Sample 9, Nightingale Estate pit, Hackney (Pleistocene of the United Kingdom)

Where: United Kingdom (51.6° N, 0.1° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Highbury Silts and Sands Formation, Middle Pleistocene (0.8 - 0.1 Ma)

• MIS 9. 84-94 cm below top of organic deposit.

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: fine channel fill; unlithified, carbonaceous sandstone

• The sediments were laid down during the infilling of a depression on the floodplain of a large river. The site of deposition appears to have been a water body throughout the period of sedimentation with most of the infill deposited as a succession of sand-rich pulses from floodwater inflow from a nearby main channel of the river. Intervals of quiet-water sedimentation become more common and more sustained upward and the sedimentological and fossil evidence suggests that the water body was changing progressively in character. The dominance of running-water species in the insect fauna even in the upper part of the sequence suggests that the water body continued to serve as a subsidiary channel on the floodplain rather than becoming an enclosed pond.

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: C. P. Green, N. P. Branch, G. R. Coope, M. H. Field, D. H. Keen, J. M. Wells, J. L. Schwenninger, R. C. Preece, D. C. Schreve, M. G. Canti, and C. P. Gleed-Owen. 2006. Marine Isotope Stage 9 environments of fluvial deposits at Hackney, north London, UK. Quaternary Science Reviews 25:89-113 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 168265: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 18.04.2015

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Coleoptera - Hydrophilidae
Enochrus spp. Thomson 1859 water scavenger beetle
Georissus crenulatus Rossi 1794 water scavenger beetle
Chaetarthria seminulum Herbst 1797 water scavenger beetle
Megasternum boletophagum Marsham 1802 water scavenger beetle
Cercyon sp. Leach 1817 water scavenger beetle
Coelostoma orbiculare Fabricius 1775 water scavenger beetle
Sphaeridium scarabaeoides Linnaeus 1758 water scavenger beetle
Laccobius sp. Erichson 1837 water scavenger beetle
 Coleoptera - Helophoridae
Helophorus sp. Fabricius 1775 water scavenger beetle
 Coleoptera - Histeridae
Hister sp. Linnaeus 1758 clown beetle
Chaetabraeus globulus Creutzer 1799 clown beetle
Onthophilus striatus Forster 1771 clown beetle
 Coleoptera - Staphylinidae
Aleocharinae indet. Fleming 1821 rove beetle
Stilicus cf. similis Erichson 1839 rove beetle
Paederus riparius Linnaeus 1758 rove beetle
Quedius cf. boops Gravenhorst 1802 rove beetle
"Oxytelus rugosus" = Anotylus rugosus Fabricius 1775 rove beetle
"Trogophloeus sp." = Carpelimus Leach 1819 rove beetle
Platystethus cornutus Gravenhorst 1802 rove beetle
Oxytelus laqueatus Marsham 1802 rove beetle
Bledius sp. Leach 1819 rove beetle
Phosphuga atrata Linnaeus 1758 rove beetle
Pselaphaulax dresdensis Herbst 1791 rove beetle
Bryaxis sp. Kugelann 1794 rove beetle
Stenus spp. Latreille 1796 rove beetle
 Coleoptera - Hydraenidae
Hydraena sp. Kugelann 1794 minute moss beetle
Ochthebius minimus Fabricius 1792 minute moss beetle
Ochthebius bicolon Germar 1842 minute moss beetle
 Coleoptera - Scarabaeidae
"Melalontha melalontha" = Melolontha melolontha Linnaeus 1758 scarab beetle
Heptaulacus sus Herbst 1783 scarab beetle
Aphodius spp. Hellwig 1798 scarab beetle
Aphodius carpetanus Graells 1847 scarab beetle
Aphodius conspurcatus Linnaeus 1758 scarab beetle
Valgus hemipterus Linnaeus 1758 flower chafer
 Coleoptera - Lucanidae
Dorcus parallelipipedus Linnaeus 1758 stag beetle
 Coleoptera - Helodidae
Helodidae indet. Shuckard 1839 beetle
 Coleoptera - Byrrhidae
"Limnichus versicolor" = Pelochares versicolor
"Limnichus versicolor" = Pelochares versicolor Waltl 1833 pill beetle
 Coleoptera - Buprestidae
Agrilus sp. Curtis 1825 jewel beetle
 Coleoptera - Elateridae
Melanotus rufipes Herbst 1784 click beetle
Adelocera murina Linnaeus 1758 click beetle
 Coleoptera - Throscidae
Throscus dermestoides Linnaeus 1767 beetle
 Coleoptera - Elmidae
Macronychus quadrituberculatus Muller 1806 riffle beetle
"Normandia nitens" = Riolus nitens Muller 1817 riffle beetle
Limnius volckmari Panzer 1793 riffle beetle
Esolus parallelepipedus Muller 1806 riffle beetle
Elmis aenea Muller 1806 riffle beetle
Oulimnius troglodytes Gyllenhal 1827 riffle beetle
Oulimnius tuberculatus Muller 1806 riffle beetle
 Coleoptera - Limnichidae
Limnichus pygmaeus Sturm 1807 minute marsh loving beetle
 Coleoptera - Dryopidae
Dryops sp., "Helichus substriatus" = Pomatinus substriatus
Dryops sp. Olivier 1791 long toed water beetle
"Helichus substriatus" = Pomatinus substriatus Muller 1806 long toed water beetle
 Coleoptera - Cryptophagidae
Atomaria sp. Stephens 1829 silken fungus beetle
 Coleoptera - Sphindidae
Aspidiphorus orbiculatus Gyllenhal 1808 cryptic slime mold beetle
 Coleoptera - Cerylonidae
Cerylon histeroides Fabricius 1792 beetle
 Coleoptera - Anthicidae
Anthicus sp. Paykull 1798 ant like flower beetle
 Coleoptera - Mordellidae
Mordellistena sp. Costa 1854 tumbling flower beetle
 Coleoptera - Chrysomelidae
Macroplea appendiculata Panzer 1794 leaf beetle
Plateumaris affinis Kunze 1818 reed leaf beetle
 Coleoptera - Cerambycidae
Cerambycidae indet. Latreille 1802 longhorned beetle
"larval jaws indet."
Pogonocherus hispidus Linnaeus 1758 longhorned beetle
 Coleoptera - Curculionidae
"Rhyncolus punctulatus" = Rhyncolus punctatulus Boheman 1838 snout beetle
Stenoscelis submuricatus Schoenherr 1832 snout beetle
"Tanysphyrus lemnae" = Tanysphyrus (Tanysphyrus) lemnae Fabricius 1792 snout beetle
Rhynchaenus quercus Linnaeus 1758 snout beetle
Phyllobius sp. Schoenher 1824 snout beetle
Polydrusus sp. Germar 1817 snout beetle
Trachyphloeus sp. Germar 1817 snout beetle
"Otiorhynchus ovatus" = Otiorhynchus (Pendragon) ovatus Linnaeus 1758 snout beetle
Sitona flavescens Marsham 1802 snout beetle
Hypera sp. Germar 1817 snout beetle
"Hylesinus oleiperda" = Hylesinus toranio Danthoine 1788 bark beetle
Bagous sp. Germar 1817 snout beetle
Curculio venosus Gravenhorst 1807 snout beetle
Anthonomus sp. Germar 1817 snout beetle
Micrelus ericae Gyllenhal 1813 snout beetle
 Coleoptera - Ptinidae
Anobium punctatum De Geer 1774 furniture beetle
 Coleoptera - Bostrichidae
"Bostrychidae indet." = Bostrichidae
"Bostrychidae indet." = Bostrichidae Latreille 1802 false powderpost beetle
 Coleoptera - Gyrinidae
Orectochilus villosus Müller 1776 whirligig beetle
 Coleoptera - Carabidae
"Dyschirius globosus" = Dyschiriodes globosus Herbst 1784 ground beetle
Elaphrus riparius Linnaeus 1758 ground beetle
Paranchus albipes Fabricius 1794 ground beetle
Agonum muelleri Herbst 1784 ground beetle
Nebria brevicollis Fabricius 1792 ground beetle
Pterostichus melanarius Illiger 1798 ground beetle
"Pterostichus anthracinus" = Pterostichus (Pseudomaseus) anthracinus Illiger 1798 ground beetle
Amara bifrons Gyllenhal 1810 ground beetle
"Dromius linearis" = Paradromius linearis Olivier 1795 ground beetle
Trechus quadristriatus Schrank 1781 ground beetle
"Bembidion elongatum" = Sinechostictus (Sinechostictus) elongatus Dejean 1831 ground beetle
"Bembidion assimile" = Bembidion (Diplocampa) assimile Gyllenhal 1810 ground beetle
"Bembidion articulatum" = Bembidion (Trepanes) articulatum Panzer 1796 ground beetle
"Bembidion doris" = Bembidion (Trepanedoris) doris Panzer 1797 ground beetle
"Bembidion lampros" = Bembidion (Metallina) lampros Herbst 1784 ground beetle
Bembidion minimum Fabricius 1792 ground beetle
"Bembidion obtusum" = Bembidion (Phyla) obtusum Audinet-Serville 1821 ground beetle
 Coleoptera - Dytiscidae
Hydroporus sp. Clairville 1806 predaceous diving beetle
Ilybius sp. Erichson 1832 predaceous diving beetle