Where: Japan (33.5° N, 133.2° E: paleocoordinates 42.2° N, 117.0° E)
• coordinate stated in text
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Carnian (237.0 - 228.0 Ma)
• Ladinian?‑Carnian
Environment/lithology: reef, buildup or bioherm; reef rocks
•km north of the town of Tsuno (Tsuno district, Kochi prefecture). Reefal limestone blocks of tens of centimeters to few meters are embedded in green volcaniclastic and sparry calcite matrix. All of the collected blocks correspond to coral-sponge boundstone with minor amounts of microproblematica and algae. The preservation is good despite minor silicification. The taxonomic diversity is high (25 species were determined). The primary framebuilders (mainly corals and sponges) are encrusted by several generations of microbial crust and sessile organisms. There are a few voids with isopachous cements, and peloid-microproblematica grainstone-pack stone sediment and peloidal-clotted micrite fill the interstices between the skeletal elements
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Primary reference: C. Peybernes, J. Chablais, and R. Martini. 2015. Upper Triassic (Ladinian?-Carnian) reef biota from the Sambosan Accretionary Complex, Shikoku, Japan. Facies 61(20) [W. Kiessling/M. Krause/M. Uhen]more details
Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis
PaleoDB collection 173348: authorized by Wolfgang Kiessling, entered by Mihaela Krause on 18.09.2015
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Cyanophyceae | |
Baccanella floriformis Pantic 1971 | |
Hormogoneae | |
Girvanella sp. Nicholson and Etheridge 1878 | |
Rhodophyceae | |
"? Parachaetetes cf. cassianus" = Parachaetetes cassiana, Dendronella articulata
"? Parachaetetes cf. cassianus" = Parachaetetes cassiana Flugel 1961 | |
Tubothalamea | |
Cucurbita infundibuliforme Jablonsky 1973 | |
Nubeculariidae indet. Jones 1875 | |
Foraminifera | |
| |
Piallina tethydis Rettori and Zaninetti 1993
Piallina bronnimanni Martini 1995 | |
Anthozoa | |
| |
Retiophyllia sp. Cuif 1966 stony coral | |
Thamnasteriamorpha okudai Stanley and Onoue 2015 stony coral | |
Hydrozoa | |
Tubiphytes sp. Maslov 1956 | |
Ladinella porata | |
Ladinella porata Ott 1968 | |
Radiomura | |
Radiomura cautica Senowbari-Daryan and Schaefer 1979 | |
Plexoramea cerebriformis | |
Plexoramea cerebriformis Mello 1977 | |
Isnella misiki | |
? Isnella misiki Senowbari 2007 | |
Demospongiae | |
Uvanella ? lamellata Senowbari-Daryan 1981 demosponge
Uvanella irregularis Ott 1967 demosponge
Celyphia zoldana Ott et al. 1980 demosponge | |
Zardinia perisulcata Dieci et al. 1968 demosponge | |
Cryptocoelia zitteli Steinmann 1882 demosponge | |
? Murania kazmierczaki Reitner 1992 demosponge | |
Sedentaria | |
Serpulidae indet. Rafinesque 1835 | |
Polychaeta | |
Strophomenata | |
Gosaukammerella eomesozoica Flügel 1972 | |
Wetheredellidae | |
? Koskinobullina socialis Cherchi and Schroeder 1979 |