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Gastropoda - Archaeogastropoda

Aehmospira, Affrollonia, Amberleyacea, Anastes, Anceps, Aremella, Arisostoma, Cardinalia, Carinator, Cassipelia, Claibornia, Clypeolum, Coccopigya, Commonozonispira, Cookia, Cordispira, Creniturbo, Crenulazone, Cryptobranchia, Cyclostremela, Cycloturbo, Dentallopoma, Dickinsiella, Discocirris, Discogenus, Discotheca, Dolicrassea, Drepanoconcho, Enclyclomphalus, Eoliotina, Epifaxis, Erymarella, Eugabrielona, Euriclanculus, Euthyrachis, Fascivelvata, Feneoniana, Forskaelena, Ganesa, Gargania, Guizospira, Haliotiomorpha, Houdasia, Hypodema, Ilanga, Infundibulops, Islipia, Kaawatina, Kaiparapelta, Kangapaya, Kishinewia, Kyndalyna, Ladinotrochus, Laetifautor, Laeviconulus, Lesperonia, Levella, Linglingella, Liotella, Lissospira, Littorinacea, Magnicapulus, Marinauris, Mariothia, Mesogena, Miofractarmilla, Modelia, Monodentella, Monodilepas, Myagrostoma, Nannubasa, Neomphalina, Neoplatytaichum, Norrisella, Notohaliotis, Nudangarita, Omanimaria, Opella, Otukaia, Ovinotis, Paracirculus, Pararaphispira, Parataphrus, Partubiola, Parvirota, Parviviana, Paua, Phasianochilus, Pictiformes, Platybassis, Pleuratella, Plocostylus, Praestomatia, Pseudodiloma, Pterocheilos, Puruninella, Pythmenema, Rangimata, Raphischisma, Retiopustula, Robus, Rolandomphalus, Rollandiana, Roya, Rugulina, Rumerloella, Sanhaliotis, Scaevola, Scissurona, Seisa, Sinzowia, Siskyouspira, Skena, Sorapisella, Staffinia, Strictohumerus, Suchium, Suprazonalis, Tanaliopsis, Tectospira, Tharsiella, Tipua, Tournouerella, Trachysma, Tripidotomaria, Trochodon, Trochomorpha, Trochonerita, Trochotrochus, Tuberleviathana, Turbonomaria, Umboniidae, Vergnesia, Vestulia, Vigescentis, Vistulia, Vivanella, Waisiolia, Wisonsinella, Yingicus, Zalipais, Zardubinihelix, Zosterospira

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1925Archaeogastropoda Thiele
1960Archaeogastropoda Knight et al. p. 171
1970Archaeogastropoda Addicott p. 40
1976Archaeogastropoda Givens and Kennedy p. 960
1976Archaeogastropoda Runnegar and Jell p. 133
1980Archaeogastropoda Hickman p. 14
1984Archaeogastropoda Squires p. 16
1987Archaeogastropoda Squires p. 20
1987Archaeogastropoda Ward and Blackwelder p. 131
1988Archaeogastropoda Squires p. 8
1990Archaeogastropoda Beu et al. p. 402
1991Archaeogastropoda Squires and Goedert p. 412
2002Archaeogastropoda Sepkoski
2004Archaeogastropoda Stilwell et al. p. 25

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassStreptoneuraSpengel 1881
orderArchaeogastropodaThiele 1925
orderArchaeogastropodaThiele 1925

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. Archaeogastropoda Thiele 1925
show all | hide all
G. †Affrollonia Adegoke 1977
G. †Anceps
G. †Aremella Webers et al. 1992
G. †Carinator
G. †Crenulazone Linsley 1968
G. †Eoliotina
G. †Epifaxis
G. †Euthyrachis Tyler 1965
G. †Feneoniana Kolesnikov 1939
G. †Gargania
G. †Guizospira Wang 1980
G. †Houdasia
G. †Hypodema
G. †Islipia
G. †Kaawatina
G. †Kangapaya
G. †Kyndalyna
G. †Levella
G. †Magnicapulus Wang 1980
G. †Mariothia
G. †Mesogena
G. †Nannubasa
G. †Neoplatytaichum Maxwell 1964
G. †Opella
G. †Pararaphispira Qiao 1983
G. †Parvirota
G. Paua
G. †Platybassis Cossmann 1915
G. †Rangimata
G. †Raphischisma Knight 1936
G. †Robus
G. Roya
G. †Rugulina
G. †Scaevola
G. †Seisa
G. †Sinzowia
G. †Siskyouspira Rohr 1980
G. Skena Fleming 1825
G. †Staffinia
G. Suchium Makiyama 1924
Tectospira gracilis Blaschke 1907
G. †Tipua
G. †Trachysma
G. †Trochodon
G. Trochomorpha Koken 1897
G. †Trochonerita Cossmann 1907
Fm. Umboniidae Adams and Adams 1854
G. †Adaptyxis Kollmann and Peza 1997
G. †Vergnesia
G. †Vestulia
G. †Vistulia
G. †Vivanella
G. †Waisiolia
G. †Wisonsinella Blodgett 1988
G. †Yingicus
G. †Zosterospira Qiao 1983
Invalid names: Amberleyacea Wenz 1938 [empty], Littorinacea Gray 1840 [empty], Neomphalina Sitnikova and Starobogatov 1983 [empty]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitec
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: epifaunalc
Vision: limitedc
Created: 2004-02-29 11:40:59
Modified: 2010-02-11 01:35:02
Source: c = class
Reference: Kiessling 2004

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Trempealeauan to the top of the Chattian or 492.50000 to 23.03000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 487.5 Ma

Collections (126 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Furongian - Skullrockian497.0 - 482.3USA (New York) Archaeogastropoda indet. (85121)
Sunwaptan493.5 - 487.5USA (New York) Archaeogastropoda indet. (85185) Archaeogastropoda indet., Murchisonia sp. (257)
Trempealeauan492.5 - 485.4USA (Nevada) Archaeogastropoda indet. (50831)
Skullrockian - Furongian487.5 - 485.4USA (New York) Archaeogastropoda indet. (85122 85256)
Early/Lower Ordovician485.4 - 470.0USA (New York) Archaeogastropoda indet. (290)
Arenigian478.6 - 468.1USA (Utah) Archaeogastropoda indet. (64555)
Arenigian478.6 - 468.1USA (Nevada) Archaeogastropoda indet. (64522)
Middle Ordovician470.0 - 458.4Canada (Quebec) Archaeogastropoda indet. (318)
Middle Ordovician470.0 - 458.4USA (California) Archaeogastropoda indet. (424)
Whiterockian470.0 - 457.3USA (Nevada) Archaeogastropoda indet. (423)
Caradoc458.4 - 449.5Canada (Ontario) Archaeogastropoda indet. (64561 64563)
Late/Upper Ordovician458.4 - 443.8USA (Virginia) Archaeogastropoda indet. (342 344)
Richmondian449.6 - 445.5USA (Illinois) Archaeogastropoda indet. (382)
Ashgill449.5 - 443.7USA (Wyoming) A. sp. (64473 64474)
Hirnantian445.2 - 443.4Norway (Oslo-Asker District) Archaeogastropoda indet. (363 364)
Hirnantian445.2 - 443.4Norway (Oslo-Asker Dist.) Archaeogastropoda indet. (437 438 441)
Llandovery443.4 - 433.4USA (New York) Archaeogastropoda indet. (443)
Llandovery443.4 - 433.4Norway Archaeogastropoda indet. (503)
Llandovery443.4 - 433.4United Kingdom (Wales) Archaeogastropoda indet. (465)
Wenlock433.4 - 427.4United Kingdom (England) Archaeogastropoda indet. (477)
Wenlock433.4 - 427.4Ireland Archaeogastropoda indet. (499)
Ludlow427.4 - 423.0United Kingdom (England) Archaeogastropoda indet. (481 482 533)
Pridoli423.0 - 419.2USA (New York) Archaeogastropoda indet. (517)
Early/Lower Devonian419.2 - 393.3USA (West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania) Archaeogastropoda indet. (650 652)
Early/Lower Devonian419.2 - 393.3USA (West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennyslvania) Archaeogastropoda indet. (649)
Lochkovian - Zlichovian419.2 - 391.9Canada (Yukon) Archaeogastropoda indet. (603)
Pragian410.8 - 407.6USA (New York) Archaeogastropoda indet. (600 601)
Pragian410.8 - 407.6Canada (Quebec) Archaeogastropoda indet. (598)
Early/Lower Emsian409.1 - 402.5Germany Archaeogastropoda indet. (74300)
Early/Lower Emsian409.1 - 402.5USA (Nevada) Archaeogastropoda indet. (648)
Eifelian393.3 - 387.7Canada (Ontario) A. sp. (3845)
Eifelian - Givetian393.3 - 382.7Canada (Northwest Territories) Archaeogastropoda indet. (618 619 620 621 661)
Givetian387.7 - 382.7Libya Archaeogastropoda indet. (36186)
Givetian387.7 - 382.7USA (Pennsylvania) Archaeogastropoda indet. (627)
Early/Lower Frasnian383.7 - 382.4Australia (Western Australia) Archaeogastropoda indet. (39040)
Early/Lower Frasnian383.7 - 382.4Libya Archaeogastropoda indet. (35619)
Frasnian382.7 - 372.2USA (Iowa) Archaeogastropoda indet. (3407)
Frasnian382.7 - 372.2Canada (Alberta) Archaeogastropoda indet. (628 629 630 655 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 3428)
Frasnian - Famennian382.7 - 358.9USA (West Virginia) Archaeogastropoda indet. (634)
Frasnian - Famennian382.7 - 358.9USA (Virginia) Archaeogastropoda indet. (635)
Late/Upper Givetian380.2 - 382.7Libya Archaeogastropoda indet. (35628)
Late/Upper Frasnian379.5 - 376.1Libya Archaeogastropoda indet. (35638)
Late/Upper Famennian364.7 - 360.7USA (Missouri) A. sp. (6026 6027)
Late/Upper Famennian364.7 - 360.7USA (Ohio) Archaeogastropoda indet. (3437 3438 3442) A. sp. (3443 3444 3451 3456 3457)
Late/Upper Famennian364.7 - 360.7USA (Montana) Archaeogastropoda indet. (642)
Kinderhookian358.9 - 352.0USA (Utah) Archaeogastropoda indet. (547)
Osagean352.0 - 343.0USA (Montana) Archaeogastropoda indet. (555 564)
Meramecian343.0 - 335.5USA (Georgia) Archaeogastropoda indet. (571 572 573)
Chesterian - Virgilian335.5 - 298.9USA (California) Archaeogastropoda indet. (589)
Morrowan323.2 - 318.6USA (Arizona) Archaeogastropoda indet. (42800)
Anisian247.2 - 242.0India (Himachal Pradesh) Tectospira gracilis (206199)
Sevatian212.0 - 205.6USA (Idaho) Archaeogastropoda indet. (38377)
Late/Upper Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0Germany (Bavaria) Archaeogastropoda indet. (23851 23854 23855 23856 23860)
Late/Upper Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0Germany Archaeogastropoda indet. (23628 23816 23844 23846 23847)
Late/Upper Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0Chile Archaeogastropoda indet. (58433)
Spinatum189.6 - 183.0Germany Laeviconulus subimbricatus (228498)
Aalenian174.1 - 170.3Chile Archaeogastropoda indet. 2 (58505)
Late/Upper Barremian - Aptian130.0 - 113.0Romania Trochonerita mammaeformis (221641)
Barremian - Aptian129.4 - 113.0Albania Adaptyxis lavdaris, Adaptyxis carinatus (67452)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8Spain A. sp. (75360 75361 75377 75380 75381 75389 75403)
Oligocene33.9 - 23.03Argentina (Santa Cruz) Robus primaverae (142004)
Rupelian - Chattian33.9 - 23.03Italy Archaeogastropoda indet. (180394)