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Reptilia - Plesiochelyidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1831Emys hugi Gray
1831Emys hugii Gray
1831Emys trionychoides Gray
1831Emys hugi Gray p. 33
1831Emys hugii Gray p. 33
1831Emys trionychoides Gray p. 33
1834Emys jurensis Keferstein
1835Clemmys grayi Fitzinger
1873Plesiochelys Rütimeyer p. 48
1878Plesiochelys minor Portis p. 12 figs. Plate 2, fig. 8
1878Plesiochelys Portis p. 18
1889Plesiochelys Lydekker
1889Stegochelys Lydekker p. 229
1902Plesiochelys Hay p. 439
1958Plesiochelys Delair p. 51
1958Stegochelys Delair p. 55
1963Plesiochelys Yeh
1965Plesiochelys Bräm p. 29
1975Plesiochelys Gaffney pp. 5-6
1988Plesiochelys Carroll
1988Plesiochelys Weems p. 141 figs. Table 2
1996Plesiochelys Lapparent de Broin et al. p. 557
2002Plesiochelys Sepkoski
2004Plesiochelys Matzke et al. pp. 1294-1295
2004Plesiochelys Milner p. 1460
2007Plesiochelys Joyce
2008Plesiochelys Danilov and Parham
2008Plesiochelys Pérez-García et al.
2009Plesiochelys Anquetin et al.
2009Plesiochelys Mateus et al.
2012Plesiochelys Anquetin p. 28 fig. 10
2013Plesiochelys Pérez-García and Murelaga
2014Plesiochelys Anquetin et al.
2014Plesiochelys Anquetin et al.
2014Plesiochelys Perea et al.
2014Plesiochelys Puntener et al.
2015Plesiochelys Anquetin et al.
2016Plesiochelys Anquetin and Chapman
2017Plesiochelys Anquetin et al.
2017Plesiochelys Puntener et al.
2021Plesiochelys Pérez-Garcia and Ortega

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
Testudinata(Oppel 1811)
familyPlesiochelyidaeRütimeyer 1873

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Plesiochelys Rütimeyer 1873
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Plesiochelys bigleri Puntener et al. 2017
Plesiochelys etalloni Pictet and Humbert 1857
Invalid names: Plesiochelys langii Rütimeyer 1873 [synonym], Plesiochelys sanctaeverenae Rütimeyer 1873 [synonym], Plesiochelys solodurensis Rütimeyer 1873 [synonym], Stylemys hannoverana Maack 1869 [synonym]
Plesiochelys normandicus Bergounioux 1937
Invalid names: Clemmys grayi Fitzinger 1835 [nomen oblitum], Emys hugi Gray 1831 [nomen oblitum], Emys hugii Gray 1831 [nomen oblitum], Emys jurensis Keferstein 1834 [nomen oblitum], Emys trionychoides Gray 1831 [nomen oblitum], Plesiochelys minor Portis 1878 [nomen dubium], Stegochelys Lydekker 1889 [synonym]
E. S. Gaffney 1975Member of the Plesiochelyidae (sensu Gaffney, present paper) known from skull, shell, and appendicular elements; foramen palatinum posterius open posteroventrally due to absence of medial process of jugal, anteroposterior length of premaxillae shorter than in Portlandemys, angle between labial ridges (of maxillae and lower jaws) more obtuse than in Portlandemys, median channel between lingual ridges of palate wider in comparison with Portlandemys; length of lower jaw symphysis shorter than in Portlandemys, symphyseal hook absent; prootic process extending anteroventrally to meet expanded processus clinoideus. Carapace oval, nuchal bone indented anteriorly, pygal bone without posterior indentation seen in Eurysternum, two suprapygal bones and six to eight neural bones present; pair of small accessory scutes usually lateral to nuchal (cervical) scute, vertebral scutes wider than in Tropidemys, supramarginal scutes absent. Plastron with or without one or two median fontanelles, mesoplastral bones absent; paired intergular scutes usually extending onto entoplastron, completely separating gular scutes and sometimes partially separating humeral scutes; four or five inframarginal scutes present. Dorsal surface of xiphiplastron with facet for seemingly movable articulation with pubis, sutural attachment between shell and pelvis absent; scapula with neck and coracoid moderately enlarged as in other chelonioids, angle between head and shaft of humerus 117-128 degrees (Bram, 1965).
J. Anquetin et al. 2017Plesiochelys can be diagnosed as a “plesiochelyid” by the full list of characters provided above for that group. Based on cranial anatomy, Plesiochelys is currently differentiated from Portlandemys by a proportionally broader skull, a more obtuse angle between the labial ridges of maxilla and dentary, placement of the foramina anterius canalis carotici cerebralis closer to the level of the dorsum sellae, and a shorter mandibular symphysis. Based on shell anatomy, Plesiochelys is currently differentiated from Craspedochelys by a more elongated and oval carapace, a deeper nuchal notch, a lower length/width ratio of the costal bones (3.1–3.6, as opposed to 4.3–4.8 or more for costal IV), a relatively long plastron (about 85% to 90% of the carapace length), and a hyoplastron longer than wide and from Tropidemys by the absence of a neural keel, elongated neural bones, and wider vertebral scutes.
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Environment: terrestrialuc
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Created: 2017-04-17 15:15:35
Modified: 2017-04-17 15:15:35
Source: c = class, subp = subphylum, uc = unranked clade
References: Carroll 1988, Hendy et al. 2009

Age range: base of the Callovian to the top of the Late/Upper Hauterivian or 166.10000 to 130.00000 Ma

Collections (29 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Middle Jurassic174.7 - 161.5China (Yunnan) P. oshanensis (49502)
Callovian166.1 - 163.5Kyrgyzstan (Jalal-Abad) P. sp. (37596)
Late/Upper Jurassic161.5 - 145.0China P. kwanganensis (195440)
Kimmeridgian157.3 - 152.1Poland (Zachodniopomorskie) P. sp. (163141)
Kimmeridgian157.3 - 152.1Switzerland (Jura) P. bigleri (154713 200138) P. sp., P. etalloni, P. bigleri (154715 154716)
Kimmeridgian157.3 - 152.1Switzerland (Berne) P. etalloni (137800)
Kimmeridgian - Early/Lower Tithonian157.3 - 145.0United Kingdom (England) P. etalloni (140709)
Kimmeridgian - Tithonian157.3 - 145.0Spain (Aragón) P. sp. (58763)
Early/Lower Kimmeridgian155.7 - 150.8Germany (Lower Saxony) P. hannoverana, P. minor (138029) P. solodurensis (24127)
Late/Upper Kimmeridgian155.7 - 150.8Switzerland (Jura) P. bigleri (149745) P. sp., P. etalloni, P. bigleri (154714)
Late/Upper Kimmeridgian155.7 - 150.8Switzerland (Solothurn) P. solodurensis (90875) P. solodurensis, P. langii, P. sanctaverenae, Emys hugi, Emys hugii, Emys trionychoides, Emys jurensis, P. etalloni, Thalassemys moseri (137749)
Late/Upper Kimmeridgian155.7 - 150.8France (Aquitaine) P. hannoverana (94532)
Tithonian152.1 - 145.0Portugal (Torres Verdes) P. sp. (219477)
Tithonian152.1 - 145.0Portugal (Torres Verdas) P. sp. (219478)
Tithonian152.1 - 145.0France (Nord-Pas-de-Calais) P. sp. (53967)
Tithonian152.1 - 145.0United Kingdom (England) Chelone planiceps (137747)
Early/Lower Tithonian150.8 - 145.0France (Jura) P. etalloni (137799)
Late/Upper Tithonian150.8 - 145.0United Kingdom (England) Stegochelys planiceps (119505)
Middle Tithonian - Late/Upper Tithonian150.8 - 145.0Portugal (Centro) P. sp. (184944)
Late/Upper Tithonian - Early/Lower Berriasian150.8 - 140.2France (Nord-Pas-de-Calais) P. sp. (92144 92145)
Berriasian145.0 - 139.8United Kingdom (England) P. sp. (92916)
Late/Upper Hauterivian136.4 - 130.0United Kingdom (England) P. sp. (22700)