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Angiospermae - Arecaceae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1865Sabalites Saporta
1914Sabalites Berry p. 29
1919Sabalites Knowlton
1941Sabalites MacGinitie
1970Sabalites Andrews
1976Sabalites Lakhanpal et al.
1996Sabalites Liu et al.
2019Sabalites Su and Zhou

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familyArecaceaevon Berchtold and Presl 1820
genusSabalitesSaporta 1865

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Sabalites Saporta 1865
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Sabalites californicus Lesquereux 1878
Sabalites campbelli Newberry 1863
Sabalites carolinensis Berry 1914
Sabalites fructifer Lesquereux 1873
Sabalites magothiensis Berry 1905
Sabalites microphylla Sahni 1964
Sabalites oxyrhachis Saporta 1865
Sabalites powellii Read and Hickey 1972
Sabalites suessionensis Fritel 1910
Sabalites tibetensis Su and Zhou 2019
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Diet: "photoautotroph"p
Created: 2011-07-22 00:04:15
Modified: 2011-07-21 09:04:15
Source: p = phylum
Reference: Kiessling 2009

Age range: base of the Late/Upper Campanian to the top of the Early/Lower Miocene or 83.50000 to 15.97000 Ma

Collections (31 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Late/Upper Cretaceous100.5 - 66.0USA (Wyoming) S. sp. (31382)
Campanian83.6 - 72.1USA (Utah) S. NE008 (31958)
Campanian83.6 - 72.1USA (South Carolina) S. carolinensis (210094)
Early/Lower Campanian83.5 - 70.6USA (Wyoming) S. sp. (27136 27314 27360 27361 27366 27368)
Late/Upper Campanian83.5 - 70.6USA (New Mexico) S. sp., S. montana (24180)
Early/Lower Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Spain (Cataluña) Palmales indet. (48727) S. longirhachis (58521)
Early/Lower Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Romania (Hunedoara) S. sp. (219173)
Lancian70.6 - 66.0USA (Colorado) S. JC016 (31956) S. LA042 (32131)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0Spain (Cataluña) S. longirhachis (148950)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0USA (Wyoming) S. eocenica, S. montana (34921)
Paleogene66.0 - 23.03China (Guangdong) S. taishuensis (224040)
Tertiary - Late/Upper Miocene66.0 - 5.333Venezuela (Trujillo) S. sp. (32005)
Late/Upper Paleocene - Middle Eocene58.7 - 37.71China (Guangxi) S. changchangensis, S. szei (223950)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3Japan S. nipponica (70902)
Middle Eocene47.8 - 37.71USA (Oregon) S. sp. (21220)
Middle Eocene47.8 - 37.71USA (California) S. californicus (23997)
Middle Eocene47.8 - 37.71China (Hainan) S. changchangensis, S. szei (223825)
Middle Eocene - Late/Upper Eocene47.8 - 33.9China (Xizang) S. sp. (223828)
Middle Eocene - Late/Upper Eocene47.8 - 33.9China (Liaoning) S. chinensis (223815)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9China (Xizang) S. tibetensis (221626)
Rupelian33.9 - 28.1Germany (Baden-Württemberg) S. major (68021)
Early/Lower Miocene23.03 - 15.97Chile S. ochseniusi (32463)
Miocene23.03 - 5.333India (Himachal Pradesh) S. microphylla (226051)
Miocene23.03 - 5.333Pakistan (Azad Kashmir) S. sp. (226052)