Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Thoracica was named by Darwin (1854). It is extant.
It was reranked as the superorder Thoracica by Martin and Davis (2001) and Jones (2007); it was reranked as the infraclass Thoracica by Hegna et al. (2020) and Chan et al. (2021).
It was assigned to Cirrhipedia by Wilson (1983); to Cirripedia by Martin and Davis (2001); to Cirripedia by Martin (1904) and Jones (2007); and to Cirripedia by Zullo (1984), Hegna et al. (2020) and Chan et al. (2021).
It was reranked as the superorder Thoracica by Martin and Davis (2001) and Jones (2007); it was reranked as the infraclass Thoracica by Hegna et al. (2020) and Chan et al. (2021).
It was assigned to Cirrhipedia by Wilson (1983); to Cirripedia by Martin and Davis (2001); to Cirripedia by Martin (1904) and Jones (2007); and to Cirripedia by Zullo (1984), Hegna et al. (2020) and Chan et al. (2021).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1854 | Thoracica Darwin |
1904 | Thoracica Martin p. 94 |
1983 | Thoracica Wilson p. 486 |
1984 | Thoracica Zullo p. 1316 |
2001 | Thoracica Martin and Davis p. 59 |
2007 | Thoracica Jones p. 290 |
2020 | Thoracica Hegna et al. p. 37 |
2021 | Thoracica Chan et al. |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Infracl. Thoracica Darwin 1854
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Or. Lepadiformes Buckeridge and Newman 2006
Invalid names: Heteralepadomorpha Newman 1987 [empty]
Superor. Phosphatothoracica Gale 2019
Or. †Eolepadomorpha Chan et al. 2021
Fm. †Praelepadidae Chernyshev 1930
Or. Iblomorpha Buckeridge and Newman 2006
Fm. Iblidae Leach 1825
Fm. Idioiblidae Buckeridge and Newman 2006
Superor. Thoracicalcarea Gale 2016
Or. †Archaeolepadomorpha Chan et al. 2021
Fm. †Archaeolepadidae Gale 2019
G. †Archaeolepas Zittel 1885
†Archaeolepas quenstedti Ammon 1875
†Archaeolepas redtenbacheri Oppel 1862
†Archaeolepas royeri de Loriol 1872
G. †Loriolepas Gale 2016
†Loriolepas decora Harbort 1905
†Loriolepas planulatus Morris 1845
†Loriolepas suprajurensis de Loriol 1867
Fm. †Myolepadidae Gale 2015
G. †Bosquetlepas Gale 2015
†Bosquetlepas brydonei Withers 1935
†Bosquetlepas contigua Collins 1983
†Bosquetlepas darwiniana Bosquet 1854
†Bosquetlepas gracilis Roemer 1841
†Bosquetlepas subplena Collins 1983
†Bosquetlepas turonica Withers 1935
†Bosquetlepas valida Steenstrup 1839
†Bosquetlepas zeidleri Reuss 1864
Fm. †Stramentidae Withers 1920
Subfm. †Loriculinae Gale 2016
G. †Blastolepas Drushchits and Zevina 1969
G. †Loriculina Dames 1885
G. †Metaloriculina Gale 2016
Subfm. †Stramentinae Withers 1920
G. †Angulatergum Hauschke 1994
G. †Leweslepas Gale 2016
G. †Parastramentum Gale 2016
G. †Stramentum Logan 1897
Invalid names: Loricula Sowerby 1843 [replaced], Squama Logan 1897 [synonym]
Invalid names: Stramentum saadensis Davadie and Emberger 1954 [nomen dubium]
Or. Balanomorpha Pilsbry 1916
Superfm. Balanoidea Leach 1817
Fm. Balanidae Leach 1817
Subfm. Acastinae Kolbasov 1993
Subfm. Amphibalaninae Pitombo 2004
Subfm. Archaeobalaninae Newman and Ross 1976
Subfm. Balaninae Leach 1817
Subfm. Bryozobiinae Ross and Newman 1996
G. †Cetolepas Zullo 1969
Subfm. Concavinae Zullo 1992
Subfm. Hexacreusiinae Zullo and Newman 1996
Subfm. Megabalaninae Newman 1979
Subfm. Semibalaninae Newman and Ross 1976
Subfm. Wanellinae Chan et al. 2021
Invalid names: Archaeobalanidae Newman and Ross 1976 [synonym], Creusiinae Baluck and Radwanski 1967 [empty], Emersoninae Ross and Newman 1967 [empty]
Fm. Pyrgomatidae Gray 1825 [coral barnacle]
Subfm. Ceratoconchinae Newman and Ross 1976
Subfm. Megatrematinae Holthuis 1982
Subfm. Pyrgomatinae Gray 1825
Fm. †Brachylepadidae Woodward 1901
G. †Brachylepas
†Brachylepas americana Zullo et al. 1987
†Brachylepas angulosa Collins 1973
†Brachylepas guascoi Bosquet 1857
†Brachylepas hantonensis Gale 2020
†Brachylepas naissanti Hebert 1855
†Brachylepas thieli Gale 2020
G. †Crithmumlepas Gale and Vidovic 2023
†Crithmumlepas aycliffensis Gale and Vidovic 2023
†Crithmumlepas hoensis Gale and Vidovic 2023
G. †Epibrachylepas Gale 2014
†Epibrachylepas newmani Gale 2014
†Epibrachylepas smeetsi Bosquet 1857
Superfm. Chthamaloidea Darwin 1854
Fm. Chthamalidae Darwin 1854
G. Caudoeuraphia Poltarukha 1997
G. Chamaesipho Darwin 1854
G. Chinochthamalus Foster 1980
G. Chthamalus Ranzani 1817
G. Euraphia Conrad 1837
G. Hexechamaesipho Poltarukha 1996
G. Jehlius Ross 1971
G. Microeuraphia Poltarukha 1997
G. Nesochthamalus Foster and Newman 1987
G. Notochthamalus Foster and Newman 1987
G. Octomeris Sowerby 1825
G. Pseudoeuraphia Poltarukha 2000
G. Rehderella Foster and Newman 1987
G. Tetrachthamalus Newman 1967
Fm. Pachylasmatidae Utinomi 1968
Subfm. Eolasmatinae Jones 2000
G. Eutomolasma Jones 2000
Subfm. Metalasmatinae Jones 2000
Subfm. Pachylasmatinae Utinomi 1968
Superfm. Coronuloidea Leach 1817
Fm. Bathylasmatidae Newman and Ross 1971
Subfm. Bathylasmatinae Newman and Ross 1971
Subfm. Hexelasmatinae Newman and Ross 1976
Fm. Chelonibiidae Pilsbry 1916 [turtle barnacle]
Subfm. Chelonibiinae Pilsbry 1916
Subfm. †Protochelonibiinae Harzhauser and Newman 2011
Fm. Coronulidae Leach 1817 [whale barnacle]
G. Cetopirus Ranzani 1817
G. Chelolepas Ross and Frick 2007
G. Coronula Bruguière 1792
G. Cryptolepas Dall 1872
G. Cylindrolepas Pilsbry 1916
G. †Emersonius Ross 1967
G. Platylepas Gray 1825
G. Stomatolepas Pilsbry 1916
G. Tubicinella Lamarck 1802
G. Xenobalanus Steenstrup 1851
Invalid names: Coronulinae Leach 1817 [empty], Platylepadidae Newman and Ross 1976 [synonym]
Fm. Tetraclitidae Gruvel 1903
G. Astroclita Ren and Liu 1979
G. Epopella Ross 1970
G. Lissaclita Gomez-Daglio and Van Syoc 2006
G. Neonrosella Jones 2010
G. Newmanella Ross 1969
G. †Tesseroplax Ross 1969
G. Tesseropora Pilsbry 1916
G. Tetraclita Schumacher 1817
G. †Tetraclitella Hiro 1939
G. Yamaguchiella Ross and Perreault 1999
Invalid names: Tetraclitoidea Gruvel 1903 [synonym]
Superfm. Elminoidea Foster 1982
Fm. Elminidae Foster 1982
G. Austrominius Buckeridge 1983
G. Elminius Leach 1825
G. Hexaminius Foster 1982
G. †Matellonius Buckeridge 1983
G. †Protelminius Buckeridge and Newman 2010
Superfm. †Pachydiadematoidea Chan et al. 2021
Or. Calanticomorpha Chan et al. 2021
Fm. Calanticidae Zevina 1978
G. Aurivillialepas Newman 1980
G. Crosnieriella Jones 1998
G. Euscalpellum Hoek 1907
†Euscalpellum balcombicum Buckeridge 1983
†Euscalpellum carolinensis Zullo and Baum 1981
†Euscalpellum cliftonense Withers 1953
†Euscalpellum egmontense Buckeridge 1983
†Euscalpellum eocenense Meyer 1885
†Euscalpellum meridianum Chapman and Crespin 1928
Euscalpellum rostratum Darwin 1851
†Euscalpellum wheeleri Zullo et al. 1992
G. †Gruvelialepas Newman 1980
G. Newmanilepas Nevina and Yakhontova 1987
G. Paracalantica Utinomi 1958
G. Scillaelepas Seguenza 1872
†Calantica (Scillaelepas) angulata Withers 1935
†Calantica (Scillaelepas) arguata Withers 1924
†Calantica (Scillaelepas) australiensis Withers 1953
†Calantica (Scillaelepas) blanchensis Buckeridge 1983
†Calantica (Scillaelepas) cardabia Buckeridge 1983
†Calantica (Scillaelepas) ginginensis Etheridge 1913
†Calantica (Scillaelepas) kendricki Buckeridge 1983
†Calantica (Scillaelepas) studeri Weltner 1922
†Calantica (Scillaelepas) waitemata Buckeridge 1983
G. Smilium Leach 1825
†Smilium calanticoideum Buckeridge 1983
Smilium peronii Gray 1825
†Smilium subplanum Withers 1913
†Smilium tortachillense Buckeridge 1983
Fm. †Cretiscalpellidae Buckeridge 1983
G. †Cretiscalpellum Withers 1922
†Cretiscalpellum billaulti Peron 1887
†Cretiscalpellum glabrum Roemer 1841
†Cretiscalpellum harnedi Collins 1973
†Cretiscalpellum homseyi Zullo 1987
†Cretiscalpellum imbricatum Withers 1910
†Cretiscalpellum macrum Collins 1973
†Cretiscalpellum matrioni Gale 2019
†Cretiscalpellum mutterlosei Gale 2019
†Cretiscalpellum naidini Alekseev 2009
†Cretiscalpellum obtusum Jagt and Collins 1989
†Cretiscalpellum sharapovi Alekseev 2009
†Cretiscalpellum striatum Darwin 1851
†Cretiscalpellum unguis Sowerby 1836
†Cretiscalpellum vallum Collins 1973
†Cretiscalpellum venustum Collins 1973
†Scalpellum (Cretiscalpellum) bronni Roemer 1841
G. †Striascalpellum Gale 2020
G. †Witherscalpellum Gale 2020
G. †Pachyscalpellum Buckeridge 1991
†Pachyscalpellum cramptoni Buckeridge 1991
†Pachyscalpellum glauerti Withers 1926
Invalid names: Pollicipes aboriginalis Buckeridge 1983 [synonym]
†Pachyscalpellum saskatchewanensis Russell 1967
Fm. †Titanolepadidae Gale 2015
G. †Ivoelepas Gale 2015
†Ivoelepas ambigua Babinot et al. 1979
†Ivoelepas broggi Pilsbry and Olsson 1951
†Ivoelepas ischnia Pilsbry and Olsson 1951
†Ivoelepas nielseni Gale 2015
†Ivoelepas rectibasis Pilsbry and Olsson 1951
†Ivoelepas withersi Pilsbry and Olsson 1951
†Ivolepas worthensis Gale 2020
G. †Titanolepas Withers 1913
†Titanolepas martini Withers 1935
†Titanolepas spinifer Gale 2015
†Titanolepas tuberculata Darwin 1851
Or. Pollicipomorpha Chan et al. 2021
Fm. Pollicipedidae Gruvel 1905
G. Anelasma Darwin 1852
G. Pollicipes Leach 1817
†Pollicipes filosus Withers 1911
†Pollicipes nitidum Collins 1974
Pollicipes pollicipes Gmelin 1790
†Pollicipes striatum Gale 2015
†Pollicipes vansyoci Gale 2015
Fm. †Zeugmatolepadidae Newman 2004
Subfm. †Martillepadinae Gale 2014
G. †Concinnalepas Gale 2014
G. †Etcheslepas Gale 2014
G. †Icenilepas Gale 2014
G. †Litholepas Nagler et al. 2017
G. †Martillepas Gale 2014
G. †Subsecolepas Gale 2020
Subfm. †Zeugmatolepadinae Newman 1996
G. †Aporolepas Withers 1953
G. †Tetrinus Hurt 1992
G. †Texaslepas Gale 2020
G. †Zeugmatolepas Withers 1913
Or. Scalpellomorpha Newman 1987
Superfm. Lepadoidea Darwin 1852
Fm. Heteralepadidae Nilsson-Cantrell 1921
G. Alepas Rang 1829
G. Heteralepas Pilsbry 1907
G. Koleolepas Stebbing 1900
G. Paralepas Pilsbry 1907
Fm. Lepadidae Darwin 1851
G. Conchoderma von Olfers 1814
G. Dosima Gray 1925
G. Hyalolepas Annandale 1906
G. Lepas Linnaeus 1758
G. †Pristinolepas Buckeridge 1983
Fm. Poecilasmatidae Annandale 1909
G. †Archoxynaspis Van Syoc and Dekelboum 2011
G. Dianajonesia Kocak and Kemal 2008
G. Dichelaspis Darwin 1852
G. Glyptelasma Pilsbry 1907
G. Megalasma Hoek 1883
G. Microlepas Hoek 1907
G. Minyaspis Van Syoc and Dekelboum 2011
G. Octolasmis Gray 1825
G. Oxynaspis Darwin 1852
G. Pagurolepas Stubbings 1940
G. Poecilasma Darwin 1851
G. Rugilepas Grygier and Newman 1991
G. Scleraspis Van Syoc and Dekelboum 2012
G. Temnaspis Fischer 1884
G. Trilasmis Hinds 1844
Invalid names: Microlepadidae Zevina 1980 [synonym], Oxynaspididae Gruvel 1905 [synonym]
Superfm. Neolepadoidea Yamaguchi et al. 2004
Fm. Neolepadidae Yamaguchi et al. 2004
G. Ashinkailepas Yamamoto et al. 2004
G. Leucolepas Southward and Jones 2003
G. Neolepas Newman 1979
G. †Stipilepas Carriol 2016
G. Vulcanolepas Southward and Jones 2003
Fm. Neoverrucidae Newman 1989
G. Imbricaverruca Newman 2000
G. Neoverruca Newman and Yamaguchi 1995
Superfm. Scalpelloidea Pilsbry 1907
Fm. Scalpellidae Pilsbry 1907
Subfm. Amigdoscalpellinae Gale 2016
G. Anguloscalpellum Zevina 1978
G. Barbascalpellum Zevina 1978
Subfm. Brochiinae Zevina 1978
G. Compressoscalpellum Zevina 1978
G. Diceroscalpellum Zevina 1978
Subfm. Meroscalpellinae Zevina 1978
G. Pilsbryiscalpellum Zevina 1978
G. Planoscalpellum Zevina 1978
G. Pteroscalpellum Zevina 1978
Subfm. Scalpellopsinae Zevina 1978
G. Sinoscalpellum Ren and Sha 2014
G. Teloscalpellum Zevina 1978
G. Trianguloscalpellum Zevina 1978
G. Vertebroscalpellum Newman and Ross 1998
Subfm. †Virgiscalpellinae Gale 2020
Or. Verrucomorpha Pilsbry 1916
Fm. †Eoverrucidae Gale 2020
G. †Eoverruca Withers 1935
†Eoverruca aubensis Gale 2020
†Eoverruca barringtonensis Gale and Vidovic 2023
†Eoverruca hewitti Withers 1935
†Eoverruca symmetrica Gale 2020
Fm. †Pycnolepadidae Gale and Vidovic 2023
G. †Faxelepas Gale 2014
†Faxelepas bruennichi Withers 1914
†Faxelepas ignabergensis Carlsson 1953
†Faxelepas landenica Withers 1953
†Faxelepas paronai de Alessandri 1895
G. †Pedupycnolepas Gale 2014
†Pedupycnolepas articulata Collins 1980
†Pedupycnolepas lamellatus Gale and Vidovic 2023
†Pedupycnolepas pulcher Gale 2019
G. †Pycnolepas Withers 1914
†Pycnolepas batchelorum Gale and Vidovic 2023
†Pycnolepas fimbriata Withers 1912
†Pycnolepas industriosa Jagt 2007
†Pycnolepas orientalis Kolosváry 1966
†Pycnolepas rigida Sowerby 1836
†Pycnolepas scalaris Withers 1914
†Pycnolepas tithonica Withers 1912
Fm. Verrucidae Darwin 1854
G. Altiverruca Pilsbry 1916
G. Brochiverruca Zevina 1993
G. Cameraverruca Pilsbry 1916
G. Costatoverruca Young 1998
G. Cristallinaverruca Young 2002
G. Gibbosaverruca Young 2002
G. Globuloverruca Young 2004
G. Metaverruca Pilsbry 1916
Verruca (Metaverruca) sculpta Aurivillius 1898
Invalid names: Verruca capsula Hoek 1913 [synonym], Verruca halotheca Pilsbry 1907 [synonym]
G. Newmaniverruca Young 1998
G. Spongoverruca Zevina 1987
G. Verruca Schumacher 1817
Subg. †Verruca (Verruca) Schumacher 1817
†Verruca alabamensis Perreault and Buckeridge 2019
†Verruca gailgoedertae Perreault and Buckeridge 2019
†Verruca jagti Gale 2014
†Verruca sauria Buckeridge 2011
†Verruca sorrellae Perreault and Buckeridge 2019
†Verruca stroemia Müller 1776
Invalid names: Unilatera Gale 2019 [empty]
Invalid names: Pedunculata Lamarck 1818 [empty], Scalpelliformes Buckeridge and Newman 2006 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Source: c = class | |||||
Reference: Kiessling 2004 |
Age range
Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Wenlock to the top of the Holocene or 433.40000 to 0.00000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 427.4 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 427.4 Ma
Collections (1091 total)
Oldest occurrences | |||
Time interval | Ma | Country or state | Original ID and collection number |
Wenlock | United Kingdom | Rhamphoverritor reduncus (68060) | |
Moscovian | USA (Illinois) | Praelepas damrowi (132078) | |
Late/Upper Pliensbachian | Canada (British Columbia) | Balanus sp. (53089) | |
Late/Upper Kimmeridgian | Germany (Baden-Württemberg) | Eolepas quenstedti (154138) | |
Tithonian | Czech Republic | Brachylepas fimbriatus (160378) Brachylepas tithonicus (160376) | |
Early/Lower Tithonian | Germany (Bavaria) | Pollicipes redenbacheri (210310) | |
Early/Lower Tithonian | Germany (Bayern) | Archaeolepas sp. (31991) Pollicipes redenbacheri (133581) | |
Early/Lower Tithonian | France | Loriolepas suprajurensis (210312) Pollicipes suprajurensis (210313) | |
Late/Upper Berriasian - Valanginian | Germany | Archaeolepas decora (95087) | |
Early/Lower Valanginian | Germany | Archaeolepas decora (210314) | |
Early/Lower Hauterivian | France | Scalpellidae indet. (59653) | |
Early/Lower Hauterivian | Germany | Jaegerscalpellum elegans, Martillepas decoratus, Martillepas hausmanni, Etcheslepas borealis, Pedupycnolepas pulcher (91586) | |
Early/Lower Hauterivian | United Kingdom (England) | Martillepas auriculum (183551) | |
Late/Upper Hauterivian | Germany | Cretiscalpellum mutterlosei (210473) Martillepas auriculum (210466) | |
Hauterivian | Germany | Scalpellum bronni (211484) | |
Hauterivian - Aptian | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | Zeugmatolepas georgiensis (209141) | |
Aptian | United Kingdom (England) | Cretiscalpellum aptiense (1841) Virgiscalpellum wrighti, Cretiscalpellum sp. (1747) | |
Late/Upper Aptian | United Kingdom (England) | Pycnolepas batchelorum (232243 232244) | |
Late/Upper Aptian | United Kingdom | Scalpellum comptum (211496) | |
Late/Upper Aptian | New Zealand | Cretiscalpellum glabrum (37059) |