Fish bed - Duke locality (Miocene of Colombia)

Where: Huila, Colombia (3.2° N, 75.1° W: paleocoordinates 2.6° N, 72.6° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Laventan mammal zone, Villavieja Formation (Honda Group), Laventan (13.8 - 11.0 Ma)

• Fish Beds - Green claystone and mudstone is characterized by enormous quantities of disarticulated fish remains

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; lithology not reported

• The Fish Bed appears to be a lake or swamp least 10 km in diameter

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils, microfossils

Collected by INGEOMINAS - Duke University in 1985 - 1991

Primary reference: J. Lundberg. 1997. Freshwater Fishes and their paleobiotic implications. In R. Kay, R. Madden, R. Cifelli, J. Flynn (eds.), Vertebrate Paleontology in the Neotropics. The Miocene Fauna from La Venta, Colombia 67-91 [A. Cardenas /L. Mora-Rojas/P. Holroyd]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 186683: authorized by Andrés Cárdenas, entered by Laura Mora-Rojas on 30.06.2017

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Myliobatiformes - Potamotrygonidae
cf. Potamotrygonidae indet. stingray
Gen. et sp. indet. Specimen nº 251283
 Ceratodontiformes - Lepidosirenidae
Lepidosiren sp.1 Fitzinger 1837 Australian lungfish
Specimen nº UCPM 113727, 113728, 113729, 113730, 1138015
Lepidosiren paradoxa Fitzinger 1837 South American lungfish
Lungfish, Specimen n° IGM 183677, IGM 183568, 184078
 Suliformes - Anhingidae
cf. Anhinga grandis6 Martin and Mengel 1975 darter
Specimen n° IGM 183485
 Squamata -
Colubroidea indet.4 Oppel 1811 snake
Specimen nº IGM 184185
 Squamata - Aniliidae
cf. Aniliidae indet.4 Fitzinger 1826 pipe snake
Specimen nº IGM 183533
 Megatherioidea - Megalonychidae
Megalonychidae indet.5 Gervais 1855 edentate
Specimen n° IGM 183936
  - Mylodontidae
"Pseudoprepotherium confusum" = Magdalenabradys confusum5
"Pseudoprepotherium confusum" = Magdalenabradys confusum5 Hirschfeld 1985 edentate
Specimen n° IGM 183501, 183502, 184130, 184478
 Panameriungulata - Macraucheniidae
Theosodon sp.2 Ameghino 1887 placental
 Rodentia - Caviidae
Caviidae indet.7 Gray 1821 caviomorph
Specimen n° IGM-DU 88-667a, IGM-DU 88-667b (these specimens were classified as Eodolichotis sp. or Prodolichotis sp.
 Rodentia -
Microscleromys cribriphilus8 Walton 1990 caviomorph
Specimens nº IGM 251020, IGM 250303, IGM 251018, IGM 250283, IGM 250320
Microscleromys paradoxalis7 Walton 1990 caviomorph
Walton 1990 (Specimen n° IGM-DU 89-696, IGM-DU 88-823, IGM-DU 85-410, IGM-DU 89-671); Walton 1997 (Specimens nº IGM 250319, IGM 250308, IGM 250321, IGM 251040)
Microscleromys ? paradoxalis7 Walton 1990 caviomorph
Specimen n° IGM-DU 85-411
 Rodentia - Echimyidae
Echimyidae indet.8 Gray 1825 spiny rat
Specimen n° IGM 250295 juvenile, right ?P4
 Rodentia -
Acarechimys minutissimus7 Ameghino 1887 caviomorph
Walton 1990 - Specimen n° IGM-DU 89-692, IGM-DU 89-691, IGM-DU 89-690, IGM-DU 85-412, IGM-DU 89-683, UNC TAT 21
 Chiroptera - Molossidae
Molossidae indet.3 Gervais 1856 free-tailed bat
Specimen n° IGM 250331. 250332, 250338, 250996
 Cichliformes - Cichlidae
Cichlidae indet. Heckel 1840 cichlid
Specimen nº IGM 253282, 253283, 253284, 253285, 253286, 253287, 253288, 253289, 253290, 253291, 253292, 253293, 253298
 Siluriformes - Callitrichtyidae
cf. Hoplosternum sp. Lundberg 1997 catfish
Specimen nº IGM 253268
 Siluriformes - Siluridae
cf. Pimelodus sp. Lacepede catfish
Specimen nº IGM 253272, 183541, 184099, 250426, 183606, 253273
 Siluriformes - Pimelodidae
Brachyplatystoma cf. vaillanti Lundberg 1997 catfish
Specimen nº IGM 184790, 183543, 183605, 184079
Phractocephalus hemiliopterus Lundberg 1997 cajaro
Specimen nº IGM 253267
 Siluriformes - Doradidae
Doradidae indet. catfish
Specimen nº 253279
 Siluriformes - Loricariidae
cf. Acanthicus sp. Lundberg 1997 catfish
Specimen nº IGM 183605, 253280, 184190
 Characiformes - Cynodontidae
Hydrolycus sp. Lundberg 1997
Specimen n° IGM 183692
 Characiformes - Characidae
Characidae indet.
Serrasalmus, Pygocentrus or Pristobrycon sp. - Specimen nº IGM 251277
cf. Tetragonopterinae indet. Lundberg 1997
Gen. et sp. indet. IGM 184787
Colossoma macropomum Cuvier 1818
Specimen n° IGM 253265