836
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G. †Cephenothrips Priesner 1929
Cephenothrips laticeps Priesner 1929
Cephenothrips propelaticeps Schliephake 2005
G. Chiridurothrips Okajima 1981
Chiridurothrips dominicus Ulitzka 2019
G. Haplothrips Amyot and Audinet-Serville 1843
G. Hoplothrips Amyot and Audinet-Serville 1843
Hoplothrips minutatim Bagnall 1929
G. †Liotrichothrips Bagnall 1929
Liotrichothrips antiquus Bagnall 1929
Liotrichothrips hystrix Bagnall 1929
Liotrichothrips minor Schliephake 2000
G. †Necrothrips Priesner 1924
Necrothrips major Schliephake 2000
Necrothrips mesus Schliephake 2003
Necrothrips nanus Priesner 1924
G. †Parahoplothrips Schliephake 2003
Parahoplothrips nicolaji Schliephake 2003
G. Phlaeothrips Halliday 1836
G. Phloeothrips Halliday 1836
Phloeothrips pohligi von Schlechtendal 1887
G. †Polygonothrips Schliephake 1999
Polygonothrips apertosetosus Schliephake 1999
G. †Prohaplothrips Schliephake 2000
Prohaplothrips iunctostylosus Schliephake 2000
G. †Proleeuwenia Priesner 1924
Proleeuwenia succini Priesner 1924
G. †Protolispothrips Schliephake 2001
Protolispothrips multisetiger Schliephake 2001
G. †Schlechtendalia Bagnall 1929
Schlechtendalia longituba Bagnall 1929
G. †Sucinothrips Schliephake 1999
Sucinothrips incertus Schliephake 1999
G. Symphyothrips Hood and Williams 1915
Symphyothrips longicauda Priesner 1924
G. Treherniella Watson 1924
Treherniella fossilis Priesner 1929
G. †Weitschatithrips Schliephake 2003
Weitschatithrips apithanus Schliephake 2003
Invalid names: Haplothripini [invalid subgroup], Hoplothripina Priesner 1927 [invalid subgroup], Hoplothripini Priesner 1927 [invalid subgroup], Lispothripina Priesner 1960 [invalid subgroup], Phlaeothripini [invalid subgroup], Plectrothripini Priesner 1961 [invalid subgroup]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: chitinc
Environment: terrestrialc
Locomotion: actively mobilep
Created: 2017-04-17 09:56:18
Modified: 2017-04-17 09:56:18
Source: c = class, p = phylum
References: Bush and Bambach 2015, Kiessling 2004

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Priabonian to the top of the Langhian or 38.00000 to 13.82000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 33.9 Ma

Collections (10 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Russian Federation Sucinothrips incertus, Phlaeothrips schlechtendali, Parahoplothrips nicolaji, Liotrichothrips minor (123419)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Germany (Halle) Necrothrips major, Prohaplothrips iunctostylosus, Cephenothrips propelaticeps (124273)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Russian Federation (Kaliningrad) Haplothrips sp., Cephenothrips laticeps, Treherniella fossilis, Necrothrips nanus, Proleeuwenia succini, Symphyothrips longicauda (127170) Phloeothrips schlechtendali, Trichothrips minutatim, Liotrichothrips antiquus, Liotrichothrips discrepans, Liotrichothrips hystrix, Schlechtendalia longitubus (123927) Sucinothrips incertus, Weitschatithrips apithanus, Necrothrips mesus, Parahoplothrips nicolaji (110735)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Germany Sucinothrips incertus, Polygonothrips apertosetosus (124274)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Poland Protolispothrips multisetiger (120813)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Ukraine Phloeothrips schlechtendali (113621)
MP 3028.4 - 23.03Germany (Nordrhein-Westfalen) Phloeothrips pohligi (142560)
Burdigalian - Langhian20.44 - 13.82Dominican Republic Chiridurothrips dominicus (205730)