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Testudo lohanica
The species name lohanica refers to the Lohan River, which flows near the fossil site from which the new species comes.
Testudo lohanica was named by Perez-Garcia et al. (2022). Its type specimen is VPMNS C5659, a partial skeleton (a partial skeleton including the shell (Figs 2F, 3F, 4U–X, 5), appendicular remains (Fig. 5), a partial skull (Figs 5–8), the right lower jaw (Figs 6, 9A–F) and), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Crețești-1, which is in a Tortonian floodplain mudstone/sandstone in Romania.
Sister species lacking formal opinion data
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Year | Name and author |
2022 | Testudo lohanica Perez-Garcia et al. |
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†Testudo lohanica Perez-Garcia et al. 2022
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Reference | Diagnosis | |
A. Perez-Garcia et al. 2022 | Member of the genus Testudo characterized by the following autapomorphies: a very strongly curved inward posterior carapace margin, affecting the medial half of the last pair of peripherals and, especially, the pygal plate; diagnostic morphology of the posterior plastral lobe, with the lateral margins of its longer-than-wide xiphiplastra being sub-straight and almost perpendicular to each other from the inguinal notches to near the contact with the femoral-anal sulci; and anterior limbs that are covered distally by many osteoderms that form a continuous protective shield of polygonal elements. It displays the following unique character combination within this genus: shell size >20 cm; maximum carapace width reached approximately in the middle region of its length, and reaching about 75–80% of its maximum length; absence of carapace humps; absence of nuchal notch; slightly wider than long nuchal; usually eight neurals; a generally hexagonal sixth neural; absence of medial contact of the costal series; two suprapygals, with a trapezoidally shaped first suprapygal embracing a lenticular-shaped second suprapygal; lateral margins of the pygal that converge posteriorly; very narrow cervical, lacking a protruding anterior margin; wider than long vertebrals; maximum width of the first vertebral located in its anterior half; posterior sulcus of the fourth vertebral generally on the eighth neural; absence of contact between the fifth vertebral and the tenth pair of marginals; absence or short overlap of the first pair of pleurals on the nuchal; complete overlap of the pleural-marginal sulci on the costal-peripheral sutures; supracaudal scute present; anal notch three times as wide as long; acute angle between both gular-humeral sulci, approximately 75–85°; gulars as long as the humerals in the medial plane or even longer; medial region of the humeral-pectoral sulci overlapping the posterior margin of the entoplastron or very close to it; medial length of the pectorals equivalent to half of that of the hyoplastra or greater; anals medially longer than the femorals; anteromedially directed femoral-anal sulci, defining a posterior angle <110°; inferior processes of the parietals contacting the anterior portion of the quadrates; presence of a medial maxillary ridge; tubercles on the labial ridge of the maxillae; vomer contacting neither the maxillae nor the basisphenoid, its anterior region being fan-shaped; small foramina palatinum posterius; canalis pro ramo nervi vidiani not contacting the canalis caroticus internus; presence of a branch of the Vidian nerve posterior to the canalis pro ramo nervi vidiani. |
No measurements are available
Source: f = family, c = class, subp = subphylum | |||||
References: Hendy et al. 2009, Ernst and Barbour 1989, Carroll 1988 |