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Kaupitherium was named by Voss and Hampe (2017). Its type is Kaupitherium gruelli.
It was assigned to Dugongidae by Voss and Hampe (2017).
It was assigned to Dugongidae by Voss and Hampe (2017).
K. bronni, K. gruelli (type species)
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
2017 | Kaupitherium Voss and Hampe p. 341 |
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G. †Kaupitherium Voss and Hampe 2017
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†Kaupitherium bronni Krauss 1858
†Kaupitherium gruelli Voss and Hampe 2017
Reference | Diagnosis | |
M. Voss and O. Hampe 2017 | Dugongid genus on the basis of the following com- bination of synapomorphies: absence of alisphenoid canal, open foramen ovale, loss of permanent fifth premolar, and squamosal reaching temporal crest. Differs from the Dugonginae, the Hydrodamalinae, and other dugongid genera (Eotheroides, Prototherium, Eosiren, Caribosiren, Priscosiren, Metaxytherium, and other species formerly lumped under “Halitherium” [Table 1] by displaying the following unique combination of plesiomorphies: frontal roof flat; supraorbital process of the frontal dorsoventrally flattened with well-developed, prominent posterolateral corner; supraoccipital wider dorsally than ventrally; exoccipitals meet in a suture dorsal to the foramen magnum; posttympanic process with a prominent anteroventral process for attachment of m. sternomas- toideus; paroccipital process of exoccipital long, reaching as far ventrally as occipital condyles; accessory mental foramina present; horizontal ramus of mandible slender dorsoventrally; permanent premolars present. Synapomorphies: nasals reduced, but still meet in midline (shared with some Eosiren ssp. and Prototherium intermedium), nasal incisure at posterior end of the mesorostral fossa small, not extending posterior to the supraorbital processes (shared with some Metaxytherium spp., Caribosiren, Dusisiren, and Eosiren imenti); ventral border of the horizontal mandibular ramus moderately concave and sharply downturned anteriorly (shared with some Eotheroides spp., some Prototherium spp., Eosiren libyca, and “Halitherium” taulannense), masticating surface of mandible narrow, scarcely wider than the two rows of alveoli it bears (shared with some Prototherium spp., some Eotheroides spp., Eosiren libyca, and “H.” taulannense). In contrast to the contemporary Old World species E. imenti, the I1 alveolus depth is about half the length of the premaxillary symphysis, and the canines and P1/p1 are absent. |
No measurements are available
Source: f = family, c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
References: Hendy et al. 2009, Domning 1979, Carroll 1988, Nowak 1991 |