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Trilobita - Corynexochida - Styginidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1890Styginidae Vogdes
1955Scutelluidae Richter and Richter
1974Scutelluidae Kobayashi and Hamada p. 68
1997Styginidae Whittington et al. p. 299
1998Styginidae Sepkoski
2011Styginidae Adrain p. 105
2013Styginidae Fortey and Bruton

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
subphylumArtiopoda(Hou and Bergstrom)
classTrilobitaWalch 1771
familyStyginidaeVogdes 1890
familyStyginidaeVogdes 1890

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. †Styginidae Vogdes 1890
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G. †Alceste Hawle and Corda 1847
Alceste latissima Hawle and Corda 1847
G. †Altaepeltis Maksimova 1968
G. †Ancyropyge Clark 1891
Invalid names: Ancyropyge Clark 1891 [synonym]
G. †Arctipeltis Maksimova 1986
G. †Australoscutellum Chatterton and Campbell 1980
G. †Avascutellum Snajdr 1989
Invalid names: Ctenoscutellum Vanek et al. 1991 [synonym]
G. †Bojoscutellum Snajdr 1958
G. †Boreoscutellum Pribyl and Vanek 1972
G. †Breviscutellum Snajdr 1960
G. †Bubupeltina Snajdr 1991
Subfm. †Bumastinae Raymond 1916
G. †Opsypharus Howells 1982
Opsypharus maccallumi Salter 1867
Opsypharus nudus Angelin 1854
G. †Cekovia Snajdr 1956
Cekovia striata Ji 1986
G. †Ciliscutellum Lin 1987
G. †Cornuscutellum Snajdr 1960
G. †Craigheadia Hupe 1955
G. †Cybantyx Lane and Thomas 1978
G. †Decoroscutellum Snajdr 1958
G. †Delgadoa Thadeau 1947
G. †Dentaloscutellum Chatterton 1971
Dentaloscutellum hudsoni Chatterton 1971
G. †Dulanaspis Chugaeva 1956
Dulanaspis asper Zhou et al. 2014
Dulanaspis karagachensis Ghobadi Pour et al. 2011
G. †Ekwanoscutellum Pribyl and Vanek 1972
Ekwanoscutellum ekwanaspis Whiteaves 1906
G. †Eoscutellum Maksimova 1978
G. †Exastipyx Holloway 1996
G. †Failleana Chatterton and Ludvigson 1976
Failleana calva Chatterton and Ludvigsen 1976
Failleana limbata Raymond 1910
Failleana magnifica Chatterton and Ludvigsen 2004
Failleana wangi Chatterton and Ludvigsen 2004
G. †Goldillaenoides Balashova 1959
G. †Goldillaenus Schindewolf 1924
Goldillaenus shinoharai Kobayashi and Hamada 1974
G. †Hidascutellum Kobayashi and Hamada 1977
G. †Illaenoides Weller 1907
Illaenoides abnormis Kobayashi and Hamada 1986
Illaenoides elongata Thomas 1929
Illaenoides magnisulcatus Kobayashi and Hamada 1986
Illaenoides trilobus Weller 1907
G. †Kirkdomina Tripp 1962
G. †Kobayashipeltis Maksimova 1978
G. †Kolihapeltis Prantl and Pribyl 1947
G. †Kosovopeltis Snajdr 1958
Kosovopeltis allaarti Lane 1984
Kosovopeltis andersoni Etheridge and Nicholson 1879
Kosovopeltis angusticostata Kobayashi and Hamada 1974
Kosovopeltis cunctata Reed 1931
Kosovopeltis insularis Billings 1866
Invalid names: Heptabronteus Webby 1974 [synonym]
G. †Kotysopeltis Vanek et al. 1991
G. †Lamproscutellum Yin 1980
G. †Leioscutellum Wu 1977
G. †Ligiscus Lane and Owens 1982
Ligiscus smithi Adrain et al. 1995
G. †Liolalax Holloway and Lane 1999
Invalid names: Lalax Holloway and Lane 1998 [replaced]
G. †Meitanillaenus Zhang 1974
G. †Metascutellum Snajdr 1960
G. †Microscutellum Snajdr 1960
Microscutellum primigenium Kobayashi and Hamada 1974
G. †Mulciberaspis Vanek et al. 1992
G. †Octobronteus Weber 1945
G. †Paracybantyx Ludvigson and Tripp 1990
Paracybantyx occidentalis Adrain et al. 1995
G. †Paraphillipsinella Lu and Zhang 1974
Invalid names: Paraphillipsinella Lu and Zhang 1974 [synonym]
G. †Perischoclonus Raymond 1925
Perischoclonus capitalis Raymond 1925
G. †Phillipsinella Novak 1885
Phillipsinella parabola Stormer 1953
Phillipsinella preclara Bruton 1976
G. †Planiscutellum Richter 1956
Invalid names: Protoscutellum Snajdr 1960 [synonym]
G. †Platyscutellum Snajdr 1958
G. †Poroscutellum Snajdr 1958
G. †Promago Holloway 2007
G. †Protostygina Prantl and Pribyl 1949
Protostygina bohemicus Barrande 1872
G. †Pseudostygina Zhou 1982
G. †Quyuania Xia 1978
G. †Radioscutellum Snajdr 1972
G. †Raymondaspis Pribyl 1948
Raymondaspis angelini Billings 1856
Raymondaspis gregarius Raymond 1920
Raymondaspis limbatus Angelin 1854
Raymondaspis nitens Wiman 1906
Raymondaspis pingpong Fortey and Bruton 2013
Raymondaspis planus Raymond 1937
Raymondaspis reticulatus Whittington 1965
Raymondaspis turgidus Whittington 1965
Raymondaspis vespertina Ross and Barnes 1967
G. †Rhaxeros Lane and Thomas 1980
Invalid names: Rhax Lane and Thomas 1978 [replaced]
G. †Scabriscutellum Richter and Richter 1956
Scabriscutellum hammadi Chatterton et al. 2006
Scabriscutellum lahceni Chatterton et al. 2006
Subfm. †Scutelluinae Richter and Richter 1955
G. †Eobronteus Reed 1928
Eobronteus laticauda Wahlenberg 1818
Invalid names: Bronteus hibernicus Schmidt 1858 [synonym], Bronteus insularis Eichwald 1857 [synonym]
Eobronteus slocomi Bradley 1930
G. †Eokosovopeltis Pribyl and Vanek 1972
Eokosovopeltis currajongensis Edgecombe and Webby 2007
Eokosovopeltis expansus Zhou et al. 2014
Eokosovopeltis grandicurvatus Edgecombe et al. 2007
G. †Goldius deKoninck 1841
Goldius angusticalix Van Viersen and De Wilde 2010
Goldius capitellum Archinal 1994
Goldius goolaertsi Van Viersen 2007
Goldius granulatus Goldfuss 1843
Invalid names: Calycoscutellum Archinal 1994 [synonym]
G. †Paralejurus Hawle and Corda 1847
Paralejurus bohemicus Snajdr 1960
Paralejurus brongniarti Barrande 1846
Paralejurus campanifer Beyrich 1845
Paralejurus carlsi Schraut and Feist 2004
Paralejurus dormitzeri Barrande 1852
Paralejurus intumescens Roemer 1855
Paralejurus rehamnanus Alberti 1970
Paralejurus spatuliformis Schraut and Feist 2004
Paralejurus tenuistriatus Schraut and Feist 2004
G. †Telopeltis McNamara and Feist 2006
Telopeltis woodwardi McNamara and Feist 2006
G. †Torleyiscutellum Basse et al. 2016
Torleyiscutellum mariae Chlupáč 1993
Torleyiscutellum torleyi Archinal 1994
G. †Scutellum Pusch 1833
Subg. †Scutellum (Scutellum) Pusch 1833
Scutellum barrandii Hall 1859
Scutellum calvum Chatterton 1971
Scutellum decipulum Van Viersen and Prescher 2011
Scutellum droseron Holloway and Neil 1982
Scutellum protrusifrons Van Viersen and Prescher 2011
Invalid names: Brontes Goldfuss 1839 [synonym], Bronteus Goldfuss 1843 [synonym], Goldfussia Bronn 1848 [objective synonym]
G. †Spiniscutellum Snajdr 1960
Subfm. †Stygininae Vogdes 1890
G. †Bronteopsis Nicholson and Etheridge 1879
Bronteopsis brumleyi Cooper 1953
Bronteopsis concentrica Nicholson and Etheridge 1879
Invalid names: Bronteopsis scotia Reed 1904 [synonym]
Bronteopsis hotledahli Skjeseth 1955
Bronteopsis marginata Raymond 1925
Bronteopsis panderi Schmidt 1904
Bronteopsis toernquisti Moberg and Segerberg 1906
G. †Stygina Salter 1853
Subg. †Stygina (Protostygina) Prantl and Pribyl 1949
Stygina angustifrons Warburg 1925
Stygina latifrons Portlock 1843
Stygina minor Skjeseth 1955
Stygina murchisoni Reed 1914
Stygina plautoni Schmidt 1904
G. †Tenuipeltis Lütke 1965
G. †Theamataspis Opik 1937
Theamataspis tuber Fortey 1980
G. †Thomastus Opik 1953
G. †Thysanopeltella Kobayashi 1957
Subg. †Thysanopeltella (Septimopeltis) Pribyl and Vanek 1971
G. †Unicapeltis Maksimova 1977
G. †Uraloscutellum Ancigin and Maximova 1978
G. †Waisfeldaspis Vaccari 2001
G. †Weberopeltis Maksimova 1957
Weberopeltis aculeatus Weber 1945
G. †Xyoeax Holloway 1996
Invalid names: Scutelluidae Richter and Richter 1955 [invalid subgroup]
No diagnoses are available