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Gastropoda - Euomphalina - Anomphalidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1938Anomphalidae Wenz p. 80
1960Anomphalidae Knight et al. p. 244
1975Anomphalidae Golikov and Starobogatov p. 209
1984Anomphalinae Peel p. 80
1999Anomphalidae Wagner
2003Anomphalidae Jeffery
2005Anomphalidae Bouchet et al. p. 242
2014Anomphalinae Kaim et al. p. 173
2016Anomphalidae Nützel and Ketwetsuriya p. 496
2017Anomphalidae Bouchet et al. p. 336
2023Anomphalidae Wagner

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EubilateriaAx 1987

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. †Anomphalidae Wenz 1938
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G. †Anomphalus Meek and Worthen 1866
Anomphalus amorphus Haas 1953
Anomphalus barskovi Mazaev 2015
Anomphalus biconcavus Haas 1953
Anomphalus blancus Kues and Batten 2001
Anomphalus decoratus Delpey 1941
Anomphalus fusuiensis Pan and Erwin 2002
Anomphalus glaucus Mazaev 2019
Anomphalus helicoides Münster 1841
Invalid names: Euomphalus complanatus Klipstein 1843 [synonym], Euomphalus helicoides Klipstein 1843 [synonym], Euomphalus pygmaeus Münster 1841 [synonym], Euomphalus reconditus Klipstein 1843 [synonym], Euomphalus sphaeroidicus Klipstein 1843 [synonym]
Anomphalus jaggerius Plas 1972
Anomphalus japonicus Nützel and Nakazawa 2012
Anomphalus lateumbilicatus Nützel and Ketwetsuriya 2016
Anomphalus minutus Grabau 1936
Anomphalus murankaensis Mazaev 2020
Anomphalus permianus King 1848
Anomphalus planus Licharew 1967
Anomphalus rotulensis Licharev 1967
Anomphalus rotulus Meek and Worthen 1867
Anomphalus studiosus Yochelson 1956
Anomphalus sundaicus Wanner 1942
Anomphalus umbilicatus Knight 1933
Anomphalus vanescens Yochelson 1956
Anomphalus vinassai Tommasi 1913
G. †Bolicharewia Mazaev 2019
Bolicharewia edita Mazaev 2019
G. †Delphinuella Heidelberger 2001
Delphinuella subarmata Sandberger and Sandberger 1854
G. †Diploconula Yochelson 1956
Diploconula biconvexa Yochelson 1956
G. †Givediscus Heidelberger 2001
Givediscus lahnicus Heidelberger 2001
G. †Isonema Meek and Worthen 1866
Isonema depressum Meek and Worthen 1866
Invalid names: Isonema humile Meek 1871 [synonym]
Isonema linearis Keyes 1889
Isonema verae Frech 1894
G. †Littorella Heidelberger 2001
Littorella subrugosa Sandberger and Sandberger 1854
G. †Nodinella Heidelberger 2001
Nodinella dualia Heidelberger 2001
Nodinella sterrmannia Heidelberger 2001
Subfm. †Pycnomphalinae Peel 1984
G. †Isfarispira Gubanov et al. 1995
Isfarispira perlata Hall 1852
Isfarispira septata Gubanov et al. 1995
G. †Pycnomphalus Lindström 1884
Pycnomphalus acutus Lindström 1884
Pycnomphalus colemani Parks 1915
Pycnomphalus concurrens Perner 1903
Pycnomphalus helicites de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
Pycnomphalus immaturus Perner 1903
Pycnomphalus inflatus Perner 1903
Pycnomphalus nummularius Perner 1903
Pycnomphalus obesus Lindström 1884
Invalid names: Pycnomphalus solarioides Hall 1852 [synonym]
Pycnomphalus placidus Perner 1903
Pycnomphalus trochiformis Lindström 1884
G. †Pycnotrochus Perner 1903
Pycnotrochus prosper Perner 1903
Pycnotrochus viator Perner 1903
Invalid names: Grantlandispira Peel 1984 [synonym]
G. †Turbocheilus Perner 1907
G. †Tychonia de Koninck 1881
Tychonia fortis Mazaev 2019
Tychonia glabrata Phillips 1836
Tychonia inexpectata Kues 1995
Tychonia omaliana de Koninck 1844
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitec
Locomotion: actively mobilef
Life habit: epifaunalf
Diet: detritivoref
Vision: limitedc
Comments: Bandel et al. (2002) for Anomphalus: the shell is aragonitic, with a thin outer layer of interseccted crossed-platy structure, underlain by a prismatic layer, a dissected crossed acicular layer, and a thick inner nacreous layer, which is covered by a prismatic inner glaze. f
Created: 2010-01-28 08:01:20
Modified: 2010-01-28 10:01:20
Source: f = family, c = class
References: Kiessling 2004, Bandel et al. 2002

Age range: base of the Rawtheyan to the top of the Middle Eocene or 448.80000 to 37.71000 Ma

Collections (180 total)

Oldest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Richmondian449.6 - 445.5Canada (Nunavut) Pycnomphalus solarioides (24187)
Rawtheyan448.8 - 445.2United Kingdom (Wales) Anomphalidae indet. (8328 8370)
Rhuddanian443.4 - 440.8Czech Republic (Bohemia) Turbo placidus (105700)
Llandovery443.4 - 433.4Greenland Pycnomphalus sp., Grantlandispira sp. (188527)
Llandovery443.4 - 433.4Greenland (Hall Land) Grantlandispira christiei (49961 49962)
Telychian438.5 - 433.4Canada (Ontario) Pycnomphalus colemani (77332)
Telychian438.5 - 433.4Sweden (Gotland) Pycnomphalus obesus, Pycnomphalus acutus (3976)
Sheinwoodian433.4 - 430.5Canada (Nunavut) Pycnomphalus obesus (26009)
Sheinwoodian433.4 - 430.5Sweden (Gotland) Pycnomphalus acutus (3974 3975 3977 155697)
Wenlock433.4 - 427.4China (Sichuan) Turbocheilus sp. (27762 27763)

Youngest occurrences

Time interval Ma Country or state PBDB collection number
Griesbachian251.902 - 250.5China (Jiangxi) Anomphalus sp. (60525)
Smithian251.3 - 247.2Vietnam Anomphalus sp. (155490 155510 155511)
Anisian247.2 - 242.0Austria (Innsbruck) Umbonium helicoides (202275)
Ladinian242.0 - 237.0Slovakia Umbonium vinassai (23867)
Longobardian242.0 - 235.0Italy Anomphalus vinassai (236005)
Julian235.0 - 232.0Italy Rotella helicoides, Euomphalus pygmaeus (137429) Umbonium helicoides (144631)
Norian - Rhaetian228.0 - 201.3Peru Anomphalus biconcavus (68098)
Rhaetian208.5 - 201.3Peru Anomphalus biconcavus (68116) Anomphalus helicoides, Anomphalus amorphus (68119)
Hettangian201.3 - 199.3Hungary Straparollus pygmaeus (125465)
Middle Eocene47.8 - 37.71USA (New Jersey) Pleurotomaria perlata (91760)