Classification of Koch and Berendt 1854

Cl. Myriapoda Latreille 1802
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Fm. Julidae Leach 1814
G. Craspedosoma Leach 1814
Craspedosoma affine Koch and Berendt 1854
Craspedosoma angulatum Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Julus Linnaeus 1758
Julus laevigatus Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Polyxenus Latreille 1802
Polyxenus coniformis Koch and Berendt 1854
Polyxenus ovalis Koch and Berendt 1854
Or. Isopoda Latreille 1817 [isopod]
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Fm. Oniscidae Latreille 1802
G. Oniscus Linnaeus 1758
Oniscus convexus Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Porcellio Latreille 1802
Porcellio notatus Koch and Berendt 1854
Fm. Archaeidae Koch and Berendt 1854
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G. †Archaea Koch and Berendt 1854
Archaea conica Koch and Berendt 1854
Archaea laevigata Koch and Berendt 1854
Archaea paradoxa Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Segestria Latreille 1804
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Segestria cylindrica Koch and Berendt 1854
Segestria elongata Koch and Berendt 1854
Segestria nana Koch and Berendt 1854
Segestria tomentosa Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Clubiona Latreille 1804
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Clubiona attenuata Koch and Berendt 1854
Clubiona lanata Koch and Berendt 1854
Clubiona microphthalma Koch and Berendt 1854
Clubiona pubescens Koch and Berendt 1854
Clubiona sericea Koch and Berendt 1854
Clubiona tomentosa Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Linyphia Latreille 1804
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Linyphia cheiracantha Koch and Berendt 1854
Linyphia oblonga Koch and Berendt 1854
Or. Opiliones Sundevall 1833 [harvestman]
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G. Nemastoma Koch 1836
Nemastoma denticulatum Koch and Berendt 1854
Nemastoma incertum Koch and Berendt 1854
Nemastoma tuberculatum Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Opilio Herbst 1798
Opilio ovalis Koch and Berendt 1854
Opilio ramiger Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Platybunus Koch 1839
Platybunus dentipalpus Koch and Berendt 1854
Or. Collembola Lubbock 1871 [springtail]
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G. Paidium Koch 1840
Paidium crassicorne Koch and Berendt 1854
Paidium pyriforme Koch and Berendt 1854
G. †Glessaria Koch and Berendt 1854
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Glessaria rostrata Koch and Berendt 1854
Fm. Lepismatidae Latreille 1802 [silverfish]
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G. Forbicina Geoffroy 1762
Forbicina acuminata Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Petrobius Leach 1809
Petrobius angueus Koch and Berendt 1854
Petrobius confinis Koch and Berendt 1854
Petrobius coruscus Koch and Berendt 1854
Petrobius electus Koch and Berendt 1854
Petrobius imbricatus Koch and Berendt 1854
Petrobius longipalpus Koch and Berendt 1854
Petrobius seticornis Koch and Berendt 1854
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Ocypete crassipes Koch and Berendt 1854
Ocypete decumana Koch and Berendt 1854
Ocypete triguttata Koch and Berendt 1854
Subcl. Acarina Leach 1817 [mite]
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Fm. Trombidiidae Leach 1815
G. Trombidium Fabricius 1775
Trombidium clavipes Koch and Berendt 1854
Trombidium saccatum Koch and Berendt 1854
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G. Cermatia Illiger 1807
Cermatia illigeri Koch and Berendt 1854
Cermatia leachii Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Lithobius Leach 1814
Lithobius longicornis Koch and Berendt 1854
Lithobius maxillosus Koch and Berendt 1854
Lithobius planatus Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Anyphaena Sundevall 1833
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Anyphaena fuscata Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Theridium Walckenaer 1805
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Theridium alutaceum Koch and Berendt 1854
Theridium detersum Koch and Berendt 1854
Theridium granulatum Koch and Berendt 1854
Theridium hirtum Koch and Berendt 1854
Theridium ovale Koch and Berendt 1854
Theridium ovatum Koch and Berendt 1854
Theridium simplex Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Lepisma Linnaeus 1758
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Lepisma argentata Koch and Berendt 1854
Lepisma dubia Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Cheyletus Latreille 1796
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Cheyletus portentosus Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Bdella Latreille 1795
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Bdella lata Koch and Berendt 1854
Or. Pseudoscorpiones Latreille 1817 [pseudoscorpion]
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G. Chelifer Geoffroy 1762
Chelifer ehrenbergii Koch and Berendt 1854
Chelifer hemprichii Koch and Berendt 1854
Chelifer kleemanni Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Obisium Leach 1814
Obisium rathkii Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Acarus Linnaeus 1758
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Acarus rhombeus Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Dysdera Latreille 1804
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Dysdera tersa Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Ero Koch 1836
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Ero setulosa Koch and Berendt 1854
Ero sphaerica Koch and Berendt 1854
G. †Mizalia Koch and Berendt 1854
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Mizalia globosa Koch and Berendt 1854
Mizalia pilosula Koch and Berendt 1854
Mizalia punctulata Koch and Berendt 1854
Mizalia rostrata Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Hersilia Audouin 1826
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Hersilia miranda Koch and Berendt 1854
G. †Androgeus Koch and Berendt 1854
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Androgeus militaris Koch and Berendt 1854
Androgeus triqueter Koch and Berendt 1854
G. †Clya Koch and Berendt 1854
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Clya lugubris Koch and Berendt 1854
G. †Flegia Koch and Berendt 1854
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Flegia longimana Koch and Berendt 1854
G. †Thyelia Koch and Berendt 1854
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Thyelia anomala Koch and Berendt 1854
Thyelia convexa Koch and Berendt 1854
Thyelia fossula Koch and Berendt 1854
Thyelia marginata Koch and Berendt 1854
Thyelia pallida Koch and Berendt 1854
Thyelia scotina Koch and Berendt 1854
Thyelia tristis Koch and Berendt 1854
Thyelia villosa Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Erigone Audouin 1826
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Erigone stigmatosa Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Micryphantes Koch 1833
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Micryphantes infulatus Koch and Berendt 1854
Micryphantes molybdinus Koch and Berendt 1854
Micryphantes regularis Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Gea Koch 1843
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Gea epeiroidea Koch and Berendt 1854
Gea obscura Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Zilla Koch 1834
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Zilla gracilis Koch and Berendt 1854
Zilla porrecta Koch and Berendt 1854
Zilla veterana Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Agelena Walckenaer 1805
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Agelena tabida Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Tegenaria Latreille 1804
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Tegenaria gracilipes Koch and Berendt 1854
Tegenaria obscura Koch and Berendt 1854
G. †Sosybius Koch and Berendt 1854
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Sosybius major Koch and Berendt 1854
Sosybius minor Koch and Berendt 1854
G. †Therea Koch and Berendt 1854
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Therea hispida Koch and Berendt 1854
Therea petiolata Koch and Berendt 1854
G. †Syphax Koch and Berendt 1854
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Syphax fuliginosus Koch and Berendt 1854
Syphax gracilis Koch and Berendt 1854
Syphax megacephalus Koch and Berendt 1854
Syphax radiatus Koch and Berendt 1854
Syphax thoracicus Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Phidippus Koch 1846
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Phidippus fasciatus Koch and Berendt 1854
Phidippus formosus Koch and Berendt 1854
Phidippus frenatus Koch and Berendt 1854
Phidippus gibberulus Koch and Berendt 1854
Phidippus impressus Koch and Berendt 1854
Phidippus marginatus Koch and Berendt 1854
Phidippus melanocephalus Koch and Berendt 1854
Phidippus paululus Koch and Berendt 1854
Phidippus pusillus Koch and Berendt 1854
G. †Leda Koch and Berendt 1854
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Leda promissa Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Amaurobius Koch 1837
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Amaurobius faustus Koch and Berendt 1854
Amaurobius rimosus Koch and Berendt 1854
G. †Clythia Koch and Berendt 1854
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Clythia alma Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Textrix Sundevall 1833
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Textrix funesta Koch and Berendt 1854
Textrix lineata Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Pythonissa Koch 1837
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Pythonissa affinis Koch and Berendt 1854
Pythonissa ambigua Koch and Berendt 1854
Pythonissa sericata Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Melanophora Koch 1833
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Melanophora concinna Koch and Berendt 1854
Melanophora mundula Koch and Berendt 1854
Melanophora nobilis Koch and Berendt 1854
Melanophora regalis Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Macaria Westring 1851
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Macaria procera Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Philodromus Latreille 1802
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Philodromus dubius Koch and Berendt 1854
Philodromus microcephalus Koch and Berendt 1854
Philodromus spinimanus Koch and Berendt 1854
Philodromus squamiger Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Eresus Walckenaer 1805
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Eresus curtipes Koch and Berendt 1854
Eresus monachus Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Gonyleptes Kirby 1819
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Gonyleptes nemastomoides Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Rhyncholophus Duges 1834
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Rhyncholophus foveolatus Koch and Berendt 1854
Rhyncholophus illustris Koch and Berendt 1854
Rhyncholophus incertus Koch and Berendt 1854
Rhyncholophus longipes Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Actineda Koch 1836
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Actineda venustula Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Tetranychus Dufour 1832
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Tetranychus brevipes Koch and Berendt 1854
Tetranychus gibbus Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Penthaleus Koch 1835
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Penthaleus tristiculus Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Oribates Latreille 1806
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Oribates convexulus Koch and Berendt 1854
Oribates politus Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Sejus Koch 1836
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Sejus bdelloides Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Podura Linnaeus 1758
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Podura fuscata Koch and Berendt 1854
Podura pilosa Koch and Berendt 1854
Podura pulchra Koch and Berendt 1854
Podura taenita Koch and Berendt 1854
G. †Acreagris Koch and Berendt 1854
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Acreagris crenata Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Smynthurus Latreille 1802
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Smynthurus brevicornis Koch and Berendt 1854
Smynthurus longicornis Koch and Berendt 1854
Smynthurus ovatulus Koch and Berendt 1854