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Olenellus gilberti

Trilobita - Redlichiida - Olenellidae


"The descriptions of this and the following species were written by Mr. Meek before my own were, and now form a part of Mr. Gilbert's report to Lieutenant Wheeler, which is awaiting publication"

Olenellus gilberti was named by White (1874) [Olenellus Gilberti Meek in White 1874]. It is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is USNM 31a, Log Cabin Mbr, Pioche Hills, which is in a St Davids carbonate limestone/mudstone in the Pioche Shale Formation of Nevada.

It was recombined as Mesonacis gilberti by Walcott (1916); it was recombined as Olenellus (Olenellus) gilberti by Palmer (1998).

Sister species lacking formal opinion data

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1874Olenellus gilberti White pp. 7-8
1877Olenellus gilberti White pp. 44-46 figs. pl. 2, figs. 3a-c only [?not pl. 2, figs. d, e
1884Olenellus gilberti Walcott pp. 2, 29, 34, 38, 268 figs. pl. 21, fig. 14
1886Olenellus gilberti Walcott pp. 170-180 figs. pl. 18, figs. I, la-b; pl. 19, figs. 2, 2a, 2b, 2k; pl. 20, fig. 4; and pl. 21, figs. I and la
1887Olenellus gilberti Holm pp. 514-515
1889Olenellus gilberti Lesley p. 490 figs. 1 and 1a
1891Olenellus gilberti Walcott figs. pi. 84, figs, t, la-c; pi. 85, figs, ib-d ; and pi. 86, fig. 4
1908Olenellus gilberti Walcott p. 189
1910Olenellus gilberti Walcott p. 324 figs. Plate ^6, Figs. 1-17; Plate 43, Figs. 5 and 6
1916Mesonacis gilberti Walcott p. 406 figs. Plate 45, fig. 3
1979Olenellus gilberti Palmer and Halley p. 71 figs. Plate 3, figures 6-13
1998Olenellus (Olenellus) gilberti Palmer p. 667 figs. Figures 5.1, 8.1-8.11, 9.1-9.4, 11.6, 12.8

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
subphylumArtiopoda(Hou and Bergstrom)
classTrilobitaWalch 1771
orderRedlichiidaRichter 1932
genusOlenellusHall 1861

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Olenellus gilberti White 1874
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No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitec
Composition 2: chitinc
Entire body: yesg
Adult length: 10 to < 100g
Adult width: 10 to < 100g
Spines: majorg
Ontogeny: molting, addition of partsc
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: fast-movingo
Life habit: low-level epifaunalo
Diet: deposit feedero
Vision: well-developedf
Created: 2009-02-25 08:45:18
Modified: 2009-02-25 12:04:51
Source: g = genus, f = family, o = order, c = class
References: Hendy et al. 2009, Whittington et al. 1997, Hendy 2009, Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range: base of the Dyeran to the top of the Delamaran or 515.30000 to 506.50000 Ma

Collections (50 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Early/Lower Cambrian538.8 - 509.0USA (Nevada) Olenellus gilberti (204008)
Lenian516.0 - 510.2USA (Nevada) Olenellus gilberti (9821 9822)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (Nevada) Olenellus gilberti (9820 10560 149358 149359 149360 149361 149362 149556 149557 149559 149560 155973 155975 155976 156353 156372 156373 156374 156375 156376 156377 203344 234284 234285 234286)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (California) Olenellus gilberti (10606 10608 10627 10631 10632 149610 149611 149614 149627 149628 149630 149631 149638 149651 149696 151380 219695 230439)
Dyeran515.3 - 511.2USA (Utah) Olenellus gilberti (96497)
Delamaran511.2 - 506.5USA (California) Olenellus gilberti (219700 219701)
St Davids509.0 - 497.0USA (Nevada) Olenellus gilberti (type locality: 50115)