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Gastropoda - Neritariidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1894Trachynerita Kittl p. 255
1983Trachynerita Yin and Yochelson p. 536
2002Trachynerita Sepkoski
2012Trachynerita Nützel and Nakazawa p. 121

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EubilateriaAx 1987
suborderNeritaemorpha(Koken 1897)
superfamilyNeritoidea(Rafinesque 1815)
familyNeritariidaeWenz 1938

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Trachynerita Kittl 1894
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Trachynerita depressa Hoernes 1856
Invalid names: Turbo pugilator Stoppani 1857 [synonym]
Trachynerita distincta Kittl 1894
Trachynerita evoluta Jaworski 1922
Trachynerita porrecta Haas 1953
Trachynerita quadrata Stoppani 1858
Invalid names: Trachynerita fornoensis Kittl 1894 [synonym]
Trachynerita stabilei von Hauer 1857
Trachynerita wanneri Krumbeck 1913
No diagnoses are available
shell height1418.35.2052.021.217.1

Composition: aragonitec
Locomotion: actively mobilesuperf
Life habit: epifaunalsuperf
Diet: omnivoresuperf
Diet 2: grazersuperf
Vision: limitedc
Created: 2009-09-10 08:36:06
Modified: 2009-09-10 10:38:18
Source: superf = superfamily, c = class
References: Hendy et al. 2009, Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Spathian to the top of the Sevatian or 251.30000 to 205.60000 Ma

Collections (32 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Spathian251.3 - 247.2China (Guizhou) T. quadrata (98031)
Anisian247.2 - 242.0Germany (Hessen) T. gaillardoti (44357) T. sp. (38545)
Illyrian247.2 - 242.0Switzerland (Ticino) T. sp. (220837)
Pelsonian - Illyrian247.2 - 242.0China (Guizhou) T. distincta (31619 31621 31623 31624 31626 31632 44255)
Anisian - Ladinian247.2 - 237.0Bosnia and Herzegovina T. sp. (203800)
Ladinian242.0 - 237.0Italy T. depressa, Turbonitella distincta (138255) T. fornoensis (138259)
Ladinian242.0 - 237.0Peru T. evoluta (206471)
Carnian - Norian237.0 - 208.5China (Qinghai) T. sp. (59646)
Norian228.0 - 208.5Peru T. evoluta (68130 68131 68134 206473)
Norian228.0 - 208.5Hungary T. quadrata (73270 73279)
Norian228.0 - 208.5Indonesia (Maluku) Trachydomia wanneri (204488)
Norian - Rhaetian228.0 - 201.3Peru T. evoluta (68115)
Lacian221.5 - 215.56Indonesia (Maluku) Trachydomia wanneri (204487)
Alaunian215.56 - 212.0China (Yunnan) T. wanneri (165405 165406 165407)
Sevatian212.0 - 205.6Iran T. quadrata (36869) T. sp., T. quadrata (37959)
Rhaetian208.5 - 201.3Peru T. tambosolensis (144487) T. tambosolensis, T. porrecta (68148)