Patos, Rio Acre (Miocene of Brazil)

Also known as LACM 4611

Where: Acre, Brazil (10.9° S, 69.9° W: paleocoordinates 11.2° S, 68.2° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Solimoes Formation, Late/Upper Miocene (11.6 - 5.3 Ma)

• The outcrop is visible only in the low-water season and consists of an intraformational conglom- erate with clasts of clay and silt. It is part of a large paleochan- nel (Fig. 2). The base of the unit is not visible, and its upper part is covered by vegetation.

• formation-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: alluvial fan; conglomerate and sandstone

• Latrubesse et al. (1997) interpreted the Solimoes deposits as being part of a megafan system, with its headwaters in the Peruvian Andes.
• The outcrop is visible only in the low-water season and consists of an intraformational conglom- erate with clasts of clay and silt.

Size class: mesofossils

Primary reference: R. F. Kay and M. A. Cozzuol. 2006. New platyrrhine monkeys from the Solimoes Formation (late Miocene, Acre State, Brazil). Journal of Human Evolution 50(6):673-686 [C. Jaramillo/G. Ballen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 134808: authorized by Carlos Jaramillo, entered by Gustavo Ballen on 17.10.2012, edited by Juan Carrillo and Evangelos Vlachos

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Siluriformes - Pimelodidae
Phractocephalus acreornatus1 Aguilera et al. 2008 cajaro
UFAC 2093, 2094, 2187, 4498, 4493, 4668, 5073 (paratypes); LACM 128338, 128339 (paratypes)
 Testudines - Podocnemididae
Stupendemys souzai n. sp.2 Bocquetin and Melo 2006 sideneck turtle
UFAC 1544, costal plate; UFAC 1764, right humerus;
 Tribosphenida -
Marsupialia indet.5 Illiger 1811 marsupial
LACM 117501
 Didelphimorphia - Didelphidae
Lutreolina materdei n. sp.6 Goin and De los Reyes 2011 lutrine opossum
 Cingulata - Dasypodidae
Pampatheriinae indet.5 Paula Couto 1954 armadillo
LACM 117506
 Sirenia - Trichechidae
? Ribodon sp.5 Ameghino 1883 manatee
LACM 117532
 Panameriungulata - Macraucheniidae
Macraucheniidae indet.5 Ameghino 1889 placental
 Panameriungulata - Proterotheriidae
Proterotheriidae indet.5 Ameghino 1887 placental
LACM 117527
 Rodentia -
Neoreomys huilensis3 Fields 1957 caviomorph
LACM 117574, 117575, 117576, 117577
 Rodentia - Hydrochoeridae
Cardiatherium sp.4 Ameghino 1883 caviomorph
LACM 117509, 117510, 117511, 117512, 117513, 117514, 117515, 117516,117517
 Rodentia - Caviidae
Caviodon sp.7 Ameghino 1885 caviomorph
UFAC 5465
Dolichotinae indet.7 mara
UFAC 5468
 Rodentia - Dinomyidae
Tetrastylus sp.5 Ameghino 1886 caviomorph
LACM 117535,
cf. Pseudopotamarchus villanuevai7 Kerber et al. 2016 caviomorph
UFAC 5467
Potamarchus murinus5 Burmeister 1885 caviomorph
 Rodentia - Neoepiblemidae
Neoepiblemidae indet.5 Kraglievich 1926 caviomorph
LACM 117524,117525
Neoepiblemidae indet.8 Kraglievich 1926 caviomorph
LACM 117508
Phoberomys sp.7 Kraglievich 1926 caviomorph
UFAC 1817
 Rodentia - Erethizontidae
Erethizontidae indet.5 Bonaparte 1845 porcupine
LACM 117507
 Rodentia - Echimyidae
Heteropsomyinae indet.5 Anthony 1917 spiny rat
LACM 117526
 Primates - Atelidae
Solimoea acrensis n. sp. Kay and Cozzuol 2006 monkey