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Thecostraca - Archaeolepadomorpha - Stramentidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1843Loricula Sowerby p. 260
1897Stramentum (Stramentum) Logan
1897Squama Logan p. 187
1897Stramentum Logan p. 188
1977Stramentum Hattin p. 806
1986Stramentum Collins p. 126
1987Stramentum (Stramentum) Logan
1994Stramentum Hauschke p. 13
1994Stramentum (Stramentum) Hauschke p. 13
2002Stramentum Sepkoski
2016Stramentum Gale p. 682
2020Stramentum Kočová Veselská et al. p. 137
2021Stramentum Chan et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
PancrustaceaZrzavý and Štys 1997
subphylumCrustaceaBrünnich 1772
classThecostraca(Gruvel 1905)
subclassCirripedia(Rafinesque 1816)
infraclassThoracica(Darwin 1854)
familyStramentidaeWithers 1920
subfamilyStramentinaeWithers 1920

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Stramentum Logan 1897
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Stramentum alekseevi Gale 2016
Stramentum canadensis Whiteaves 1889
Stramentum elegans Hattin 1977
Stramentum haworthi Williston 1896
Invalid names: Stramentum tabulatum Logan 1897 [synonym]
Stramentum inconstans Collins 1986
Stramentum praecursor Gale 2016
Stramentum pulchellum Sowerby 1843
Invalid names: Loricula darwini Woodward 1908 [synonym], Loricula gigas Fritsch 1878 [synonym], Loricula macadami Thomson 1858 [synonym]
Invalid names: Loricula Sowerby 1843 [replaced], Squama Logan 1897 [synonym], Stramentum (Stramentum) Logan 1897 [invalid subgroup]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Locomotion: stationaryc
Attached: yesc
Epibiont: yesc
Life habit: epifaunalc
Diet: suspension feederc
Vision: limitedc
Created: 2008-03-04 07:51:33
Modified: 2011-06-14 02:28:17
Source: c = class
Reference: Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Early/Lower Albian to the top of the Late/Upper Campanian or 112.03000 to 70.60000 Ma

Collections (44 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Early/Lower Albian112.03 - 109.0Colombia S. sp. (67374 67375) S. sp. A (67363)
Late/Upper Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Germany S. pulchellum (9178)
Middle Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5United Kingdom (England) S. praecursor (210338 210339)
Middle Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5France S. pulchellum (210344)
Turonian93.9 - 89.8United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) Loricula macadami (210342)
Early/Lower Turonian93.5 - 89.3Morocco S. inconstans (175005)
Early/Lower Turonian93.5 - 89.3Mexico (Nuevo Leon) S. pulchellum (87879 87880)
Early/Lower Turonian93.5 - 89.3Nigeria S. inconstans (159897)
Early/Lower Turonian93.5 - 89.3United Kingdom (England) Loricula darwini (210341) Loricula pulchella (210340)
Late/Upper Turonian93.5 - 89.3Czech Republic S. pulchellum (210309)
Late/Upper Turonian93.5 - 89.3United Kingdom (England) S. pulchellum (71069)
Late/Upper Turonian93.5 - 89.3Kazakhstan Loriculina laevissima (210443)
Middle Turonian93.5 - 89.3USA (Kansas) S. canadensis (210333) S. elegans (150368 210320 210321 210322 210323 210324 210325 210326 210327 210328 210329 210330 210331 210332)
Early/Lower Coniacian89.3 - 85.8Mexico (Coahuila) S. sp. (210315)
Late/Upper Coniacian89.3 - 85.8USA (Kansas) Squama lata (210349) Squama spissa (210348)
Santonian86.3 - 83.6USA (South Dakota) S. haworthi (160520)
Santonian86.3 - 83.6USA (Kansas) Pollicipes haworthi (210347) S. haworthi (160519) S. tabulatum (210350)
Santonian86.3 - 83.6USA (Colorado) S. haworthi (87853 160521 160522)
Late/Upper Santonian85.8 - 83.5USA (Kansas) S. haworthi (210346)
Late/Upper Campanian83.5 - 70.6Belgium S. pulchellum (211444)