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Trilobita - Redlichiida - Biceratopsidae

Biceratopsidae was named by Lieberman (1998) [Lieberman (1998) says he raises Biceratopsinae from subfamily to Biceratopsidae, and also includes within it a subfamily Biceratopsinae. Biceratopsinae was originally created as a subfamily, so I'm giving the family to Lieberman (1998)].

It was assigned to Olenelloidea by Lieberman (1998), Lieberman (1999) and Webster (2007).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1998Biceratopsidae Lieberman p. 66
1999Biceratopsidae Lieberman p. 129
2007Biceratopsidae Webster p. 1173

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
subphylumArtiopoda(Hou and Bergstrom)
classTrilobitaWalch 1771
orderRedlichiidaRichter 1932

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. †Biceratopsidae Lieberman 1998
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G. †Bolbolenellus Palmer and Repina 1993
Bolbolenellus euryparia Palmer and Halley 1979
Bolbolenellus hermani Kindle and Tasch 1948
Subfm. †Bristoliinae Palmer and Repina 1993
G. †Bristolia Harrington 1956
Bristolia anteros Palmer and Halley 1979
Bristolia bristolensis Resser 1928
Bristolia colberti Gapp and Lieberman 2014
Bristolia fragilis Palmer and Halley 1979
Bristolia harringtoni Lieberman 1999
Bristolia insolens Resser 1928
Bristolia mohavensis Hazzard and Crickmay 1933
G. †Fremontella Harrington 1956
Fremontella halli Walcott 1910
G. †Lochmanolenellus Lieberman 1998
Lochmanolenellus mexicana Lochman 1952
Wanneria mexicana prima Lochman 1952
G. †Nephrolenellus Palmer and Repina 1993
Nephrolenellus multinodus Palmer and Halley 1979
Invalid names: Nephrolenellus jasperensis Lieberman 1999 [synonym]
G. †Paranephrolenellus Webster 2007
Paranephrolenellus besti Webster 2007
P. D. Pack and H. B. Gayle 1971Exoskeleton subovate. Glabella subcylindrical, contracted at middle with axial furrows indistinct and lateral furrows absent or indistinct. Well defined border. Genal spines absent; genal angles rounded Thorax consists of 15 prothoracic segments 10 or more opisthothoracic segments. The third prothoracic segment is very strongly macropleural.
A. R. Palmer and L. N. Repina 1993Olenellidae with glabella narrowest at midlength; glabellar furrows very poorly developed; trans- verse width of LI less than transverse width of occipital ring. Ocular lobes close to glabella; posterior tips opposite or anterior to Li. Genalspines absent or opposite midlength of ocular lobes. Intergenal spines absent; intergenal angle may be developed. Thorax divided into prothorax and opistbothorax; third segment strongly expanded distally and pleural spine extremely long, tips posterior to body; 15th segment with long axial spine.
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitec
Composition 2: chitinc
Ontogeny: molting, addition of partsc
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: fast-movingo
Life habit: low-level epifaunalo
Diet: deposit feedero
Created: 2009-09-21 20:18:56
Modified: 2012-08-27 07:43:00
Source: o = order, c = class
References: Aberhan et al. 2004, Hendy et al. 2009

Age range: base of the Lenian to the top of the Dyeran or 516.00000 to 511.20000 Ma

Collections (78 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Early/Lower Cambrian538.8 - 509.0Canada (Northwest Territories) Olenellus altifrontatus (156198)
Cambrian538.8 - 485.4Canada (Northern Territories) Bolbolenellus sp., Bristolia colberti (228650)
Atdabanian - Toyonian521.0 - 510.2Argentina Fremontella inopinata (73361)
Montezuman520.0 - 515.3Mexico Wanneria mexicana (10682)
Lenian516.0 - 510.2USA (Nevada) Nephrolenellus geniculatus (9822) Nephrolenellus geniculatus, Bolbolenellus brevispinus (9821)
Lenian516.0 - 510.2Argentina Fremontella inopinata (51754)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (California) Bolbolenellus euryparia (10622 10623) Bristolia anteros (149629 149699 226626) Bristolia anteros, Bristolia fragilis (10613 151378 230439) Bristolia brachyomma (10630) Bristolia bristolensis (10609 149628 149648 149693 149694 149698) Bristolia bristolensis, Bristolia anteros, Bristolia fragilis (149610) Bristolia bristolensis, Bristolia insolens (10610) Bristolia bristolensis, Olenellus euryparia (149647) Bristolia fragilis (149649) Bristolia mohavensis (10607) Bristolia n. sp. 2, Bristolia n. sp. 3 (10618) Bristolia sp. (226265 226271 230298) Bristolia sp.1, Bristolia bristolensis (10608) Bristolia sp.2 (10612 10615 10616) Bristolia sp.2, Bristolia anteros (10611) Bristolia sp.2, Bristolia sp.3, Bristolia sp.4, Bristolia sp.5 (10619) Bristolia sp.3 (10621) Mesonacis bristolensis, Paedeumias mohavensis (219694) Mesonacis insolens (219698) Mesonacis insolens, Bristolia bristolensis, Paedeumias mohavensis, Bristolia anteros, Bristolia harringtoni (219695) Nephrolenellus multinodus (10631) Nephrolenellus multinodus, Bolbolenellus brevispinus (10632) Olenellus bristolensis, Olenellus insolens, Paedeumias mohavensis (192036) Olenellus euryparia (149650) Olenellus multinodus (149611 149614 149638 149651 149696 151380) Paedeumias mohavensis (219697 219699)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (Nevada) Bolbolenellus brevispinus (10590 69204) Bristolia anteros (149558) Bristolia anteros, Bristolia fragilis (149555 149556) Bristolia bristolensis (149576) Bristolia fragilis (149551) Nephrolenellus geniculatus (156353 156373 156374 156376) Nephrolenellus geniculatus, Bolbolenellus brevispinus (9820 10560 10569 156372 156377 234284 234285 234286) Nephrolenellus multinodus (234283) Olenellus multinodus (149560)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Canada (Yukon Territory) Olenellus sphaerulosus (156230 156233)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Canada (Newfoundland) Bristolia mohavensis (195924)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2Mexico (Sonora) Bristolia bristolensis (90559)