Classification of Statz 1939

Fm. Gryllidae Laicharting 1781 [true crickets]
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Subfm. Gryllinae Laicharting 1781 [field cricket]
G. Liogryllus Saussure 1877
Liogryllus rottensis Statz 1939
Fm. †Phyllodromiidae Burnner 1865
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Subfm. Nyctiborinae Saussure 1869
G. Nyctibora Burmeister 1838
Nyctibora elongata Statz 1939
Fm. Forficulidae Latreille 1810 [common earwig]
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G. †Forficulites Statz 1939
Forficulites rottensis Statz 1939
G. Hydrous Linnaeus 1775
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Hydrous ebeninus Statz 1939
Hydrous rottensis Statz 1939
G. Agabus Leach 1817
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Agabus hochi Statz 1939
Agabus latus Statz 1939
G. Hydroporus Clairville 1806
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Hydroporus macularis Statz 1939
G. †Palaeogyrinus von Schlechtendal 1894
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Palaeogyrinus strigatus von Schlechtendal 1894
G. Hydrophilus Geoffroy 1762
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Hydrophilus fraternus Von Heyden 1859
Hydrophilus neptunus von Heyden and von Heyden 1866
G. Calotermes Hagen 1853
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Calotermes rhenanus Hagen 1863
G. Berosus Leach 1817
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Berosus morticinus von Heyden and von Heyden 1866
G. Paracymus Thomson 1867
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Paracymus excitatus von Heyden and von Heyden 1866
G. Cymbiodyta Bedel 1881
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Cymbiodyta austerus Statz 1939
G. Termes Linnaeus 1758
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Termes adustus Statz 1939
Termes aethiops Statz 1939
Termes atomus Statz 1939
Termes blandus Statz 1939
Termes concinnus Statz 1939
Termes contractulus Statz 1939
Termes holmgreni Statz 1939
Subfm. Termopsinae Holmgren 1911 [damp wood termite]
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G. †Eotermes Statz 1939
Eotermes grandaeva Statz 1939
G. †Ulmeriella Meunier 1920
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Ulmeriella bauckhorni Meunier 1920
Ulmeriella rottensis Statz 1930
Subfm. Ectobiinae Brunner von Wattenwyl 1865
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G. Ectobius Stephens 1835 [croton bug]
Ectobius glabellus Statz 1939
Fm. Dryopidae Billberg 1820 [long toed water beetle]
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G. Helmis Latreille 1802
Helmis decoratus Statz 1939
Subfm. Hydroporinae Aubé 1836
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G. Oreodytes Seidlitz 1887
Fm. Blaberidae Saussure 1864 [giant cockroach]
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G. †Blaberites Statz 1939
Blaberites rhenana Statz 1939