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Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish)
Chondrichthyes was named by Huxley (1880). It is extant.
It was assigned to Vertebrata by Huxley (1880); to Chondrichthiomorphi by Long (2011); to Chordata by Squires (1984), Barnes (1998), Sepkoski (2002) and Fourriére et al. (2014); to Chondrichthyomorphi by Nelson et al. (2016); and to Gnathostomata by Young (1997), Dineley and Metcalf (1999), Meyer and Zardoya (2003) and Richter et al. (2017).
It was assigned to Vertebrata by Huxley (1880); to Chondrichthiomorphi by Long (2011); to Chordata by Squires (1984), Barnes (1998), Sepkoski (2002) and Fourriére et al. (2014); to Chondrichthyomorphi by Nelson et al. (2016); and to Gnathostomata by Young (1997), Dineley and Metcalf (1999), Meyer and Zardoya (2003) and Richter et al. (2017).
Acanthodii, Bradyodontida, Cladoselachimorpha, Clamydoselachidae, Ctenacanthimorpha, Ctenoptychius ordii, Desmiodontida, Doliodus, Duplisuggestus, Elasmobranchii, Elegestolepis, Eucentrurus, Fasciodus, Geisacanthus, Gladbachus, Gogoselachus, Gracilisuggestus, Holocephali (syn. Euchondrocephali, Bradyodonti), Holocephalimorpha, Iniopterygia, Kathemacanthidae, Leonotus, Machichnus, Mongolepidida, Obtusacanthus, Plesioselachus, Polymerolepidiformes, Proprigalea, Ptomacanthus, Pucapampellidae, Pucapumpella, Qianodus, Rhinobatiformes, Shenacanthus, Simmorius, Sinacanthida, Subterbranchialia, Thaumatacanthus, Yuanolepis
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1880 | Chondrichthyes Huxley p. 660 |
1881 | Ctenoptychius ordii Davis p. 422 figs. Pl. 22:8 |
1984 | Chondrichthyes Squires p. 56 |
1997 | Chondrichthyes Young p. 11 |
1998 | Chondrichthyes Barnes |
1999 | Chondrichthyes Dineley and Metcalf p. 11 |
2002 | Chondrichthyes Sepkoski |
2003 | Chondrichthyes Meyer and Zardoya |
2011 | Chondrichthyes Long p. 242 |
2014 | Chondrichthyes Fourriére et al. p. 380 figs. Table 1 |
2016 | Chondrichthyes Nelson et al. p. 40 |
2017 | Chondrichthyes Richter et al. p. 110 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Cl. Chondrichthyes Huxley 1880 [cartilaginous fish]
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Subcl. †Acanthodii Owen 1846 [spiny fish]
Or. †Acanthodiformes Berg 1940
Fm. †Acanthodidae Huxley 1861
G. †Acanthodes Agassiz 1833
†Acanthodes australis Woodward 1906
†Acanthodes beecheri Eastman 1902
†Acanthodes bourbonensis Heidtke 1996
†Acanthodes boyi Heidtke 1993
†Acanthodes bridgei Zidek 1976
†Acanthodes bronni Agassiz 1833
†Acanthodes confusus Heidtke 2011
†Acanthodes gracilis Beyrich 1949
†Acanthodes guizhouensis Wang and Turner 1985
†Acanthodes marshi Eastman 1902
†Acanthodes mitchelli Egerton 1861
†Acanthodes nitidus Woodward 1891
†Acanthodes ovensis White 1927
†Acanthodes peachi Egerton 1861
†Acanthodes pollichiae Heidtke 2011
†Acanthodes punctatus Fritsch 1893
†Acanthodes pusillus Agassiz 1844
†Acanthodes pygmaeus Fritsch 1875
†Acanthodes rouvillei Sauvage 1883
†Acanthodes splendidus Heidtke 2011
†Acanthodes sulcatus Agassiz 1835
†Acanthodes ultimus Heidtke 2011
†Acanthodes wardi Egerton 1866
G. †Cheiracanthus Agassiz 1835
†Cheiracanthus brevicostatus Gross 1973
†Cheiracanthus grandispinus Mcoy 1848
†Cheiracanthus latus Egerton 1861
†Cheiracanthus longicostatus Gross 1973
†Cheiracanthus minor Agassiz 1835
†Cheiracanthus murchisoni Agassiz 1835
†Cheiracanthus splendens Gross 1973
Fm. †Howittacanthidae Zajıc 1995
G. †Mesacanthus Traquair 1888
†Mesacanthus mitchelli Egerton 1861
†Mesacanthus peachi Egerton 1861
†Mesacanthus pusillus Agassiz 1844
†Mesacanthus semistriatus Woodward 1892
Invalid names: Cheiracanthidae [empty], Mesacanthidae [empty]
Or. †Climatiiformes Berg 1940
Fm. †Climatiidae Berg 1940
G. †Climatius Agassiz 1845
†Climatius grandis Powrie 1870
†Climatius latispinosus Whiteaves 1881
†Climatius reticulatus Agassiz 1844
†Climatius scutiger Egerton 1860
†Climatius uncinatus Powrie 1864
G. †Erriwacanthus Orvig 1967
†Erriwacanthus falcatus Orvig 1967
†Erriwacanthus manbrookensis Miles 1973
G. †Nostolepis Pander 1856
†Nostolepis costata Goujet 1976
†Nostolepis gracilis Gross 1947
†Nostolepis halli Blom 1999
†Nostolepis robusta Brotzen 1934
†Nostolepis striata Pander 1856
G. †Vernicomacanthus Miles 1973
†Vernicomacanthus uncinatus Powrie 1864
†Vernicomacanthus waynensis Miles 1973
Fm. †Culmacanthidae Long 1983
G. †Culmacanthus Long 1983
†Culmacanthus antarctica Young 1989
†Culmacanthus pambulensis Young 1989
†Culmacanthus stewarti Long 1983
Fm. †Gyracanthidae Woodward 1906
G. †Ankylacanthus Burrow et al. 2008
†Ankylacanthus convexus Burrow et al. 2008
†Ankylacanthus incurvus Burrow et al. 2008
G. †Gyracanthides Woodward 1906
†Gyracanthides hawkinsi TURNER et al. 2005
†Gyracanthides murrayi Woodward 1906
†Gyracanthides riniensis Gess and Burrow 2023
†Gyracanthides warreni White 1968
G. †Gyracanthus Agassiz 1836
†Gyracanthus alleni Newberry 1873
†Gyracanthus alnwicensis Agassiz 1837
†Gyracanthus compressus Newberry 1873
†Gyracanthus convexus Gross 1933
†Gyracanthus cordatus Saint John and Worthen 1883
†Gyracanthus duplicatus Dawson 1868
†Gyracanthus falciformis Traquair 1902
†Gyracanthus formosus Agassiz 1836
†Gyracanthus incurvus Traquair 1890
†Gyracanthus inornatus Newberry 1889
†Gyracanthus magnificus Dawson 1868
†Gyracanthus nobilis Traquair 1883
†Gyracanthus obliquus M'Coy 1848
†Gyracanthus parvulus Bryant 1929
†Gyracanthus primaevus Eastman 1908
†Gyracanthus rectus Traquair 1890
†Gyracanthus rothrocki Wells and Blickle 1943
†Gyracanthus sarlei Hussakof and Bryant 1919
†Gyracanthus sherwoodi Newberry 1889
†Gyracanthus tuberculatus Agassiz 1837
†Gyracanthus youngii Traquair 1883
G. †Mitrodus Owen 1867
G. †Oracanthus Agassiz 1836
†Oracanthus bochumensis Jaekel 1890
†Oracanthus lineatus Newberry 1897
†Oracanthus milleri Agassiz 1836
†Oracanthus minor Agassiz 1836
†Oracanthus multiseriatus Newberry 1857
†Oracanthus obliquus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Oracanthus pnigeus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Oracanthus pustulosus Agassiz 1836
†Oracanthus rectus Saint John and Worthen 1883
†Oracanthus triangularis Eastman 1917
†Oracanthus trigonalis Saint John and Worthen 1883
†Oracanthus vetustus Leidy 1855
G. †Hanilepis Wang and Dong 1989
G. †Pruemolepis Vieth-Schreiner 1983
Invalid names: Brochoadmonidae [empty]
Or. †Diplacanthiformes Berg 1940
G. †Devononchus Gross 1940
†Devononchus concinnus Gross 1940
†Devononchus ketleriensis Gross 1947
†Devononchus laevis Gross 1933
†Devononchus tenuispinus Gross 1933
Fm. †Diplacanthidae Woodward 1891
G. †Diplacanthus Agassiz 1843
†Diplacanthus balticus Gross 1973
†Diplacanthus carinatus Gross 1973
†Diplacanthus crassisimus Duff 1942
†Diplacanthus ellsi Gagnier 1996
†Diplacanthus horridus Woodward 1892
†Diplacanthus longispinus Agassiz 1844
†Diplacanthus striatus Agassiz 1844
†Diplacanthus tenuistriatus Traquair 1894
G. †Milesacanthus Young and Burrow 2004
†Milesacanthus antarctica Young and Burrow 2004
†Milesacanthus antarctica Young and Burrow 2004
Invalid names: Gladiobranchidae [empty]
Fm. †Euthacanthidae Berg 1940
G. †Haplacanthus Agassiz 1845
†Haplacanthus ehrmanensis Gross 1940
†Haplacanthus marginalis Agassiz 1845
†Haplacanthus perseensis Gross 1942
G. †Homacanthus Agassiz 1845
†Homacanthus acinaciformis Eastman 1903
†Homacanthus arcuatus Agassiz 1844
†Homacanthus delicatulus Eastman 1903
†Homacanthus elegans Davis 1879
†Homacanthus gracilis Whiteaves 1889
†Homacanthus jaekeli Gross 1933
†Homacanthus macrodus M'Coy 1848
†Homacanthus microdus M'Coy 1848
†Homacanthus parvulus Newverry 1875
†Homacanthus sveteensis Gross 1942
Or. †Ischnacanthida Berg 1940
G. †Atopacanthus Hussakof and Bryant 1918
†Atopacanthus dentatus Hussakof and Bryant 1918
†Atopacanthus juvai Hairapetian and Burrow 2016
†Atopacanthus peculiaris Hussakof and Bryant 1918
Or. †Ischnacanthiformes Berg 1940
Fm. †Acritolepidae Valiukevicius and Burrow 2005
G. †Acritolepis Valiukevicius 2003
†Acritolepis urvantsevi Valiukevicius 2003
†Acritolepis ushakovi Valiukevicius 2003
Fm. †Ischnacanthidae Woodward 1891
G. †Acanthodopsis Hancock and Atthey 1868
†Acanthodopsis acuta Wellburn 1902
†Acanthodopsis microdon Traquair 1894
†Acanthodopsis russelli Burrow 2004
†Acanthodopsis summiti Wellburn 1902
†Acanthodopsis wardi Hancock and Atthey 1868
G. †Apateacanthus Woodward 1891
†Apateacanthus dentatus Hussakof and Bryant 1919
†Apateacanthus peculiaris Hussakof 1913
†Apateacanthus vetustus Clarke 1885
G. †Ictinocephalus Page 1859
G. †Ischnacanthus Powrie 1864
†Ischnacanthus anglicus White 1961
†Ischnacanthus gracilis Egerton 1861
†Ischnacanthus kingi White 1961
†Ischnacanthus scheii Spjeldnaes 1967
†Ischnacanthus wickhami White 1961
G. †Podoliacanthus Voichyshyn and Szaniawski 2012
†Podoliacanthus zychi Voichyshyn and Szaniawski 2012
Fm. †Poracanthodidae
Fm. †Machaeracanthidae Burrow and Young 2005
G. †Machaeracanthus Newberry 1857
†Machaeracanthus archiaci Rouault 1858
†Machaeracanthus bohemicus Barrande 1872
†Machaeracanthus kayseri Kegel 1913
†Machaeracanthus larteti Rouault 1858
†Machaeracanthus longaevus Eastman 1907
†Machaeracanthus major Newberry 1857
†Machaeracanthus peracutus Newberry 1857
†Machaeracanthus polonicus Gurich 1901
†Machaeracanthus retusus Wells 1940
†Machaeracanthus sulcatus Newberry 1857
G. †Neoasiacanthus Wang et al. 1980
G. †Nodacosta Gross 1940
†Nodacosta gemuendensis Gross 1933
†Nodacosta pauli Gross 1940
†Nodocosta denisoni Burrow 2007
G. †Onchus Agassiz 1837
†Onchus arcuatus Agassiz 1837
†Onchus besomensis White 1961
†Onchus clintoni Claypole 1885
†Onchus granulatus Roemer 1885
†Onchus graptolitarum Fritsch 1907
†Onchus hamatus Agassiz 1837
†Onchus latus Leriche 1931
†Onchus major Etheridge 1872
†Onchus murchisoni Agassiz 1837
†Onchus overathensis Gross 1937
†Onchus penetrans Bryant 1932
†Onchus pennsylvanicus Claypole 1885
†Onchus rarus Liepin'sh 1959
†Onchus rectus Eastman 1899
†Onchus semistriatus Agassiz 1837
†Onchus siluricus Fritsch 1907
†Onchus sublaevis Agassiz 1845
†Onchus tenuistriatus Agassiz 1837
†Onchus verus Schmidt 1954
†Onchus wheathillensis White 1961
G. †Parexus Agassiz 1844
†Parexus falcatus Powrie 1870
†Parexus incurvus Agassiz 1845
†Parexus recurvus Agassiz 1844
G. †Ptychodictyon Gross 1973
†Ptychodictyon americanum Burrow 2007
†Ptychodictyon rimosum Gross 1973
†Ptychodictyon sulcatum Gross 1973
G. †Seretolepis Karatajute-Talimaa 1968
G. †Tetanopsyrus Gagnier et al. 1999
†Tetanopsyrus breviacanthias Hanke et al. 2001
†Tetanopsyrus lindoei Gagnier et al. 1999
Fm. †Vesperaliidae Valiukevicius and Burrow 2005
G. †Yealepis Burrow and Young 1999
Invalid names: Acanthodi Jaekel 1911 [empty], Acanthodida Berg 1940 [empty], Climatiida Berg 1940 [empty], Diplacanthi Jaekel 1911 [empty]
Or. †Bradyodontida Woodward 1921
Infracl. †Cladoselachimorpha
Or. †Cladoselachiformes
Fm. †Cladoselachidae Dean 1894
G. †Cladoselache Dean 1894
†Cladoselache clarki Claypole 1893
†Cladoselache fyleri Newberry 1889
†Cladoselache kepleri Newberry 1888
†Cladoselache newberryi Dean 1894
†Cladoselache sinuatus Claypole 1893
G. †Monocladodus Claypole 1893
†Monocladodus clarki Claypole 1893
†Monocladodus pinnatus Claypole 1893
G. †Duplisuggestus Johns 1997
†Duplisuggestus duplirugosus Johns 1997
†Duplisuggestus profundisulcus Johns 1997
Subcl. Elasmobranchii Bonaparte 1838 [elasmobranch]
G. †Amelacanthus Maisey 1982
†Amelacanthus laevis Davis 1883
†Amelacanthus plicatus Davis 1883
†Amelacanthus pustulatus Davis 1883
†Amelacanthus sulcatus Agassiz 1837
Or. †Antarctilamniformes Ginter et al. 2008
Fm. †Antarctilamnidae Ginter et al. 2008
G. †Antarctilamna Young 1982
†Antarctilamna prisca Young 1982
†Antarctilamna ultima Gess and Coates 2015
G. †Wellerodus Turner 1997
G. †Aporomicrodus Fowler 1958
Aporomicrodus laevis Emmons 1857
Invalid names: Microdus Emmons 1857 [replaced]
G. †Arduodens Hairapetian and Ginter 2009
G. †Carcharopsis Agassiz 1843
†Carcharopsis prototypus Agassiz 1843
†Carcharopsis wortheni Newberry and Worthen 1866
Invalid names: Dicrenodus texanus Eastman 1917 [synonym]
G. †Carinasubcorona Johns 1997
†Carinasubcorona bamaolinense Chen 2002
†Carinasubcorona subradiciplana Johns 1997
G. †Celtiberina Wang 1993
Fm. Cestraciontidae Bonaparte 1838 [bullhead shark]
G. †Scoliorhiza Raymond 1925
†Scoliorhiza kellyi Raymond 1925
†Scoliorhiza whitei St John and Worthen 1875
Superor. †Cladodontomorphi Ginter et al. 2010
Fm. †Jalodontidae Ginter et al. 2002
G. †Adamantina Bendix-Almgreen 1993
†Adamantina benedictae Bendix-Almgreen 1993
†Adamantina foliacea Ivanov 1999
Or. †Squatinactiformes Zangerl 1981
Or. †Symmoriiformes Zangerl 1981
Fm. †Falcatidae Zangerl 1990
G. †Cosmoselachus Bronson et al. 2024
G. †Damocles Lund 1986
G. †Denaea Pruvost 1922
G. †Falcatus Lund 1985
G. †Ozarcus Pradel et al. 2014
G. †Stemmatias Hay 1899
†Stemmatias bicristatus St John and Worthen 1875
†Stemmatias bifurcatus St John and Worthen 1875
†Stemmatias cheiriformis St John and Worthen 1875
†Stemmatias compactus St John and Worthen 1875
†Stemmatias keokuk St John and Worthen 1875
†Stemmatias simplex St John and Worthen 1875
†Stemmatias symmetricus St John and Worthen 1875
Invalid names: Gunnellodus Wilimovksy 1954 [synonym], Stemmatodus St John and Worthen 1875 [replaced]
Fm. †Symmoriidae Dean 1909
G. †Cobelodus Zangerl 1973
G. †Danaea Pruvost 1922
G. †Gutturensis Sequeira and Coates 2000
G. †Orestiacanthus Lund 1984
G. †Petrodus McCoy 1848
G. †Stethacanthulus Zangerl 1990
G. †Symmorium Cope 1893
Invalid names: Stethacanthidae Lund 1974 [synonym]
Invalid names: Denaeidae Berg 1940 [empty]
G. †Complanicorona Johns 1997
†Complanicorona glabra Johns 1997
†Complanicorona rugosimargines Johns 1997
†Complanicorona subrugosa Johns 1997
G. †Eunemacanthus StJohn and Worhten 1883
†Eunemacanthus costatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Eunemacanthus heterogyrus McCoy 1855
Invalid names: Ctenacanthus heterogyrus Agassiz 1837 [objective synonym]
†Eunemacanthus keytei Branson 1916
†Eunemacanthus venator Khabakob 1928
Unr. Euselachiformes Maisey 1975
Infracl. Euselachii Hay 1902
G. †Acronemus Rieppel 1982
Or. †Ctenacanthiformes Cappetta 1988
G. †Acandylacanthus St. John and Worthen 1875
G. †Arauzia Mader 1986
Fm. †Ctenacanthidae Dean 1909
G. †Acondylacanthus John and Worthen 1875
G. †Bythiacanthus StJohn and Worthen 1875
G. †Cladodoides Maisey 2001
G. †Cratoselache Woodward 1924
G. †Ctenacanthus Agassiz 1836
G. †Glikmanius Ginter et al. 2005
G. †Glymmatacanthus StJohn and Worhten 1875
G. †Tamiobatis Eastman 1897
Invalid names: Anodontacanthus ruthenorum Chabakov 1928 [nomen nudum]
Superfm. †Ctenacanthoidea Zangerl 1981
G. †Anaclitacanthus St. John and Worthen 1875
G. †Asteroptychius Agassiz 1843
Fm. †Bandringidae Zangerl 1969
G. †Carinacanthus Bryant 1934
G. †Emerikodus Trinajstic and George 2009
G. †Pyknotylacanthus Mutter and Rieber 2005
G. †Rhombacanthus Williams 1985
Invalid names: Tamiobatidae Hay 1902 [empty]
G. †Goodrichthys
G. †Moyacanthus
G. †Pororhiza
G. †Saivodus Duffin and Ginter 2006
†Saivodus striatus Agassiz 1843
Invalid names: Cladodus corrugatus Croneis 1927 [synonym], Cladodus curtus Davis 1883 [synonym], Cladodus eccentricus St John and Worthen 1875 [synonym], Cladodus elongatus Davis 1883 [synonym], Cladodus ferox Newberry and Worthen 1866 [synonym], Cladodus grandis Newberry and Worthen 1866 [synonym], Cladodus hornei Davis 1883 [synonym], Cladodus magnificus Tuomey 1858 [synonym], Cladodus prototypus Eastman 1907 [synonym], Cladodus spinosus Newberry and Worthen 1866 [synonym], Cladodus stenopus Newberry and Worthen 1866 [synonym]
Subor. †Galei
Fm. †Pentanchidae
G. †Caninoa Nardo 1844
G. †Caninotus Nardo 1844
G. †Pentanchus Smith 1912
G. †Thalassoklephtes Gistel 1848
Invalid names: Lamnoidei [empty]
Unr. Galeoidei
Fm. †Galeidae
G. †Boreogaleus Gill 1861
G. †Calliscyllium Tanaka 1912
G. †Cymocephalus Klein 1777
G. †Cynias Gill 1903
G. †Dirrhizodon Klunzinger 1870
G. †Eridacnis Smith 1913
G. †Eulamia Gill 1861
G. †Gyrace Jordan and Hannibal 1922
G. †Hypopriondon Gill 1861
G. †Isoplagiodon Gill 1861
G. †Leptocarcharias Günther 1879
G. †Leptocarias Smith 1837
G. †Myrmillo Gistel 1848
G. †Platypodon Poey 1876
G. †Pleuracromylon Gill 1864
G. †Pseudogaleus Jaekel 1894
G. †Rhinotriacis Gill 1862
G. †Rhizoprion Ogilby 1915
G. †Scylliogaleus Boulenger 1902
G. †Thalassorhinus Müller and Henle 1838
Or. †Hybodontiformes Patterson 1966
G. †Cassisodus Ginter and Sun 2007
Superfm. †Hybodontoidea Agassiz 1834
Fm. †Acrodontidae Casier 1959
G. †Acrorhizodus Cappetta et al. 2006
G. †Diablodontus Hodnett et al. 2013
Fm. †Distobatidae Werner 1989
Fm. †Hybodontidae Agassiz 1834
G. †Lamarodus Ivanov 2020
G. †Lissodus Brough 1935
Fm. †Lonchidiidae Herman 1977
Fm. †Polyacrodontidae Glükman 1964
G. †Trichorhipis
Fm. †Tristychiidae Moy-Thomas 1936
Invalid names: Asteracanthus semiverrucosus Egerton 1854 [nomen dubium], Asteracanthus verrucosus Egerton 1854 [nomen dubium], Hybodus strictus Agassiz 1836 [nomen dubium]
G. †Mesodmodus
†Mesodmodus explanatus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Mesodmodus exsculptus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Mesodmodus ornatus Saint John and Worthen 1875
G. †Omanoselache Koot et al. 2013
†Omanoselache angiolinii Koot et al. 2013
†Omanoselache bucheri Cuny et al. 2001
†Omanoselache contrarius Johns 1997
†Omanoselache halli Koot and Cuny 2014
†Omanoselache hendersoni Koot et al. 2013
G. †Reesodus Koot et al. 2013
†Reesodus pectinatus Lebedev 1996
†Reesodus underwoodi Koot et al. 2013
†Reesodus wirksworthensis Duffin 1985
Unr. Neoselachii Compagno 1977
Fm. †Anachronistidae Duffin and Ward 1983
Unr. Batoidea [ray]
Subor. †Masticura Gill 1872
Superfm. †Rhinobatoidea
Or. Torpediniformes [electric ray]
Invalid names: Pristiformes [empty]
Superor. Batomorphii Cappetta 1980
G. †Enantiobatis Cappetta and Case 1999
Or. Myliobatiformes Compagno 1973 [stingray]
Or. †Rhinopristiformes Last et al. 2016
Fm. †Zanobatidae Fowler 1934
Superor. Galeomorphii Compagno 1973
Or. Carcharhiniformes Compagno 1973 [ground shark]
G. †Jurobatos Thies 1983
Or. Lamniformes Berg 1958 [mackerel shark]
Or. Orectolobiformes Applegate 1972 [carpet shark]
Invalid names: Galeoidea Hay 1902 [empty]
G. †Nanocetorhinus Underwood and Schlogl 2013
†Nanocetorhinus tuberculatus Underwood and Schlogl 2013
Unr. Selachii [shark]
Subor. †Asterospondyli Haase
Subor. †Ctenacanthoidei Moy-Thomas and Miles 1971
G. †Fortscottella Gunnell 1931
Superor. †Galeomorphi
G. †Hammondella Gunnell 1933
G. †Idiacanthus Gunnell 1933
G. †Kirkella Gunnell 1933
G. †Moreyella Gunnell 1933
Fm. Notidanidae Bonaparte
Subor. Rajae
Subor. Squali Müller and Henle 1838
Superor. †Squalimorphi
Subor. †Tectospondyli
Fm. Trygonidae Müller and Henle 1837
Invalid names: Anacoracoidei [empty], Centrobati Jaekel 1911 [empty], Heterodontoidea Hay 1902 [empty], Notidani Jaekel 1911 [empty], Notidanoidei [empty], Palaeosquali Jaekel 1911 [empty], Rhinae Jaekel 1911 [empty], Rhinoraji Jaekel 1911 [empty], Scyllidae [empty], Spinacidi Jaekel 1911 [empty], Statodonti Jaekel 1911 [empty], Trirostri Jaekel 1911 [empty]
Superor. †Squalea Shirai 1996
Superor. †Hypnosqualea Carvalho and Maisey 1996
G. †Microtoxodus Delsate 2003
Or. Squalomorphii Compagno 1973
Or. Hexanchiformes de Buen 1926
Or. Pristiophoriformes Berg 1958 [saw shark]
Invalid names: Hexanchida [empty]
Or. †Synechodontiformes Duffin and Ward 1993
G. †Keichouodus Li et al. 2022
G. †Mucrovenator Cuny et al. 2001
Fm. †Orthacodontidae de Beaumont 1960
Fm. †Palaeospinacidae Regan 1906
Fm. †Paraorthacodontidae Klug 2010
G. †Parascylloides Thies et al. 2014
G. †Polyfaciodus Koot and Cuny 2014
G. †Rhomphaiodon Duffin 1993
G. †Safrodus Koot and Cuny 2014
G. †Vallisodus Duffin 2021
†Vallisodus coppi Duffin 1982
Invalid names: Vallisia Duffin 1982 [replaced]
Invalid names: Dalatiiformes Shirai 1992 [empty], Galea Shirai 1996 [empty], Palaeocarcharidae [empty], Squatinomorphii Compagno 1973 [empty]
Superfm. †Protacrodontoidea Zangerl 1981
G. †Holmesella
†Holmesella crassa Gunnell 1933
†Holmesella elongata Gunnell 1933
†Holmesella equilaterata Gunnell 1933
†Holmesella ornata Gunnell 1933
†Holmesella parallelata Gunnell 1933
†Holmesella parallella Gunnell 1933
†Holmesella quadrata Gunnel 1931
†Holmesella rhomboidelis Gunnell 1933
†Holmesella speni Gunnell 1933
†Holmesella triangularis Harlton 1933
†Holmesella wapanuckensis Harlton 1933
Fm. †Protacrodontidae Cappetta et al. 1993
G. †Dalmehodus Long and Hairapetian 2000
G. †Deihim Ginter et al. 2002
G. †Protacrodus Jaekel 1925
Fm. †Sphenacanthidae Maisey 1982
G. †Sphenacanthus Agassiz 1837
†Sphenacanthus aequistriatus Davis 1879
†Sphenacanthus costellatus Traquair 1884
†Sphenacanthus hybodioides Agassiz 1843
†Sphenacanthus hybodoides Newberry 1873
†Sphenacanthus marshi Newberry 1873
†Sphenacanthus riorastoensis Pauliv et al. 2012
†Sphenacanthus sanpauloensis Chahud et al. 2010
†Sphenacanthus serrulatus Agassiz 1837
G. †Tuberospina Lebedev 1995
Invalid names: Dasyatiformes [empty], Hybodonta [empty], Musteliformes [empty], Notidaniformes [empty], Protacrodontiformes [empty], Scyliorhiniformes [empty], Squatinoidei Berg 1940 [empty], Squatinorajiformes [empty], Synechodontidae Casier 1947 [empty]
G. †Fragilicorona Johns 1997
†Fragilicorona brevirostrum Johns 1997
†Fragilicorona labribrevirostrum Johns 1997
†Fragilicorona labricuspis Johns 1997
†Fragilicorona labritricuspis Johns 1997
†Fragilicorona paralabritricuspis Chen 2002
†Fragilicorona tricuspis Johns 1997
†Fragilicorona unicuspis Johns 1997
G. †Glabrisubcorona Johns 1997
†Glabrisubcorona arduidevexa Johns 1997
†Glabrisubcorona tendibasis Johns 1997
†Glabrisubcorona vadosidevexa Johns 1997
Unr. †Ichthyodorulites Buckland
G. †Gampsacanthus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Gampsacanthus latus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Gampsacanthus squamosus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Gampsacanthus typus Saint John and Worthen 1875
Fm. †Kannathalepididae Marss and Gagnier 2001
G. †Labascicorona Johns 1997
†Labascicorona alata Johns 1997
†Labascicorona longifossae Johns 1997
†Labascicorona mediflexura Johns 1997
†Labascicorona nitidifastigia Johns 1997
†Labascicorona trifastigia Johns 1997
G. †Labrilancea Johns 1997
†Labrilancea glabrisubcuspis Johns 1997
†Labrilancea glabrisubtricuspis Johns 1997
G. †Leonodus Mader 1986
G. †Lesnilomia Ginter 2008
Fm. †Listracanthidae Martill et al. 2014
G. †Acanthorhachis Martill et al. 2014
G. †Listracanthus Newberry and Worthen 1870
†Listracanthus hystrix Newberry and Worthen 1870
Invalid names: Listracanthus beyrichi von Koenen 1879 [synonym], Listracanthus eliasi Hibbard 1938 [synonym], Listracanthus hildrethi Newberry 1875 [synonym], Listracanthus woltersi Schmidt 1949 [synonym]
†Listracanthus pectenatus Mutter and Neuman 2006
G. †Lobaticorona Johns 1997
†Lobaticorona floridibasis Johns 1997
†Lobaticorona floriditabella Johns 1997
†Lobaticorona floriditurris Johns 1997
†Lobaticorona tumidibasis Johns 1997
†Lobaticorona tumiditabella Johns 1997
†Lobaticorona tumiditurris Johns 1997
G. †Minuticorona Johns 1997
†Minuticorona triculmina Johns 1997
†Minuticorona uniculmen Johns 1997
Or. †Omalodontiformes Turner 1997
Fm. †Aztecodontidae Hairapetian et al. 2008
Fm. †Omalodontidae Ginter et al. 2008
G. †Omalodus Ginter and Ivano 1992
†Omalodus grabaui Hussakof and Bryant 1918
Invalid names: Omalodus bryanti Wells 1944 [synonym], Omalodus schultzei Hampe et al. 2004 [synonym]
G. †Portalodus Long and Young 1995
G. †Siberiodus Ivanov and Rodina 2004
G. †Oniscina Goldenberg 1873
G. †Ornathiliabrilance Johns 1997
G. †Ornatilabrilancea Johns 1997
†Ornatilabrilancea circacarina Johns 1997
†Ornatilabrilancea solicarina Johns 1997
Infracl. Osteodonti
Superor. Lamnae
Or. Odontaspidida
Superfm. Isuroidea Glükman 1964
Superfm. Odontaspidoidea
Superfm. †Scapanorhynchoidea
Invalid names: Anacoracoidea [empty]
G. †Parvidiabolus Johns 1997
†Parvidiabolus acutus Johns 1997
†Parvidiabolus convexus Johns 1997
†Parvidiabolus longisulcus Johns 1997
†Parvidiabolus obliquus Johns 1997
Or. †Phoebodontiformes Ginter et al. 2002
G. †Jalodus Ginter 1999
Fm. †Phoebodontidae Williams 1985
G. †Diademodus Harris 1951
G. †Phoebodus St. John and Worthen 1875
†Phoebodus bifurcatus Ginter and Ivanov 1992
†Phoebodus densneptuni Eastman 1903
†Phoebodus fastigatus Ginter and Ivanov 1992
†Phoebodus latus Ginter and Ivanov 1995
†Phoebodus macisaacsii Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Phoebodus politus Newberry 1899
†Phoebodus saidselachus Frey et al. 2019
†Phoebodus sophiae St. John and Worthen 1875
†Phoebodus springeri Saint John and Worthen 1875
G. †Thrinacodus St. John and Worthen 1875
†Thrinacodus bicornis Newberry 1879
†Thrinacodus duplicatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Thrinacodus incurvus Newberry and Worthen 1866
Invalid names: Harpagodens ferox Turner 1982 [synonym], Thrinacodus nanus St. John and Worthen 1875 [synonym]
Invalid names: Harpago Turner 1982 [synonym], Harpagodens Turner 1983 [synonym]
G. †Physonemus Agassiz 1843
†Physonemus arcuatus McCoy 1848
†Physonemus asper Leidy 1859
†Physonemus carinatus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Physonemus gemmatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Physonemus gigas Newberry and Worthen 1870
†Physonemus gigii Branson 1916
†Physonemus hamuspiscatorius Eastman 1903
†Physonemus mirabilis St John and Worthen 1875
†Physonemus pandatus Eastman 1903
†Physonemus stellatus Newberry 1889
†Physonemus striatus Moore 1929
†Physonemus subteres Agassiz 1843
Invalid names: Batacanthus St John and Worthen 1870 [synonym], Drepanacanthus Newberry and Worthen 1866 [synonym], Gnathacanthus Davis 1883 [synonym], Xystracanthus Leidy 1859 [synonym]
Or. †Plagiostomi Cuvier
G. †Narcopterus Agassiz 1835
Invalid names: Eulamiidae [empty], Hexeptranchidae [empty], Raiae [empty]
Fm. †Protodontidae Woodward 1932
G. †Dendrodus Owen 1841
†Dendrodus arisaigensis Whiteaves 1896
†Dendrodus biporcatus Owen 1841
†Dendrodus strigatus Owen 1841
G. †Stigmodus Brotzen 1934
G. †Sacrisubcorona Johns 1997
†Sacrisubcorona circabasis Johns et al. 1997
†Sacrisubcorona submedicarina Johns 1997
Subcl. Selachii [shark]
Or. †Acanthodei Gunnell 1933
Fm. †Acanthoessidae Hay 1902
G. †Acanthoessus Agassiz 1832
G. †Heteracanthus Newberry 1889
G. †Holacanthodes Beyrich 1848
G. †Machaerius Rouault 1858
G. †Pelonectes Gistel 1848
G. †Rhadinacanthus Traquair 1888
G. †Traquairia Fritsch 1893
Or. †Ichthyotomi Cope
Fm. †Cladodontidae
G. †Bathycheilodus St John and Worthen 1875
G. †Hybocladodus
G. †Lambdodus
G. †Pternodus Garman 1885
Invalid names: Pleuracanthides Haeckel 1895 [empty]
Invalid names: Pleuropterygii [empty], Selachophidichthyoidei [empty]
G. †Siamodus
G. †Suaviloquentia Johns 1997
†Suaviloquentia brevilingua Johns 1997
†Suaviloquentia longilingua Johns 1997
†Suaviloquentia obliquilingua Johns 1997
G. †Undulaticorona Johns 1997
†Undulaticorona profundifossae Johns 1997
†Undulaticorona propensa Johns 1997
Or. †Xenacanthida Glikmann 1964
G. †Anodontacanthus Davis 1881
Fm. †Orthacanthidae Heyler and Poplin 1989
G. †Orthacanthus Agassiz 1843
†Orthacanthus buxieri Heyler and Poplin 1989
†Orthacanthus compressus Newberry 1856
Invalid names: Diplodus latus Newberry 1856 [synonym], Diplodus penetrans Dawson 1868 [synonym]
†Orthacanthus donnelljohnsi Johnson and Thayer 2009
†Orthacanthus gibbosus Agassiz 1843
†Orthacanthus gracilis Giebel 1848
†Orthacanthus milleri Agassiz 1843
†Orthacanthus minor Agassiz 1843
†Orthacanthus platypternus Cope 1884
†Orthacanthus pustulosus Agassiz 1843
†Orthacanthus texensis Cope 1888
Invalid names: Chilodus Giebel 1847 [synonym], Didymodus Cope 1883 [synonym], Diplodus Agassiz 1843 [synonym], Dittodus Owen 1867 [synonym], Giebelodus Whitley 1940 [synonym]
Infracl. †Xenacanthimorpha
Or. †Bransonelliformes Hampe and Ivanov 2007
G. †Bransonella Harlton 1933
†Bransonella lingulata Ivanov and Ginter 1996
†Bransonella nebraskensis Johnson 1984
†Bransonella tribula Elliott and Hodnett 2013
†Bransonella tridentata Harlton 1933
Or. †Xenacanthiformes Berg 1955
Fm. †Diplodoselachidae Dick 1981
G. †Dicentrodus Traquair 1888
G. †Diplodoselache Dick 1981
G. †Hagenoselache Hampe and Heidtke 1997
G. †Lebachacanthus Soler-Gijon 1997
Fm. †Xenacanthidae Fritsch 1889
G. †Acanthopleurus Agassiz 1843
G. †Aganodus Owen 1867
G. †Compsacanthus Newberry 1856
G. †Diacranodus Garman 1885
G. †Fayolia Renault and Zeiller 1884
G. †Lepacanthus Arthaber 1896
G. †Lophacanthus Stock 1880
G. †Mooreodontus Hampe and Schneider 2010
G. †Ochlodus Owen 1867
G. †Phricacanthus Davis 1879
G. †Platyacanthus Fritsch 1889
G. †Pleuracanthus Agassiz 1837
G. †Plicatodus Hampe 1995
G. †Pternodus Owen 1867
G. †Triodus Jordan 1849
G. †Wurdigneria Richter 2005
G. †Xenacanthus Beyrich 1848
Invalid names: Cladodontomorphii Obruchev 1967 [empty], Cladodus hassiacus Gross 1937 [nomen dubium], Cladodus wildungensis Jaekel 1921 [nomen dubium], Cladoselachii Dean 1894 [empty], Coronodontida Zangerl 1981 [empty], Orodontida Zangerl 1981 [empty], Pleuracanthidae Woodward [empty], Pleuracanthodii [empty], Pristiorajea Cicimurri 2007 [empty], Proselachii Gadow 1898 [empty], Selachimorpha Nelson 1984 [empty]
G. †Elegestolepis Karatajute-Talimaa 1973
G. †Eucentrurus Traquair 1901
G. †Geisacanthus St John and Worthen 1875
G. †Gracilisuggestus Johns 1997
†Gracilisuggestus triapices Johns 1997
†Gracilisuggestus uniapex Johns 1997
Subcl. Holocephali Bonaparte 1832 [chimaera]
Or. †Eugeneodontiformes Zangerl 1981
Superfm. †Caseodontoidea Zangerl 1981
G. †Campodus de Koninck 1844
†Campodus agassizianus Koninck 1844
†Campodus corrugatus Newberry and Worthen 1870
†Campodus scitulus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Campodus virginianus Saint John and Worthen 1875
Fm. †Caseodontidae Zangerl 1981
G. †Caseodus Zangerl 1981
G. †Erikodus Nielsen 1952
G. †Fadenia Nielsen 1932
G. †Ornithoprion
G. †Pirodus Lebedev 2001
G. †Romerodus Zangerl 1981
G. †Chiastodus Trautschold 1879
Fm. †Eugeneodontidae Zangerl 1981
G. †Bobbodus Zangerl 1981
G. †Eugeneodus Zangerl 1981
G. †Gilliodus Zangerl 1981
Invalid names: Orodus corrugatus Romer 1942 [nomen dubium]
G. †Tiaraju Richter 2007
Superfm. †Edestoidea Hay 1930
Fm. †Edestidae Jaekel 1899
G. †Edestus Leidy 1855
G. †Euctenius Traquair 1881
G. †Lestrodus
G. †Prospiraxis Williams 1887
G. †Protopirata Trautschold 1888
G. †Spiraxis Newberry 1885
G. †Syntomodus Obruchev 1964
Fm. †Helicampodontidae Itano and Lebedev 2023
G. †Helicampodus Branson 1935
†Helicampodus egloni Obruchev 1965
†Helicampodus kokeni Branson 1935
†Helicampodus qomolangma Zhang 1976
G. †Sinohelicoprion Liu and Chang 1963
†Sinohelicoprion changhsingensis Liu and Chang 1963
†Sinohelicoprion macrodontus Lei 1983
Fm. †Helicoprionidae Karpinsky 1911
G. †Helicoprion Karpinsky 1899
†Helicoprion bessonowi Karpinsky 1899
Invalid names: Helicoprion nevadensis Wheeler 1939 [synonym]
†Helicoprion davisii Woodward 1886
Invalid names: Helicoprion jingmenense Chen et al. 2007 [synonym], Helicoprion sierrensis Wheeler 1939 [synonym], Lissoprion ferrieri Hay 1907 [synonym]
†Helicoprion ergassaminon Bendix-Almgreen 1966
Invalid names: Lissoprion Hay 1907 [synonym]
Invalid names: Agassizodontidae Zangerl 1981 [synonym]
Invalid names: Campyloprion Eastman 1902 [nomen dubium], Campyloprion annectans Eastman 1902 [nomen dubium], Edistidae Jaekel 1899 [empty]
Or. †Helodontiformes
Fm. †Helodontidae
G. †Helodus Agassiz 1838
†Helodus angulatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Helodus biformis Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Helodus carbonarius Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Helodus coniculus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Helodus consolidatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Helodus crenulatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Helodus denshumani Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Helodus denticulatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Helodus didymus Agassiz 1843
†Helodus elytra Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Helodus gibberulus Agassiz 1836
†Helodus gibbus Leidy 1857
†Helodus incisus Eastman 1903
†Helodus laevis Newberry 1879
†Helodus limax Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Helodus mammillaris Agassiz 1843
†Helodus planus Agassiz 1843
†Helodus politus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Helodus rudis M'Coy 1848
†Helodus rugosus Newberry and Worthen 1870
†Helodus simplex Agassiz 1838
†Helodus subpolitus Branson 1916
†Helodus subteres Agassiz 1836
†Helodus sulcatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Helodus undulatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Helodus wortheni Hay 1899
Superor. †Holocephalomorpha Lund 1986
Or. Chimaeriformes Obruchev 1953 [chimaera]
G. †Arctacanthus Nielsen 1932
†Arctacanthus exiguus Yamagishi 2004
†Arctacanthus multisectus Branson 1933
†Arctacanthus phosphoriensis Branson 1930
†Arctacanthus spitzbergensis Hulke 1873
†Arctacanthus uncinatus Nielsen 1932
†Arctacanthus wyomingensis Branson 1934
Invalid names: Dolophonodus uncinatus Branson 1933 [replaced]
Invalid names: Ancistriodus Branson 1933 [synonym], Dolophonodus Branson 1933 [synonym], Hamatus Branson 1930 [synonym]
Fm. Callorhynchidae Garman 1901 [plownose chimaera]
G. †Bathytheristes Duffin 1995
Subfm. Callorhynchinae Garman 1901
G. Callorhynchus Cuvier 1829
G. †Edaphadon Buckland 1838
G. †Ischyodus Egerton 1843
Invalid names: Edaphodontinae Stahl 1999 [empty]
Fm. Chimaeridae
G. †Bryactinus Cope 1875
G. †Canadodus Popov et al. 2020
G. Chimaera Linnaeus 1758
G. †Elasmodectes Woodward 1888
G. †Hedronchus Cope 1876
G. †Hydrolagus Gill 1862
G. †Isotaenia Cope 1875
G. †Leptomylus Cope 1869
G. †Mylognathus Leidy 1856
G. †Similihariotta Zangerl 1979
G. †Sphagepoea Cope 1869
Subor. Chimaeroidei
G. †Anteliochimaera Tanaka 1909
Fm. Callorhinchidae Garman 1901 [plownose chimaera]
Superfm. Callorhinchoidea
G. †Chalcodus Zittel 1887
Superfm. Chimaeroidea
G. †Eomanodon Ward and Duffin 1989
Fm. Rhinochimaeridae
G. †Crassidonta Branson 1916
†Crassidonta stuckenbergi Branson 1916
†Crassidonta subcrenulata Teichert 1943
G. †Icthypriapus
Invalid names: Chimeroidei Patterson 1965 [empty], Myracanthiodei [empty], Squalorajoidei Patterson 1965 [empty]
Or. †Chondrenchelyiformes Moy-Thomas 1939
Or. †Cochliodontiformes Obruchev 1953
Fm. †Cochliodontidae Owen 1867
G. †Aspidodus Newberry and Worthen 1866
G. †Chitonodus Stjohn and Worthen 1883
G. †Cochliodus Agassiz 1838
G. †Cranodus Trautschold 1879
G. †Cyrtonodus Davis 1884
G. †Deltodopsis St John and Worthen 1883
G. †Deltodus Morris and Roberts 1862
G. †Dichelodus Giebel 1857
G. †Diplacodus Davis 1884
G. †Erismacanthus M'Coy 1848
G. †Helodopsis Waagen 1879
G. †Orthopleurodus St John and Worthen 1880
G. †Oxytomodus Trautschold 1880
G. †Paecilodus Agassiz 1843
G. †Periplectrodus St John and Worthen 1875
G. †Platyodus Newberry 1875
G. †Pleurodus Agassiz 1843
G. †Pleuroplax Woodward 1889
G. †Poecilodus Agassiz 1843
G. †Rhamphodus Davis 1883
G. †Sandalodus Newberry and Worthen 1866
G. †Stenopterodus St John and Worthen 1883
G. †Streblodus Agassiz 1843
G. †Taeniodus St John and Worthen 1883
G. †Trigonodus Newberry and Worthen 1866
G. †Vaticinodus St John and Worthen 1883
G. †Venustodus St. John and Worthen 1875
G. †Xystrodus Plieninger 1860
Or. †Copodontiformes Obruchev 1953
Or. †Menaspiformes
Or. †Psammodontiformes Obruchev 1953
Fm. †Psammodontidae
G. †Apodometes Gistel 1848
G. †Archaeobatis Newberry 1878
G. †Astrabodus Davis 1884
G. †Dimyleus Davis 1883
G. †Homalodus Davis 1883
G. †Mazodus Newberry 1899
G. †Mylacodus Davis 1883
G. †Mylax Morris and Roberts 1883
G. †Pinacodus Davis 1883
G. †Pleurogomphus Agassiz 1862
G. †Psammodus Agassiz 1834
G. †Rhymodus Davis 1883
G. †Menaspacanthus Patterson 1965
Or. †Orodontiformes Zangerl 1981
Fm. †Leiodontidae Ginter et al. 2010
G. †Cristatodens Ginter and Sun 2007
G. †Leiodus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Leiodus calcaratus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Leiodus grossipunctatus Saint John and Worthen 1875
Fm. †Orodontidae de Koninck 1878
G. †Adiapneustes Gistel 1848
G. †Eoorodus Branson 1914
G. †Hercynolepis Gross 1973
G. †Lophodus
G. †Octinapsis Trautschold 1874
G. †Orodus Agassiz 1836
†Orodus alleni Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Orodus carinatus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Orodus catenatus Davis 1883
†Orodus cinctus Agassiz 1836
†Orodus colletti Newberry 1879
†Orodus daedalus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Orodus decussatus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Orodus elegantulus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Orodus elongatus Davis 1883
†Orodus fastigiatus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Orodus gibbosus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Orodus gibbus Davis 1883
†Orodus greggi Zangerl 1981
†Orodus intermedius Eastman 1903
†Orodus ipeunaensis Chahud et al. 2010
†Orodus major Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Orodus mammillaris Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Orodus micropterygius Zangerl 1981
†Orodus minutus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Orodus moniliformis Davis 1883
†Orodus neglectus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Orodus ornatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Orodus parallelus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Orodus parvulus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Orodus plicatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Orodus ramosus Agassiz 1836
†Orodus tenuis Woodward 1889
†Orodus tuberculatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Orodus turgidus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Orodus variabilis Newberry 1875
†Orodus varicostatus Saint John and Worthen 1875
Or. †Petalodontiformes Zangerl 1981
Fm. †Belantseidae Lund 1989
G. †Belantsea Lund 1989
†Belantsea montana Lund 1989
†Belantsea occidentalis St. John and Worthen 1875
G. †Ctenoptychius Agassiz 1838
†Ctenoptychius acuminatus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Ctenoptychius apicalis Agassiz 1838
†Ctenoptychius cristatus Dawson 1868
†Ctenoptychius dentatus Owen 1840
†Ctenoptychius digitatus Leidy 1857
†Ctenoptychius lobatus Etheridge 1875
†Ctenoptychius pertenius Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Ctenoptychius serratus Owen 1840
†Ctenoptychius stevensoni St. John and Worthen 1875
Fm. †Janassidae Jaekel 1899
Subfm. †Cholodinae Hodnett et al. 2024
G. †Cavusodus Itano 2023
G. †Cholodus John and Worthen 1875
G. †Cypripediodens Duffin and Ward 2017
G. †Ctenopetalus Agassiz 1837
†Ctenopetalus bellulus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Ctenopetalus limatulus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Ctenopetalus medius Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Ctenopetalus vinosus Saint John and Worthen 1875
G. †Dactylodus
†Dactylodus excavatus Saint John and Worthen 1866
†Dactylodus princeps Newberry and Worthen 1866
G. †Fissodus St. John and Worthen 1875
Fissodus bifidus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Fissodus dentatus Eastman 1903
†Fissodus inaequalis Stjohn and Worthen 1875
G. †Gamphacanthus Miller 1892
†Gamphacanthus politus Newberry 1889
†Gamphacanthus uddeni Lindahl 1897
G. †Gomphacanthus Davis 1884
Subfm. †Janassinae Hodnett et al. 2024
G. †Janassa
Invalid names: Byzenos Münster 1843 [synonym], Climaxodus McCoy 1848 [synonym], Dictea Münster 1840 [synonym]
G. †Strigilodus Hodnett et al. 2024
G. †Petalodopsis Barkas 1874
†Petalodopsis mirabilis Barkas 1874
†Petalodopsis tripartitis Davis 1833
G. †Phoderacanthus Davis 1883
G. †Platacanthus M'Coy 1848
G. †Pnigeacanthus St John and Worthen 1883
G. †Stichacanthus Koninck 1878
†Stichacanthus coemansi Koninck 1878
†Stichacanthus tortworthensis Davis 1883
G. †Paracymatodus
Fm. †Petalodontidae Newberry and Worthen 1866
G. †Antliodus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Antliodus arcuatus Newberry 1889
†Antliodus cucullus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Antliodus gracilis Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Antliodus mucronatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Antliodus parvulus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Antliodus perovalis Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Antliodus politus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Antliodus robustus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Antliodus sarcululus Newberry and Worthen 1870
†Antliodus similis Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Antliodus simplex Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Antliodus sulcatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
G. †Chomatodus Agassiz 1838
†Chomatodus affinis Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Chomatodus angustus Newberry 1879
†Chomatodus chesterensis Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Chomatodus cinctus Agassiz 1838
†Chomatodus comptus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Chomatodus costatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Chomatodus cultellus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Chomatodus denticulatus M'Coy 1848
†Chomatodus elegans Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Chomatodus inconstans Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Chomatodus incrassatus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Chomatodus insignis Leidy 1857
†Chomatodus linearis Agassiz 1836
†Chomatodus loriformis Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Chomatodus molaris Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Chomatodus newberryi Hay 1902
†Chomatodus oliquus M'Coy 1848
†Chomatodus parallelus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Chomatodus pusillus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Chomatodus selliformis Newberry 1879
†Chomatodus truncatus Agassiz 1843
†Chomatodus varsouviensis Saint John and Worthen 1875
G. †Glossodus M'Coy 1848
†Glossodus heckelii Costa 1864
†Glossodus lingusbovis Mcoy 1848
†Glossodus marginatus M'Coy 1848
G. †Glyphanodus Davis 1883
G. †Harpacodus St. John and Worthen 1875
†Harpacodus clavatus Davis 1883
†Harpacodus compactus St. John and Worthen 1875
†Harpacodus dentatus Davis 1883
†Harpacodus occidentalis St. John and Worthen 1875
G. †Lisgodus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Lisgodus affinis Newberry 1879
†Lisgodus curtus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Lisgodus selluliformis Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Lisgodus serratus Saint John and Worthen 1875
G. †Neopetalodus Murata and Uyeno 1979
G. †Peltodus Newberry and Worthen 1870
Peltodus plicomphalus Saint John and Worthen 1875
Peltodus pulvinulus Newberry and Worthen 1870
Peltodus quadratus Saint John and Worthen 1875
Peltodus transversus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Peltodus unguiformis St John and Worthen 1870
G. †Petalodus
†Petalodus acuminatus Agassiz 1838
†Petalodus allegheniensis Leidy 1856
Invalid names: Petalodus destructor Newberry and Worthen 1870 [synonym], Sicarius extinctus Leidy 1856 [synonym]
†Petalodus arcuatus St. John 1870
†Petalodus curtus Newberry and Worthen 1870
†Petalodus davisii Woodward 1889
†Petalodus flabellula Woodward 1889
†Petalodus grandis Davis 1883
†Petalodus hastingsiae Owen 1840
†Petalodus hybridus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Petalodus jewetti Miller 1957
†Petalodus knappi Newberry 1879
†Petalodus linguifer Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Petalodus ohioensis Safford 1853
†Petalodus proximus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Petalodus sagittatus Agassiz 1843
Invalid names: Sicarius Leidy 1856 [synonym]
G. †Polyrhizodus M'Coy 1848
†Polyrhizodus attenuatus Davis 1883
†Polyrhizodus carbonarius Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Polyrhizodus colei Davis 1883
†Polyrhizodus concavus Trautschold 1874
†Polyrhizodus dentatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Polyrhizodus digitatus Leidy 1857
Invalid names: Polyrhizodus amplus St. John and Worthen 1875 [synonym], Polyrhizodus excavatus Saint John and Worthen 1866 [synonym], Polyrhizodus littoni Newberry and Worthen 1870 [synonym], Polyrhizodus lobatus Newberry and Worthen 1866 [synonym], Polyrhizodus princeps Newberry and Worthen 1866 [synonym], Polyrhizodus williamsi St. John and Worthen 1875 [synonym]
†Polyrhizodus elongatus Davis 1883
†Polyrhizodus inflexus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Polyrhizodus latus Newberry 1897
†Polyrhizodus magnus M'Coy 1848
†Polyrhizodus minimus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Polyrhizodus modestus Newberry 1875
†Polyrhizodus nanus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Polyrhizodus piasaensis Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Polyrhizodus ponticulus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Polyrhizodus porosus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Polyrhizodus pusillus M'Coy 1848
†Polyrhizodus rectus Newberry 1897
†Polyrhizodus truncatus Newberry and Worthen 1870
G. †Tanaodus St. John and Worthen 1875
Tanaodus angularis Newberry and Worthen 1866
Tanaodus bellcinctus Saint John and Worthen 1875
Tanaodus depressus Saint John and Worthen 1875
Tanaodus gracillimus Newberry and Worthen 1866
Tanaodus grossiplicatus Saint John and Worthen 1875
Tanaodus multiplicatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
Tanaodus obscurus Leidy 1857
Tanaodus polymorphus Saint John and Worthen 1875
Tanaodus praenuntius Saint John and Worthen 1875
Tanaodus pumilis Saint John and Worthen 1875
Tanaodus sculptus Saint John and Worthen 1875
Tanaodus sublunatus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Tanaodus wisei Traquair 1901
Fm. †Pristodontidae Woodward 1889
G. †Davodus Hansen 1985
G. †Megactenopetalus David 1944
G. †Petalorhynchus Newberry and Worthen 1866
†Petalorhynchus beargulchensis Lund 1989
Petalorhynchus distortus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Petalorhynchus indicus Waagen 1879
Petalorhynchus pseudosagittatus Saint John and Worthen 1875
†Petalorhynchus psittacinus Agassiz 1843
Petalorhynchus spatulatus Saint John and Worthen 1875
Petalorhynchus striatus Newberry and Worthen 1866
G. †Pristodus Davis 1883
†Pristodus benniei Etheridge 1875
†Pristodus concinnus Davis 1883
†Pristodus falcatus Davis 1883
Invalid names: Peripristidae Eastman 1902 [synonym]
G. †Serratodus
G. †Thoralodus
Invalid names: Bradyodonti Arambourg and Bertin 1958 [synonym], Chimaeri Jaekel 1911 [empty], Debeeriformes [empty], Euchondrocephali Lund and Grogan 1997 [synonym], Iniopterygiformes Zangerl and Case 1973 [empty], Paraselachiamorpha Lund 1977 [empty], Paraselachimorpha Lund 1977 [invalid subgroup], Trachyacanthi Jaekel 1911 [empty]
Or. †Iniopterygia Zangerl and Case 1973
Fm. †Iniopterygidae Zangerl and Case 1973
G. †Iniopteryx
†Iniopteryx rushlaui Zangerl and Case 1973
†Iniopteryx tedwhitei Zangerl and Case 1973
G. †Promexyele Zangerl and Case 1973
†Promexyele bairdi Zangerl and Case 1973
†Promexyele peyeri Zangerl and Case 1973
G. †Inioxyle
Fm. †Sibyrhynchidae Zangerl and Case 1973
G. †Leonotus
Or. †Mongolepidida Karatujute-Talimaa et al. 1990
Fm. †Shiqianolepidae Sansom et al. 2000
G. †Xinjiangichthys Wang et al. 1998
†Xinjiangichthys pluridentatus Wang et al. 1998
Invalid names: Xinjiangichthys tarimensis Wang et al. 1998 [synonym]
G. †Proprigalea Johns 1997
†Proprigalea languidula Johns 1997
†Proprigalea mediglabra Johns 1997
†Proprigalea medirugosa Johns 1997
Fm. †Pucapampellidae Maisey et al. 2018
G. †Pucapumpella Maisey and Anderson 2001
G. †Simmorius
Or. †Sinacanthida Andreev et al. 2020
Fm. †Sinacanthidae Min 1998
G. †Sinacanthus P'an Kiang 1959
†Sinacanthus triangulatus P'an and Liu 1975
†Sinacanthus wuchangensis P'an Kiang 1958
Invalid names: Sinacanthus fancunensis Liu 1973 [synonym]
Invalid names: Clamydoselachidae [empty], Ctenacanthimorpha [empty], Ctenoptychius ordii Davis 1881 [nomen dubium], Desmiodontida Zangerl 1981 [empty], Kathemacanthidae [empty], Polymerolepidiformes [empty], Rhinobatiformes Müller and Henle 1837 [empty], Subterbranchialia Zangerl 1979 [empty]
No diagnoses are available