Observation Quarry (Miocene of the United States)

Where: Dawes County, Nebraska (42.7° N, 102.9° W: paleocoordinates 43.3° N, 99.6° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Early/Lower Barstovian (16.3 - 12.5 Ma)

• Olcott Formation equivalent

Environment/lithology: terrestrial

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: T. H. V. Rich. 1981. Origin and History of the Erinaceinae and Brachyericinae (Mammalia, Insectivora) in North America. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 171(1):1-116 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/P. Mannion]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 17976: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 18.02.1993, edited by Jonathan Marcot, Jelle Zijlstra, Patricia Holroyd, Mark Uhen and Nicholas Famoso

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• directly overlies the Box Butte Fm.
NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SE 1/4 sec 4 T31N R47W: Woodburne 1969
a channel deposit equated with the Olcott Fm. on faunistic grounds only: Rich 1981
 Galliformes -
 Charadriiformes -
 Pelecaniformes - Ardeidae
Ardea sp.6 Linnaeus 1758 heron
 Passeriformes -
Passeriformes indet.7 Linnaeus 1758 perching bird
 Neornithes -
Strigiformes indet.7 Wagler 1830 owl
 Anseriformes - Anatidae
? Anatinae indet.7 Vigors 1825 duck
 Falconiformes - Falconidae
Pediohierax ramenta n. gen. n. sp.8
Pediohierax ramenta n. gen. n. sp.8 Wetmore 1936 raptor
"Falco ramenta" type of Wetmore 1936 from "Merychippus quarry"
 Accipitriformes - Accipitridae
Accipitridae indet.7 Viellot 1816 hawk
 Soricomorpha - Soricidae
Pseudotrimylus roperi15 Wilson 1960 shrew
FAM 94280, fragmentary maxilla with P4–M2 with possibly associated mandibular fragments m3; FAM 94274, dentary with i1, a2–a4, m1– m3; FAM 94269, dentary with i1, a4, and m1–m3; FAM 94266, dentary with i1, m1–m3; FAM 94264, dentary with i1, m1–m2; FAM 94277, dentary with i1, m1; FAM 94279, dentary with a4, m1–m3; FAM 94267, 94271, 94276, den- taries with m1–m3; FAM 94268, 94272, 94278, dentaries with m1–m2; FAM 94281, dentary with m1; FAM 94265, 94273, dentaries with m2–m3; FAM 94275, dentary with m2; FAM 94270, edentulous dentary; UNSM 56773, isolated i1.
Antesorex wilsoni n. sp.15 Korth and Evander 2016 red-toothed shrew
Type Specimen.—UNSM 56779, right dentary with p4– m2 (Figs. 7E–F). Referred Specimens.—UNSM 56775, dentary with m2– m3; UNSM 56776, dentary with p4–m1; UNSM 56777, left dentary with p4–m3; UNSM 56778, dentary with m1– m2; UNSM 56780, dentary with condyle, ascending ramus and alveoli for m2–m3.
Alluvisorex sp.15 Hutchison 1966 shrew
UNSM 56774, mandibular fragment with left m2.
 Soricomorpha - Plesiosoricidae
Plesiosorex coloradensis16 Wilson 1960 placental
Plesiosorex greeni15 Martin and Lim 2004 placental
UNSM 56700, dentary with p4– m3 and alveoli for i1–p3; FAM 74915, dentary with p4–m3; FAM 74917, dentary with p4–m1, m3; FAM 76654, dentary with i2, p4–m2; FAM 74904, 74907, 74909, 76648, 76649, 76650, 76653, 76656, 76658, dentaries with p4–m2; FAM 74910, 74911, 74916, 76659, 76661, 76663, 76666, 76667, 76669, 76670, 76682, 76683, 76687, dentaries with p4–m1; FAM 76651, dentary with p3–m4; FAM 76652, 76677, den- tary with i2, m1; FAM 76671, dentary with m1–m3; FAM 74908, 76647, 76657, 76660, 76662, 76664, 76655, 76681, 76688, dentaries with m1–m2; UNSM 56701, FAM 76689, p4; UNSM 56702, FAM 74912, 76665, 76668, 76672, 76674, 76679, 76684, 76686, 76690, m1; UNSM 56703, 56704, 56705, FAM 74919, 76685, 76678, 76680, 76675, m2; FAM 76676, m3; FAM 144249, rostrum of skull with left I1, C, P3–P4 and right I1–I2, P3; FAM 74905, palate with right P3–P4, and left P3–M1; FAM 74904, 74920, maxillae with P4–M2; FAM 74902, maxilla with P3–M1; UNSM 56706–56708, P4; UNSM 56709–56712, 56734, M1; UNSM 56713, 56714, M2.
 Soricomorpha - Talpidae
Scalopoides hutchisoni n. sp.15 Korth and Evander 2016 mole
Type Specimen.—FAM 144656, right dentary with p2– m2 (Figs. 9A–B). Referred Specimens.—UNSM 56727, right partial den- tary with angle, base of ascending ramus and m3; FAM 144651, 144653, 144654, 144655, partial dentaries with m1–m3; FAM 144652, partial dentary with m2.
 Tribosphenida - Erinaceidae
Lanthanotherium observatum n. sp.15 Korth and Evander 2016 hedgehog
Type Specimen.—FAM 140574, dentary with c1, p4–m3 (Figs. 4E–F). Referred Specimens.—FAM 74976, maxillary fragment with P2, M1; FAM 74969, maxillary fragment with P4– M1; FAM 74969, partial palate with C1, P2–M1; FAM 76691, maxilla with P4–M3; UNSM 56719, P4; UNSM 56716–56718, M1; UNSM 56715, M2; FAM 74971, 74974, 74989, 74988, 74996, 76600, 76601, partial den- tary with p4–m1; FAM 74980, 74990, 76607, 76621, par- tial dentary with p4–m2; FAM 74989, 74997, partial den- tary with p3–m1; FAM 74983, dentary with p3–m2; FAM 74986, 74994, 74998, 76603, partial dentary with m1–m2; FAM 76605, 74973, dentary with m1–m3; FAM 76608, 76614, 76619, UNSM 56721, partial dentary with m2–m3; FAM 74991, dentary with p4–m3; FAM 74981, dentary with p4, m2–m3; FAM 76602, partial dentary with m1, m3; FAM 76606, dentary with p4–m1, m3; FAM 76618, dentary with c1, p3–m1; UNSM 56733, partial dentary with p3–p4; FAM 76613, partial dentary with p2–p4; FAM 74968, 74970, 74975, 74985, 76612, fragmentary dentary with p4; FAM 74992, partial dentary with c1, p4; FAM 74972, 74978, 74987, 74995, 76609, 76610, 76617, fragmentary dentary with m1; FAM 74977, 74993, 74999, 76604, 76611, 76620, fragmentary dentary with m2; FAM 74982, 76615, fragmentary dentary with m3; UNSM 56781, fragmentary dentary with i2; UNSM 56722, 56723, 56724, isolated m1; UNSM 56720, 56726, isolated m2; UNSM 56725, isolated m3.
Metechinus amplior Rich 1981 hedgehog
 Carnivora - Procyonidae
Bassariscus minimus n. sp.4, "Rhapsodus tedfordi n. sp." = Probassariscus matthewi3, Arctonasua minima n. sp.2
Bassariscus minimus n. sp.4 Baskin 2004 ringtail
definitely not the same as "Rhapsodus tedfordi" or Arctonasua minima
"Rhapsodus tedfordi n. sp." = Probassariscus matthewi3 Merriam 1911 procyonid carnivore
Arctonasua minima n. sp.2 Baskin 1982 procyonid carnivore
 Carnivora - Mustelidae
Brachypsalis obliquidens15 Sinclair 1915 mustelid carnivore
cited to Prothero et al. (2008)
Leptarctus oregonensis9 Stock 1930 mustelid carnivore
Skopelogale melitodes n. gen. n. sp.5 Baskin 2020 mustelid carnivore
 Carnivora - Amphicyonidae
Pliocyon sp.12 Matthew 1918 bear-dog
 Carnivora - Felidae
Pseudaelurus stouti15 Schultz and Martin 1972 cat
cited to Rothwell (2003)
Pseudaelurus marshi15 Thorpe 1922 cat
cited to Rothwell (2003)
 Carnivora - Canidae
Cynarctoides acridens24 Barbour and Cook 1914 bone-crushing dog
Tomarctus hippophaga24 Matthew and Cook 1909 bone-crushing dog
Paracynarctus sinclairi24 Wang et al. 1999 bone-crushing dog
Leptocyon leidyi22 Tedford et al. 2009 canine
 Perissodactyla - Equidae
Anchitherium sp.15 von Meyer 1844 anchitheriine horse
cited to Dingus (1990)
 Perissodactyla - Chalicotheriidae
Chalicotheriidae indet.10 Gill 1872 chalicothere
Tylocephalonyx sp.15 Coombs 1979 chalicothere
cited to Coombs (2004)
 Perissodactyla - Rhinocerotidae
Aphelops megalodus18 Cope 1873 rhinoceros
Teleoceras medicornutum18 Osborn 1904 rhinoceros
 Artiodactyla - Tayassuidae
"Dyseohyus stirtoni" = Stirtonhyus xiphodonticus25
"Dyseohyus stirtoni" = Stirtonhyus xiphodonticus25 Barbour 1925 peccary
also includes "Cynorca proterva" of Woodburne 1969
 Artiodactyla - Dromomerycidae
"Dromomeryx whitfordi" = Dromomeryx borealis11, "Drepanomeryx matthewi n. sp." = Drepanomeryx falciformis11, "Bouromeryx supernebrascensis n. sp." = Bouromeryx americanus11
"Dromomeryx whitfordi" = Dromomeryx borealis11 Cope 1877 ruminant
"Drepanomeryx matthewi n. sp." = Drepanomeryx falciformis11 Sinclair 1915 ruminant
"Bouromeryx supernebrascensis n. sp." = Bouromeryx americanus11 Douglass 1899 ruminant
also "B. pseudonebrascensis" type Frick 1937; see also Voorhies 1990
 Artiodactyla - Moschidae
"Blastomeryx cf. elegans" = Blastomeryx gemmifer11
"Blastomeryx cf. elegans" = Blastomeryx gemmifer11 Cope 1874 musk deer
 Artiodactyla - Leptomerycidae
"Parablastomeryx scotti n. sp." = Pseudoparablastomeryx scotti11
"Parablastomeryx scotti n. sp." = Pseudoparablastomeryx scotti11 Frick 1937 ruminant
see also Taylor and Webb 1976
 Artiodactyla - Protoceratidae
"Prosynthetoceras siouxensis n. sp." = Lambdoceras siouxensis17
"Prosynthetoceras siouxensis n. sp." = Lambdoceras siouxensis17 Frick 1937 protoceratid
of "P. siouxensis dawesensis"
 Artiodactyla - Merycoidodontidae
"Ticholeptus hypsodus" = Ticholeptus zygomaticus20 Cope 1878 oreodont
Brachycrus siouense19 Sinclair 1915 oreodont
Merychyus relictus21 Matthew and Cook 1909 oreodont
 Lagomorpha - Ochotonidae
Oreolagus nebrascensis15 McGrew 1941 pika
UNSM 56752, P3; UNSM 56753; dP3; UNSM 56754 and 56755, P4; FAM 144473, FAM 144481, FAM 144482, fragmentary maxillae with P4; UNSM 56751, dP4; UNSM 56756 to 56758, M1; FAM 144445, left and right articulated dentaries with complete dentition; FAM 144444, dentary with i1 and p4–m2; FAM 1444470, dentary with p4–m2; FAM 144439 and FAM 144441, partial dentaries with p4–m1; FAM 144442, FAM 144446, FAM 144462, FAM 144471, partial or fragmentary dentaries with m1–m2; FAM 144440, partial dentary with i1 and m1; FAM 144477, FAM 144478, par- tial or fragmentary dentary with m1; FAM 144443, FAM 144474, partial or fragmentary dentaries lacking cheek teeth; UNSM 56759, p4.
 Lagomorpha - Leporidae
Hypolagus parviplicatus15 Dawson 1958 rabbit
FAM 144448, partial dentary with p3–m2; FAM 144447, FAM 144455, FAM 144461, FAM 144476, partial dentaries with p4–m2; FAM 144463, partial dentary with p4–m1; FAM 144457, dentary lacking teeth; FAM 144454, fragments of dentary with two associated lower molariform teeth; UNSM 56749, isolated P2; FAM 144460, maxilla with P4–M1; FAM 144452, partial skull with palate and dorsal neurocranium (crushed) with left P4– M2 and right P4–M1; FAM 144459, fragmentary maxilla with two upper molariform teeth; FAM 144466, partial skull in two major pieces: ventral rostrum and palate with left P3–M2 and right P3–M1, and posterior part of skull includ- ing frontal, parietals and squamosals; UNSM 56750, FAM 144458, FAM 144472, isolated upper molariform teeth; FAM 144484, one upper and one lower molariform tooth; FAM 144475, 17 isolated upper and six lower molariform teeth; FAM 144480, three isolated p3s, 18 upper molari- form, and three lower molariform teeth; FAM 144483, ve isolated upper molariform teeth; FAM 144450, complete right femur; FAM 144449, FAM 144453, FAM 144464, par- tial or fragmentary femora; FAM 144469, partial diaphysis and distal epiphysis of left humerus; FAM 144485, metatar- sal lacking proximal epiphysis.
Pronotolagus cf. albus15 Voorhies and Timperley 1997 rabbit
FAM 144483 (in part) p3; FAM 144468, dentary with p3 (unworn)–m2; FAM 144467, FAM 144467, partial dentaries with m1–m2; FAM 144480 (in part), isolated lower molariform tooth.
 Rodentia - Sciuridae
Miospermophilus bryanti15 Wilson 1960 squirrel
FAM 144252, partial crushed skull with incisors, left M1 and right P3, M1–M2; UNSM 56741, P4; UNSM 56742, 56743, 56744, M1 or M2; UNSM 56745, M3; UNSM 56746, 56747, p4; UNSM 56748, m1 or m2; FAM 144250, 144251, 144253, 144254, dentaries with p4–m2; UNSM 56735, three isolated incisors.
 Rodentia - Castoridae
Monosaulax tedi n. sp.13
Monosaulax tedi n. sp.13 Korth 1999 beaver
 Rodentia - Eomyidae
Leptodontomys cf. stirtoni15 Lindsay 1972 rodent
FAM 144256, nearly complete dentary with i1; FAM 144257, partial dentary with m1.
 Rodentia - Heteromyidae
Mookomys altifluminus15 rodent
UNSM 56731, partial dentary with p4; FAM 144259, partial dentary with i1, p4.
Mioheteromys subterior n. sp.15 Korth and Evander 2016 rodent
Type Specimen.—UNSM 56737, left p4. Referred Specimens.—UNSM 56738, 56739, 56740, isolated m1 or m2; UNSM 56736, UNSM 56772, isolated I1s; FAM 144258, dentary with i1, p4–m3.
 Rodentia -
Jimomys labaughi n. sp.23 Wahlert 1976 rodent
 Rodentia - Cricetidae
Copemys lindsayi15 Sutton and Korth 1995 rodent
FAM 95503, right dentary with m1–m3; UNSM 56730 left dentary with i1 and alveoli for m1–m3; UNSM 56728 left maxilla with M1–M2; UNSM 56729, left maxilla with M1–M3.
 Rodentia - Mylagaulidae
Galbreathia bettae1 Sutton and Korth 1995 rodent
Alphagaulus vetus14 Matthew 1924 rodent
Umbogaulus galushai n. sp.14 Korth 2000 rodent
 Chiroptera - Vespertilionidae
cf. Myotis indet.15 Kaup 1829 vesper bat
UNSM 56782, left dentary with alveoli for c1–m2.