Locality KD (Permian of the United States)

Also known as (Upper Vale Fm.) Main site

Where: Knox County, Texas (33.7° N, 99.6° W: paleocoordinates 2.4° N, 29.0° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: "Bullwagon" Member (Vale Formation), Kungurian (279.3 - 272.3 Ma)

• "Robert Roth, of the Humble Oil and Refining Company of Wichita Falls, Texas, believes that surfacer and subsurface data show that the beds in question are part of the 'Bullwagon' member of the Vale formation. This places the section high in the Vale, just below the Choza." Olson (1948 p. 190);

•the base and top of the Clear Fork Group (i.e., Arroyo, Vale, and Choza formations) are both within the Kungurian: see Wardlaw 2005 (Permophiles) for the base, and DiMichele et al. 2001 (J Paleont) for the top

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: dry floodplain; pebbly, green, red conglomerate and lenticular siltstone

• "The channels are evidence that a rather large, braided stream passed north or south over the area in a valley of considerable width. The region must have had a moderately high annual rainfall to support the fauna and flora. The total rainfall was perhaps not greatly different from what it is today, and the temperature may have been quite similar, with possibly less seasonal variation. The rains, however appear to have been periodic and torrential [...] " Olson (1948, p. 192)
• "The channel fill is largely clay pebble conglomerate, with pebbles ranging from a few millimeters to about 8 cm. in diameter. Rounding of the pebbles is uniformly high, but sphericity is varied. [...] The coarsest material tend to lie at the center of the channel, whereas the marginal parts are predominantly sand or clay with fine scattered pebbles." Olson (1948, p. 191)

Size class: mesofossils

Collected by E. C. Olson, E. L. Yochelson, S. H. Mamay in 1946-1948, 1955; reposited in the FMNH

• Olson (1958) divided the locality into Quarry Site and Weathered Boulder Site, leaving the main one for recording scattered finds

Primary reference: E. C. Olson. 1948. A Preliminary Report on Vertebrates from the Permian Vale Formation of Texas. Journal of Geology 56:186-198 [J. Mueller/T. Liebrecht]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 12976: authorized by John Alroy, entered by Robin Whatley on 12.01.2002, edited by Matthew Carrano, Torsten Liebrecht and Emma Dunne

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Synapsida - Edaphosauridae
Edaphosauridae sp. Cope 1882 synapsid
 Synapsida - Sphenacodontidae
"Dimetrodon gigashomogenes" = Dimetrodon giganhomogenes4
"Dimetrodon gigashomogenes" = Dimetrodon giganhomogenes4 Case 1907 synapsid
 Recumbirostra - Molgophidae
"Lysorophus tricarinatus" = Brachydectes newberryi
"Lysorophus tricarinatus" = Brachydectes newberryi Cope 1868 amniote
 Recumbirostra - Gymnarthridae
Gymnarthridae indet. Case 1910 amniote
Reptilia indet.3 Laurenti 1768 reptile
CNHM UR 268 ("Genus nov., incertae sedis")
 Eureptilia - Captorhinidae
 Seymouriamorpha - Waggoneriidae
Waggoneria knoxensis4 Olson 1951 tetrapod
Listed as W. texensis but this is a misspelling
 Nectridea - Diplocaulidae
Diplocaulus recurvatus n. sp.2 Olson 1952 tetrapod
CMNH UR 17-22; UC 1664-1666
 Dipnoi - Gnathorhizidae
Gnathorhiza dikeloda1 Olson 1951 lungfish
? = "Dipnoi indet." in Olson (1948)
 Xenacanthiformes - Xenacanthidae
Xenacanthus sp. Beyrich 1848 elasmobranch