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Branisamys was named by Hoffstetter and Lavocat (1970). Its type is Branisamys luribayensis.
It was assigned to Caviomorpha by Hoffstetter and Lavocat (1970); to Dasyproctidae by Lavocat (1976); to Dinomyidae by Patterson and Wood (1982); to Rodentia by McKenna and Bell (1997); and to Cavioidea by Boivin et al. (2019).
It was assigned to Caviomorpha by Hoffstetter and Lavocat (1970); to Dasyproctidae by Lavocat (1976); to Dinomyidae by Patterson and Wood (1982); to Rodentia by McKenna and Bell (1997); and to Cavioidea by Boivin et al. (2019).
B. luribayensis (syn. Villarroelomys bolivianus) (type species)
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1970 | Branisamys Hoffstetter and Lavocat |
1975 | Villarroelomys Hartenberger |
1976 | Branisamys Lavocat |
1982 | Branisamys Patterson and Wood p. 431 |
1997 | Branisamys McKenna and Bell |
2019 | Branisamys Boivin et al. p. 190 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
G. †Branisamys Hoffstetter and Lavocat 1970
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†Branisamys luribayensis Hoffstetter and Lavocat 1970
Invalid names: Villarroelomys bolivianus Hartenberger 1975 [synonym]
Invalid names: Villarroelomys Hartenberger 1975 [synonym]
Reference | Diagnosis | |
B. Patterson and A. E. Wood 1982 | Skull, so far as known, basically dinomyid. Snout heavy, ventral side of rostrum elevated as in some dinomyids, less so than in Dinomyis; fossa for origin of M. masseter medial is, pars anterior very deep, markedly excavated dorsally; nasals wide anteriorly, tapering gradually posteriorly, longer than in Dinomys, extending back over M1. Posterior ends of nasals and premaxillae forming nearly straight line across top of skull. Interpremaxillary foramen half way back on mid-ventral surface of pre maxilla, small, round, not slit-like. Premaxillary-maxillary suture crossing plate at rear of short, broad incisive foramina. Strong vertical ridge near front of lacrimal. Posterior palatine foramina beside M1, entirely within palatine. Anterior end of palatine reaching forward to posterior end of P4. Posterior margin of palate with small median process as in Paramyidae and Reithroparamyidae. Cheek-tooth rows divergent posteriorly. Knob for M. masseter superficialis on ventral surface of zygoma, as in Dinomys. Dental formula I1, P1, M3, dm1; incisors with flat anterior faces, robust but smaller and narrower relative to cheek teeth than in later dinomyids, gently rounded anteriorly. Base of upper incisor above P4 essentially molariform, P4 with low metaloph; dm4 with highly complex anterior portion. Cheek teeth low crowned with incipient unilateral hypsodonty, lingual in upper teeth, labial in lowers. Cheek teeth slightly longer than wide when little worn, becoming wider than long with wear. Anteroloph of upper cheek teeth isolated in early stages of wear; remaining lophs uniting early and converging posterointernally on hypocone. Lower cheek teeth with posterolophid isolated in early stages of wear, remaining lophids uniting early and converging anteroexternally on protoconid. |
No measurements are available
Source: o = order, subc = subclass, c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
References: Carroll 1988, Lillegraven 1979, Ji et al. 2002, Hendy et al. 2009, Nowak 1999 |