- Protoproviverra manzaniana was named by Ameghino (1891) [Title: Nuevos restos de mamiferos fosiles por Carlos Ameghino del eoceno de la Patagonia austral]. Its type specimen is MACN 691 through 703, a partial skeleton (left and right mandibular ramus with teeth (691), left maxilla and premaxilla with teeth (692), fragmentary postcrania (693-703)), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Shehuén, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was recombined as Amphiproviverra manzaniana by Ameghino (1892), Ameghino (1894) and Lydekker (1894); it was synonymized subjectively with Sipalocyon gracilis by Marshall (1981).
- Protoviverra manzaniana was named by Ameghino (1891) [Title: Nuevos restos de mamiferos fosiles descubiertos por Carlos Ameghino en el eoceno inferior de la Patagonia austral].
It was synonymized subjectively with Sipalocyon gracilis by Marshall (1978).
- Perathereutes amputans was named by Ameghino (1891) [title: Nuevos restos de mamiferos fosiles descubiertos por Carlos Ameghino en el eoceno inferior de la Patagonia austral]. Its type specimen is MACN 682, a mandible (fragment of right mandibular ramus with alveoli of c-p2, roots of p3m, m1-2 complete but worn, anterior half and posterior root of m3), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Cerro Observatorio, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Sipalocyon gracilis by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Perathereutes obtusus was named by Ameghino (1891) [title: los monos fosiles del Eoceno de la Republica Argentina]. It is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Cerro Observatorio, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Sipalocyon gracilis by Marshall (1978).
- Hathliacynus lynchi was named by Mercerat (1891) [Caracteres diagnósticos de algunas especies de Creodonta conservadas en el Museo de La Plata]. Its type specimen is MLP 11-7, a mandible (fragment of left mandibular ramus with m1-4 complete), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Barrancas del Río Santa Cruz, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Sipalocyon gracilis by Marshall (1978), Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Thylacodictis exilis was named by Mercerat (1891) [title: Caracteres diagnosticos de algunas especies de Creodonta conservadas en el Museo de La Plata]. Its type specimen is MLP 11-12, a mandible (fragment of right mandibular ramus with alveolus of c, roots of p1-3, m1 complete, and anterior half of m2), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Monte León, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Sipalocyon gracilis by Ameghino (1894), Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Amphiproviverra minuta was named by Ameghino (1894) [title: Enumeracion synoptique des especes de mammiferes fossiles des formaciones eocenes de Patagonie]. Its type specimen is MACN 685, a tooth (part of an isolated left M2 with proto-, para-, and metacones, but lacking metastylar region), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Cerro Observatorio, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Sipalocyon gracilis by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Sipalocyon curtus was named by Ameghino (1894) [title: Enumeracion synoptique des especes de mammiferes fossiles des formaciones eocenes de Patagonie]. Its type specimen is MACN 5960 through 5962, a partial skeleton (fragment of right mandibular ramus with c, posterior half of p1, p2 complete, and anterior root of p3 (5960); tooth fragments (5961); caudal vertebra (5962); al), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Yegua Quemada, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Sipalocyon gracilis by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Sipalocyon mixtus was named by Ameghino (1894) [title: Enumeracion synoptique des especes de mammiferes fossiles des formaciones eocenes de Patagonie]. Its type specimen is MACN 5963, a mandible (fragment of right mandibular ramus with roots of c, p1, p3, and m2, and with p2, m1, and m3 complete), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is La Cueva, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Sipalocyon gracilis by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Amphiproviverra crassa was named by Ameghino (1894) [According to Marshall (1981, ref. 58306), these are the only specimens labeled as _Amphiproviverra crassa_, although they are not labeled as types. The two specimens are of different individuals but they are both _Sipalocyon gracilis_.]. Its type specimen is MACN 5957 and 5958, a partial skull (left mandibular ramus with roots of p1, p2-3 complete, m1-3 broken, m4 complete (5957); left maxillary fragment with P1-M4 complete (5958); not associated), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Puesto Estancia La Costa, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial claystone/sandstone in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Sipalocyon gracilis by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Sipalocyon altiramis was named by Ameghino (1894) [title: Enumeracion synoptique des especes de mammiferes fossiles des formaciones eocenes de Patagonie]. Its type specimen is MACN 5964, a mandible (right mandibular ramus with p1-m4 complete), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is La Cueva, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Sipalocyon gracilis by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).
- Sipalocyon longus was named by Ameghino (1894) [title: Enumeracion synoptique des especes de mammiferes fossiles des formaciones eocenes de Patagonie]. Its type specimen is MACN 5965, a mandible (right mandibular ramus with alveolus of c, roots of p1 and m4, and p2-m3 complete), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is La Cueva, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial horizon in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.
It was synonymized subjectively with Sipalocyon gracilis by Marshall (1978) and Marshall (1981).