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Ophiuroidea - Ophiacanthida

Synonymy list
YearName and author
2017Ophiacanthina O'Hara et al.
2018Ophiacanthina O'Hara et al. p. 12

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EubilateriaAx 1987
infraclassMetophiuridaMatsumoto 1913

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subor. Ophiacanthina O'Hara et al. 2017
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Fm. Ophiacanthidae Perrier 1893
G. †Leadagmara Thuy et al. 2013
Leadagmara gracilispina Thuy et al. 2013
G. Ophiacantha Müller and Troschel 1842
Ophiacantha biformis Hess 1975
Ophiacantha binitorulosa Kristan-Tollmann et al. 1979
Ophiacantha danica Rasmussen 1951
Ophiacantha dorecki Hess 1962
Ophiacantha punctata Kutscher and Jagt 2000
Ophiacantha rugosa Kutscher and Jagt 2000
Ophiacantha striata Kutscher and Jagt 2000
Ophiacantha subtilirugosa Kristan-Tollmann and Gramann 1992
G. †Ophioglyphoida Chapman 1934
Ophioglyphoida fosteri Chapman 1934
G. †Ophiolancea Shone 1986
G. †Ophiopinna Hess 1960
Ophiopinna elegans Heller 1858
G. Ophioplinthaca Verrill 1899
Invalid names: Ophiacanthinae Paterson 1985 [empty], Ophiocanopidae Mortensen 1933 [synonym], Ophioplinthacinae Paterson 1985 [invalid subgroup]
Fm. Ophiobyrsidae Matsumoto 1915
G. Ophiosmilax Matsumoto 1915
Ophiosmilax alternatus Kutscher and Jagt 2000
Invalid names: Transspondylus bubnoffi Müller 1950 [synonym]
Fm. Ophiocamacidae O'Hara et al. 2018
G. Ophiocamax Müller and Troschel 1840
Ophiocamax ventosa Jagt et al. 2014
Infraor. Ophiodermatina Smith et al. 1995
Superfm. Ophiocomoidea Ljungman 1867
Fm. Ophiocomidae Ljungman 1867
G. Ophiocoma Agassiz 1836
Ophiocoma hessi Rasmussen 1972
Ophiocoma ishidai Kutscher and Jagt 2000
Ophiocoma nereida Wright 1880
Ophiocoma rasmusseni Hess 1960
Ophiocoma senonensis Valette 1914
Invalid names: Ophiocominae Matsumoto 1915 [empty]
Superfm. Ophiodermatoidea Ljungman 1867
Fm. Ophiodermatidae Ljungman 1867
G. Ophioderma Müller and Troschel 1840
Ophioderma dentata Kutscher 1988
Ophioderma radiatum Kutscher and Jagt 2000
Ophioderma rugensis Müller 1950
Ophioderma squamosum Schöndorf 1913
Ophioderma substriatum Rasmussen 1950
Ophioderma waliabadensis Kristan-Tollmann et al. 1979
G. †Ophiopsammus Lütken 1869
G. †Palaeocoma d'Orbigny 1850
Palaeocoma escheri Herr 1865
Invalid names: Ophiura ventrocarinata Quenstedt 1876 [synonym]
Palaeocoma milleri Phillips 1829
Invalid names: Ophioderma carinata Wright 1866 [synonym], Palaeocoma egertoni Broderip 1835 [synonym], Palaeocoma gaveyi Wright 1854 [synonym]
Palaeocoma raiblana Toula 1887
Invalid names: Ophiodermatinae Matsumoto 1915 [empty]
Fm. Ophiomyxidae Ljungman 1867
G. Ophiarachna Müller and Troschel 1842
Ophiarachna liasica Kutscher 1996
G. Ophiomyxa Müller and Troschel 1842
Ophiomyxa curvata Kutscher and Jagt 2000
Invalid names: Schizospondylus jasmundiana Müller 1950 [synonym]
Ophiomyxa jekerica Berry 1938
Ophiomyxa rhipidata Kutscher and Jagt 2000
Invalid names: Ophiarachninae Matsumoto 1915 [invalid subgroup], Ophiomyxinae Ljungman 1867 [empty]
Fm. Ophiopezidae O'Hara et al. 2018
G. Ophiopeza Peters 1851
Ophiopeza ferrugineum Boehm 1889
Invalid names: Ophiolepis bigoti Porte 1927 [synonym]
G. †Shoshonura Thuy 2019
Shoshonura brayardi Thuy 2019
Fm. Ophiotomidae Paterson 1985
Invalid names: Ophiotretidae O'Hara et al. 2017 [synonym]
Invalid names: Clarkcomidae O'Hara et al. 2018 [empty], Ophiopteridae O'Hara et al. 2018 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: high Mg calcitec
Ontogeny: accretion, addition of partsp
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: slow-movingc
Life habit: low-level epifaunalc
Diet: detritivorec
Diet 2: suspension feederc
Vision: blindc
Dispersal: waterp
Dispersal 2: planktonicp
Created: 2004-02-29 11:30:09
Modified: 2010-02-12 01:58:57
Source: c = class, p = phylum
References: Aberhan et al. 2004, Aberhan 1992

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Changhsingian to the top of the Middle Miocene or 254.17000 to 11.60800 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 252.17 Ma

Collections (96 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Changhsingian254.17 - 252.17China (Guizhou) Ophioderma qingchangensis (32497)
Spathian251.3 - 247.2USA (Idaho) Ophiuroidea indet. (202145)
Anisian247.2 - 242.0Germany Ophioderma squamosum (63536)
Anisian247.2 - 242.0Poland Ophioderma squamosum (63538)
Ladinian242.0 - 237.0Svalbard and Jan Mayen Ophioderma sp. (212183)
Ladinian242.0 - 237.0Serbia and Montenegro Palaeocoma raiblana (63543)
Julian235.0 - 232.0Japan Leadagmara gracilispina (152134)
Rhaetian208.5 - 201.3Australia (Western Australia) Ophioderma waliabadensis, Ophiacantha binitorulosa, Ophiacantha subtilirugosa (99843)
Rhaetian208.5 - 201.3France Ophioderma gaveyi (39366)
Rhaetian208.5 - 201.3Iran Ophiacantha sp., Ophioderma waliabadensis, Ophiacantha binitorulosa (41330)
Hettangian201.3 - 199.3Germany Palaeocoma sp. (93290)
Middle Hettangian201.3 - 196.5Switzerland Palaeocoma escheri (61725)
Sinemurian199.3 - 190.8Luxembourg Palaeocoma escheri, Palaeocoma milleri, Ophiacantha toarcensis (32014)
Bucklandi196.5 - 189.6Italy Palaeocoma sp. (90673)
Pliensbachian190.8 - 182.7France Palaeocoma milleri, Inexpectacantha acrobatica (106348)
Pliensbachian190.8 - 182.7Switzerland Palaeocoma gaveyi, Ophiacantha dorecki (58314)
Davoei189.6 - 183.0United Kingdom (England) Ophioderma gaveyi (33336)
Early/Lower Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0United Kingdom (England) Palaeocoma milleri (59029 59031)
Early/Lower Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0United Kingdom Palaeocoma milleri (62260)
Late/Upper Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) Palaeocoma milleri, Ophioderma dentata (32015)
Late/Upper Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0United Kingdom (England) Palaeocoma milleri (59030) Palaeocoma milleri, Ophioderma tenuibrachiata (42242)
Margaritatus189.6 - 183.0United Kingdom (England) Ophiura egertoni (139749)
Late/Upper Pliensbachian - Early/Lower Toarcian189.6 - 182.0Switzerland Palaeocoma gaveyi, Ophiacantha toarcensis (58315)
Early/Lower Toarcian183.0 - 182.0Switzerland Palaeocoma gaveyi, Ophiacantha toarcensis (58316)
Early/Lower Toarcian183.0 - 182.0United Kingdom Ophiarachna liasica, Palaeocoma milleri, Ophiacantha toarcensis (62253)
Early/Lower Toarcian - Middle Toarcian183.0 - 175.6Germany (Baden-Württemberg) Ophiarachna liasica (31987)
Middle Toarcian182.0 - 175.6France (Poitou-Charentes) Ophiarachna liasica, Ophiacantha toarcensis (31839)
Late/Upper Toarcian180.1 - 175.6Germany (Thüringen) Ophiarachna liasica, Ophiacantha toarcensis, Ophiacantha dorecki (31988)
Early/Lower Aalenian175.6 - 171.6Germany (Bayern) Ophiarachna liasica, Ophiacantha toarcensis, Ophiacantha dorecki (31989)
Middle Aalenian - Early/Lower Bajocian175.6 - 168.4Germany (Baden-Württemberg) Ophiarachna liasica (31990)
Bajocian170.3 - 168.3Germany Ophiocten ferrugineum (90024)
Late/Upper Bathonian167.7 - 164.7France Ophiolepis bigoti (58932)
Late/Upper Bathonian167.7 - 164.7France (Orne) Ophiopeza ferrugineum (58524)
Callovian166.1 - 163.5Germany (Brandenburg) Ophioderma spectabilis, Ophiacantha constricta (32016)
Early/Lower Callovian164.7 - 161.2Switzerland Ophiacantha liesbergensis (61717)
Early/Lower Callovian164.7 - 161.2France Ophiopinna elegans (58221)
Early/Lower Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7France Ophiacantha suprajurassica (61718 61719)
Late/Upper Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7France (Haut-Rhin) Ophioderma spectabilis, Ophiacantha francojurassica, Ophiacantha biformis (31894)
Late/Upper Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7France Ophioderma spectabilis, Ophiacantha suprajurassica, Ophiacantha constricta (61724)
Late/Upper Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7Switzerland Ophiacantha suprajurassica, Ophiacantha constricta (61723) Ophioderma spectabilis, Ophiacantha biformis (58317)
Middle Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7United Kingdom Ophiocoma nereida (59040)
Middle Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7Switzerland Ophiacantha constricta (58568)
Late/Upper Valanginian140.2 - 136.4South Africa Ophiolancea swartkopensis (65285)
Late/Upper Barremian130.0 - 125.45France (Drôme) Ophiacanthidae indet. (75576) Ophiacanthidae indet. B (177726)
Aptian125.0 - 113.0Antarctica Ophiacantha sp. (216890)
Albian113.0 - 100.5Australia (Queensland) Ophiacantha fosteri (81521)
Cenomanian100.5 - 93.9United Kingdom Ophiocoma rasmusseni (63044)
Late/Upper Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5Czech Republic Amphiura senonensis, Ophiura substriata (35109)
Middle Cenomanian - Late/Upper Cenomanian99.6 - 93.5United Kingdom (England) Ophiocoma rasmusseni (59055)
Late/Upper Cenomanian - Early/Lower Turonian99.6 - 89.3Czech Republic Ophiosmilax alternatus, Transspondylus bubnoffi, Ophiacantha danica, Amphiura senonensis, Ophiura substriata (58092)
Early/Lower Turonian93.5 - 89.3Czech Republic Ophiosmilax alternatus, Ophiacantha danica, Amphiura senonensis, Ophiura substriata (62041) Ophiosmilax alternatus, Transspondylus bubnoffi, Ophiura substriata (62042 62043) Ophiura substriata (35163)
Late/Upper Turonian93.5 - 89.3Czech Republic Ophiosmilax alternatus, Ophiomyxa curvata, Ophiacantha striata, Ophiocoma senonensis, Ophioderma substriatum (99235)
Middle Turonian93.5 - 89.3Tunisia Ophiosmilax alternatus (58091)
Santonian86.3 - 83.6United Kingdom Ophiura substriata (63043)
Campanian83.6 - 72.1United Kingdom Amphiura senonensis (63047)
Early/Lower Campanian83.5 - 70.6Belgium Ophiura furstenbergii (32171)
Early/Lower Campanian83.5 - 70.6France Amphiura senonensis (58919)
Early/Lower Campanian83.5 - 70.6Germany Ophioderma substriatum (64005)
Late/Upper Campanian83.5 - 70.6France (Landes) Ophiacantha n. sp., Ophiomyxa jekerica, Ophiacantha danica, Ophiocoma senonensis (38809) Ophiocoma rasmusseni, Ophiocoma senonensis (38810) Ophiocoma rasmusseni, Ophiocoma senonensis, Ophioderma substriatum (38807) Ophiocoma senonensis (38808) Ophioderma substriatum (213857 213870)
Late/Upper Campanian83.5 - 70.6Germany (Sachsen-Anhalt) Ophiosmilax alternatus, Ophiacantha danica, Ophiocoma senonensis, Ophioderma radiatum (32024)
Late/Upper Campanian83.5 - 70.6Belgium (Liege) Ophiocoma rasmusseni, Ophiosmilax alternatus, Ophiomyxa jekerica, Ophiacantha danica, Ophiacantha rugosa, Ophiacantha striata, Ophiocoma senonensis, Ophioderma radiatum, Ophioderma substriatum (32147) Ophiocoma senonensis (32150)
Late/Upper Campanian83.5 - 70.6France Amphiura senonensis (58922)
Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0Spain Amphiura senonensis (59070)
Early/Lower Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0France (Landes) Ophiacantha n. sp., Ophiocoma rasmusseni (214061) Ophiocoma n. sp., Ophioderma sp., Ophiocoma senonensis (214113) Ophioderma sp., Ophiocoma senonensis (214126)
Early/Lower Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Belgium (Liege) Ophiacantha danica (32158) Ophiosmilax alternatus (32151) Ophiosmilax alternatus, Ophiomyxa rhipidata, Ophiocoma senonensis, Ophioderma substriatum (32148)
Early/Lower Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) Ophiacantha sp., Ophiocoma rasmusseni, Ophiosmilax alternatus, Ophiomyxa curvata, Ophiomyxa jekerica, Ophiomyxa rhipidata, Ophiacantha danica, Ophiacantha punctata, Ophiacantha rugosa, Ophiacantha striata, Ophiocoma ishidai, Ophiocoma senonensis, Ophioderma radiatum, Ophioderma substriatum (32022)
Early/Lower Maastrichtian - Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Denmark Ophiocoma rasmusseni, Ophiosmilax alternatus, Ophiomyxa curvata, Ophiomyxa jekerica, Ophiomyxa rhipidata, Ophiacantha danica, Ophiacantha punctata, Ophiacantha rugosa, Ophiacantha striata, Ophiocoma senonensis, Ophioderma radiatum, Ophioderma substriatum (32023)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Netherlands (Limburg) Ophioderma radiatum (32159) Ophiomyxa jekerica, Ophiomyxa rhipidata, Ophiarachna martinblomi (32167)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Belgium (Liege) Ophioderma substriatum (32149)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Netherlands Ophiomyxa jekerica (32161)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian - Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Netherlands Ophiacantha danica (32162)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian - Danian70.6 - 61.6Netherlands (Limburg) Ophiomyxa jekerica (32169)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian - Danian70.6 - 61.6Netherlands Ophiocoma rasmusseni, Ophiomyxa rhipidata, Ophiacantha danica, Ophiocoma senonensis (32160)
Danian66.0 - 61.6Netherlands (Limburg) Ophiocoma senonensis (32170)
Danian66.0 - 61.6USA (New Jersey) Ophiacantha sp., Amphiura senonensis (58941)
Early/Lower Miocene23.03 - 15.97Chile Ophiodermatidae indet. (46977)
Middle Miocene15.97 - 11.608Grenada Ophiocamax ventosa (209746)