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Blastoidea - Coronata - Stephanocrinidae

Stephanocrinus was named by Conrad (1842) [Sepkoski's age data: O Ashg-m S Ludl-l Sepkoski's reference number: 331,540]. It is not extant. It is the type genus of Stephanocrinidae.

It was assigned to Stephanocrinidae by Ubaghs et al. (1978) and Brett et al. (1983); and to Coronata by Sepkoski (2002).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1842Stephanocrinus Conrad
1978Stephanocrinus Ubaghs et al. p. T575
1983Stephanocrinus Brett et al. pp. 632 - 634
2002Stephanocrinus Sepkoski

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EubilateriaAx 1987
classBlastoideaSay 1825
orderCoronataJaekel 1918
familyStephanocrinidaeWachsmuth and Springer 1886
genusStephanocrinusConrad 1842

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Stephanocrinus Conrad 1842
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Stephanocrinus angulatus Conrad 1842
Stephanocrinus ramsbottomi Donovan and Paul 1985
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: high Mg calcitep
Ontogeny: accretion, addition of partsp
Environment: marinep
Locomotion: stationaryg
Attached: yesg
Life habit: intermediate-level epifaunalg
Diet: suspension feederg
Vision: blindo
Dispersal: waterp
Dispersal 2: planktonicp
Comments: LIFE HISTORY: Stem lengths of 6 cm according to Brett (1984), therefore intermediate level epifaunal.g
Created: 2009-10-09 11:59:22
Modified: 2009-10-09 13:59:22
Source: g = genus, o = order, p = phylum
References: Hendy et al. 2009, Aberhan et al. 2004, Aberhan 1992

Age range: base of the Cautleyan to the top of the Sheinwoodian or 449.20000 to 430.50000 Ma

Collections (25 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Katian - Hirnantian453.0 - 443.4Sweden (Dalarne) S. ramsbottomi (73413)
Pirgu449.5 - 445.2Sweden (Dalarne) S. ramsbottomi (163115)
Cautleyan449.2 - 448.8United Kingdom (Wales) S. sensu lato sp. (166619)
Hirnantian445.2 - 443.4United Kingdom (England) S. ramsbottomi (196870)
Hirnantian445.2 - 443.4United Kingdom (Wales) S. ramsbottomi (153336)
Hirnantian - Rhuddanian445.2 - 440.8United Kingdom (England) S. ramsbottomi (196872)
Silurian443.8 - 419.2USA (Indiana) S. elongatus, S. gemmiformis (75266)
Llandovery443.4 - 433.4USA (New York) S. sp. (463)
Llandovery - Wenlock443.4 - 427.4USA (New York) S. angulatus (26801)
Telychian - Sheinwoodian438.5 - 430.5USA (Indiana) S. cornetti (26798 26803)
Sheinwoodian433.4 - 430.5USA (New York) S. gemmiformis (81907 82502)
Sheinwoodian433.4 - 430.5USA (Indiana) S. cornetti, S. obpyramidalis, S. elongatus, S. quinquepartitus (26805)
Wenlock433.4 - 427.4USA (Indiana) S. sp. (25876)
Wenlock433.4 - 427.4USA (New York) S. angulatus (13051 13052 13053 13338 81784) S. gemmiformis, S. angulatus (81906) S. sp. (541)
Wenlock433.4 - 427.4USA (Iowa) S. sp. (26812)
Wenlock - Silurian433.4 - 419.2USA (Wisconsin) S. osgoodensis (13069 13075)