Also known as Cook Cave
Where: Bath County, Virginia (38.0° N, 79.8° W: paleocoordinates 38.0° N, 79.8° W)
• coordinate estimated from map
When: Late/Upper Pleistocene to Late/Upper Pleistocene (0.1 - 0.0 Ma)
Environment/lithology: cave; lithology not reported
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils, microfossils
Preservation: bone collector
Primary reference: R. Eshelman and F. Grady. 1986. Quaternary vertebrate localities of Virginia and their avian and mammalian fauna. Virginia Division of Mineral Resources, Publication 75:43-70 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/M. Uhen]more details
Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis
PaleoDB collection 104034: authorized by Mark Uhen, entered by Mark Uhen on 05.02.2011
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Mammalia | |
Eptesicus fuscus Beauvois 1796 big brown bat
Myotis sp. Kaup 1829 vesper bat | |
Mylohyus sp. Cope 1869 peccary | |
"Mustela rixosa" = Mustela nivalis
"Mustela rixosa" = Mustela nivalis Linnaeus 1766 least weasel | |
Procyon lotor Linnaeus 1758 raccoon | |
Ursus americanus Pallas 1780 black bear | |
Canis sp. Linnaeus 1758 canine | |
Scalopus aquaticus Linnaeus 1758 eastern mole | |
Sorex cinereus Kerr 1792 cinereus shrew
Sorex fumeus Miller 1895 smoky shrew | |
Sciurus sp., Glaucomys sp., Glaucomys cf. volans, Glaucomys cf. sabrinus, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, Spermophilus tridecemlineatus, Marmota monax, Tamias striatus
Sciurus sp. Linnaeus 1758 squirrel
Glaucomys sp. Thomas 1908 flying squirrel
Glaucomys cf. volans Linnaeus 1758 southern flying squirrel
Glaucomys cf. sabrinus Shaw 1801 northern flying squirrel
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Erxleben 1777 American red squirrel
Spermophilus tridecemlineatus Mitchell 1821 thirteen-lined ground squirrel
Marmota monax Linnaeus 1758 groundhog
Tamias striatus Linnaeus 1758 eastern chipmunk | |
Castor canadensis Kuhl 1820 American beaver | |
Peromyscus sp., Peromyscus maniculatus, Peromyscus leucopus, "Synaptomys borealis" = Synaptomys (Mictomys) borealis, Neotoma floridana, Synaptomys cooperi, Microtus zanthognathus, Microtus chrotorrhinus, Microtus pennsylvanicus, Microtus pinetorum, Phenacomys intermedius, Ondatra zibethicus, Clethrionomys gapperi
Peromyscus sp. Gloger 1841 deer mouse
Peromyscus maniculatus Wagner 1843 deer mouse
Peromyscus leucopus Rafinesque 1818 white-footed mouse
"Synaptomys borealis" = Synaptomys (Mictomys) borealis Richardson 1828 northern bog lemming
Neotoma floridana Ord 1818 eastern woodrat
Synaptomys cooperi Baird 1858 southern bog lemming
Microtus chrotorrhinus Miller 1894 rock vole
Microtus pennsylvanicus Ord 1815 meadow vole
Microtus pinetorum Le Conte 1830 woodland vole
Phenacomys intermedius Merriam 1889 western heather vole
Ondatra zibethicus Linnaeus 1766 muskrat
Clethrionomys gapperi Vigors 1830 southern red-backed vole | |
Leporidae indet. Fischer de Waldheim 1817 rabbit | |
Reptilia | |
Pediocetes phasianellus grouse | |
Aves | |
Aves indet. Linnaeus 1758 bird | |
Ectopistes migratorius Linnaeus 1758 passenger pigeon | |
cf. Corvus sp. Linnaeus 1758 crow | |
"cf. Carpodacus purpureus" = Haemorhous purpureus
"cf. Carpodacus purpureus" = Haemorhous purpureus Gmelin 1789 purple finch | |
Accipiter cooperii Bonaparte 1828 Cooper's hawk |