Klawak Island (Carboniferous of the United States)

Also known as 16 ACh 115

Where: Alaska (55.5° N, 133.1° W: paleocoordinates 0.4° S, 74.2° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

When: Mississippian (358.9 - 323.2 Ma)

Environment/lithology: lithified limestone and lithified, black chert

• Coarsely crystalline highly fossiliferous limestone and black thin-layered chert.

Size class: macrofossils

Collected by T. Chapin

Primary reference: A. F. Buddington and T. Chapin. 1929. Geology and mineral deposits of southeastern Alaska. United States Geological Survey Bulletin 800:1-398 [A. Miller/S. Kolbe]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 112174: authorized by Arnold Miller, entered by Sarah Kolbe on 06.07.2011, edited by Phil Novack-Gottshall

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• Identified by G.H. Girty.
 Stauriida - Lonsdaleiidae
Lonsdaleia sp. McCoy 1849 horn coral
 Stauriida - Lithostrotionidae
Lithostrotion spp. Fleming 1828 horn coral
 Stauriida - Zaphrentidae
"Zaphrentis sp." = Zaphrenthis
"Zaphrentis sp." = Zaphrenthis Rafinesque and Clifford 1820 horn coral
 Favositida - Micheliniidae
Michelinia sp. de Koninck 1841 tabulate coral
 Palaeocopida - Paraparchitidae
Paraparchites sp. Ulrich and Bassler 1906 ostracod
 Podocopida - Bairdiidae
Bairdia sp. M'Coy 1844 ostracod
 Proetida - Proetidae
Proetus sp. Steininger 1831 trilobite
 Strophomenida - Chonetidae
Chonetes sp. Fischer de Waldheim 1830
 Orthotetida - Orthotetidae
 Orthotetida - Schuchertellidae
 Productida - Linoproductidae
"Productus aff. ovatus" = Linoproductus ovatus
"Productus aff. ovatus" = Linoproductus ovatus Hall 1858
 Productida - Productidae
"Productus aff. gallatinensis" = Dictyoclostus gallatinensis, "Productus aff. inflatus" = Dictyoclostus inflatus
"Productus aff. gallatinensis" = Dictyoclostus gallatinensis Girty 1899
"Productus aff. inflatus" = Dictyoclostus inflatus McChesney 1860
 Productida - Productellidae
"Productus giganteus" = Gigantella giganteus Sowerby 1822
"Productus aff. longispinus" = Eomarginifera longispinus Sowerby 1814
 Productida - Echinoconchidae
 Productida - Araksalosiidae
"? Productella aff. concentrica" = Chonetipustula concentrica
"? Productella aff. concentrica" = Chonetipustula concentrica Hall 1857
 Rhynchonellida - Camarotoechiidae
? Camarotoechia sp. Hall and Clarke 1893
 Terebratulida - Cranaenidae
? Cranaena sp. Hall and Clarke 1893
 Spiriferinida - Spiriferinidae
? Spiriferina sp. d'Orbigny 1847
 Athyridida - Athyrididae
Composita sp. Brown 1849
 Spiriferida - Elythidae
? Squamularia sp. Gemmellaro 1899
 Spiriferida - Spiriferidae
Spirifer spp. Sowerby 1818
 Spiriferida - Trigonotretidae
"Spirifer aff. cameratus" = Neospirifer cameratus
"Spirifer aff. cameratus" = Neospirifer cameratus Morton 1836
 Spiriferida - Martiniidae
? Martinia sp. M'Coy 1844
 Orthida - Schizophoriidae
 Nuculida - Nuculidae
? Nucula sp. Lamarck 1799 nut clam
 Cardiidia - Grammysiidae
Sphenotus sp. Hall 1884 clam
 Pectinida - Pterinopectinidae
Pterinopecten sp. Hall 1883 scallop
 Ostreida - Pterineidae
Leptodesma sp. Hall 1883 oyster
Gastropoda indet. Cuvier 1795 snail
 Bellerophontida - Bellerophontidae
"Bellerophon aff. sublevis" = Bellerophon spergensis
"Bellerophon aff. sublevis" = Bellerophon spergensis Gordon and Yochelson 1983 snail
 Euomphalina - Platyceratidae
Platyceras sp. Conrad 1840 snail
? Platyschisma spp. M'Coy 1844 snail
Crinoidea indet. Miller 1821 Sea lily