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Arachnida - Araneae - Theridiidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1805Theridion Walckenaer
1890Theridium Scudder p. 73
2013Theridion Dunlop et al. p. 151
2017Theridion Wheeler et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
EcdysozoaAguinaldo et al. 1997
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
subphylumChelicerataHeymons 1901
EuchelicerataWeygoldt and Paulus 1979
SclerophorataKamenz et al. 2011
classArachnidaLamarck 1801
subclassTetrapulmonataSchultz 1990
suborderOpisthothelaePocock 1892
infraorderAraneomorphaeSmith 1902
EntelegynaeSimon 1893
superfamilyAraneoideaSimon 1895
familyTheridiidaeSundevall 1833
genusTheridionWalckenaer 1805

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. Theridion Walckenaer 1805
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Theridion alutaceum Koch and Berendt 1854
Theridion annulipes Heer 1864
Theridion atalus Chang 2004
Theridion berendti Marusik and Penney 2004
Invalid names: Mizalia globosa Koch and Berendt 1854 [replaced]
Theridion bucklandi Thorell 1870
Theridion contrarium Wunderlich 1988
Theridion crassipalpum Berland 1939
Theridion detersum Koch and Berendt 1854
Theridion erectoides Wunderlich 1988
Theridion erectum Wunderlich 1988
Theridion globosus Presl 1822
Theridion globulus Heer 1864
Theridion hirtum Koch and Berendt 1854
Theridion inversum Wunderlich 1988
Theridion maculipes Heer 1864
Theridion oblongum Presl 1822
Theridion ovale Koch and Berendt 1854
Theridion ovatum Koch and Berendt 1854
Theridion simplex Koch and Berendt 1854
Theridion variosoma Wunderlich 1988
Theridion wunderlichi Penney 2001
Invalid names: Theridion ovale Wunderlich 1988 [replaced]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: chitinc
Grouping: solitaryc
Environment: terrestrialc
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Created: 2017-04-17 09:55:58
Modified: 2017-04-17 09:55:58
Source: c = class
Reference: Bush and Bambach 2015

Age range: base of the Late/Upper Barremian to the top of the Sarmatian or 130.00000 to 11.60800 Ma

Collections (12 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Late/Upper Barremian130.0 - 125.45China (Liaoning) T. atalus (148368)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Russian Federation (Kaliningrad) Aranea globosa, Aranea oblonga (124194) T. simplex (123766) T. sp. (147468) Theridium simplex (123757)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Poland Theridium ovatum, Theridium ovale, Theridium simplex, Theridium hirtum, Theridium alutaceum, Theridium detersum, Mizalia globosa (109625) Theridium ovatum, Theridium ovale, Theridium simplex, Theridium hirtum, Theridium detersum (120811)
Rupelian33.9 - 28.1France T. crassipalpum (146907)
Chattian28.1 - 23.03France (Bouches-Du-Rhone) Theridium bucklandi (122877)
Burdigalian - Langhian20.44 - 13.82Dominican Republic T. contrarium, T. ovale, T. variosoma (120817) T. contrarium, T. ovale, T. variosoma, T. inversum, T. erectum, T. erectoides (146557)
Sarmatian12.7 - 11.608Germany (Baden-Württemberg) T. annulipes, T. globulus, T. maculipes (117252)