St. Lawrence, Isle of Wight (lower Upper Greensand) (Cretaceous to of the United Kingdom)

Where: England, United Kingdom (50.6° N, 1.2° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 47.4° N, 18.0° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Upper Greensand Formation, Albian to Albian (113.0 - 93.5 Ma)

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: nodular, blue chert and red sandstone

• "At the base of the section a band of chert nodules is indicated, measuring 2 feet, which is possibly the true junction of Gault and Greensand, although in the Memoir on the Geological Survey of the Isle of Wight 50 feet of micaceous sands below this point have been included in the Greensand... The next 20 feet of compact red sand are for the most part unfossiliferous; or rather the organic remains have been nearly obliterated. It is harder in texture than the succeeding 4 feet. Without any other lithological change than hardness, we suddenly come to a zone in which well-preserved casts of Mollusca abound, differing, as will be noted, from the Upper Cherts and Rags in a remarkable manner." (Parkinson 1881)

Size class: macrofossils

Collected by Mark Norman in 1880; reposited in the BMNH

Primary reference: C. Parkinson. 1881. Upper Greensand and Chloritic Marl, Isle of Wight. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 37:370-375 [A. Dunhill/B. Allen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 198090: authorized by Alex Dunhill, entered by Bethany Allen on 08.12.2018

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

• "It was from this section, exposed on the St. Lawrence beach, that Captain Saxby procured a species of Crayfish; and a second specimen has been found within the last eighteen months in the same locality... The Crayfish obtained by Saxby [is] figured in Prof. Bell's Monograph of the Crustacea" (Parkinson 1881)

•"At the base of [the sandstone] (that is, 20 feet from the lowest chert nodules) an Ammonite occurs, which, so far as I can discover, has not been described." (Parkinson 1881)

 Testudinata - Helochelydridae
Plastremys lata n. gen. n. sp.
Plastremys lata n. gen. n. sp. Owen 1881 turtle
Lower chert layer; NHMUK R48 (holotype), disarticulated partial shell
 Arcida - Arcidae
Arca carinata ark
Upper sandstone layer
 Arcida - Cucullaeidae
Cucullaea fibrosa clam
Upper sandstone layer
Cucullaea glabra Parkinson 1811 clam
Upper sandstone layer
 Ostreida - Gryphaeidae
"Ostrea canaliculata" = Gryphaeostrea canaliculata
"Ostrea canaliculata" = Gryphaeostrea canaliculata Sowerby 1813 oyster
Upper sandstone layer
 Pectinida - Entoliidae
"Pecten orbicularis" = Syncyclonema nilsoni
"Pecten orbicularis" = Syncyclonema nilsoni Goldfuss 1835 scallop
Upper sandstone layer
 Pectinida - Plicatulidae
Plicatula pectinoides scallop
Upper sandstone layer
 Mytilida - Mytilidae
"Modiola sp." = Modiolus
"Modiola sp." = Modiolus Lamarck 1801 mussel
Upper sandstone layer
 Cardiida - Cardiidae
Cardium gentianum cockle
Upper sandstone layer
 Hiatellida - Hiatellidae
"Panopaea mandibulata" = Panopea, "Panopaea plicata" = Panopea (Myopsis) plicata
"Panopaea mandibulata" = Panopea clam
Upper sandstone layer
"Panopaea plicata" = Panopea (Myopsis) plicata Sowerby 1829 clam
Upper sandstone layer
 Trigoniida - Trigoniidae
Trigonia aliformis, "Trigonia ornata" = Oistotrigonia ornata, "Trigonia vicaryana" = Oistotrigonia vicaryana
Trigonia aliformis clam
Upper sandstone layer
"Trigonia ornata" = Oistotrigonia ornata d'Orbigny 1843 clam
Upper sandstone layer
"Trigonia vicaryana" = Oistotrigonia vicaryana Lycett 1875 clam
Upper sandstone layer
 Ammonitida - Hoplitidae
"Ammonites auritus" = Callihoplites auritus
"Ammonites auritus" = Callihoplites auritus Sowerby 1816 ammonite
Upper sandstone layer
 Ammonitida - Brancoceratidae
"Ammonites rostratus" = Mortoniceras (Subschloenbachia) rostratum Sowerby 1817 ammonite
Upper sandstone layer
 Sorbeoconcha - Naticidae
Natica sp. Scopoli 1777 moon snail
Upper sandstone layer
 Cerithioidea - Turritellidae
Vermicularia concava turret shell
Upper sandstone layer
 Heterostropha - Ringiculidae
Cinulia sp. Gray 1847 snail
Upper sandstone layer
 Sabellida - Serpulidae
Serpula antiquata
Upper sandstone layer
 Rhynchonellida - Cyclothyrididae
"Rhynchonella latissima" = Cyclothyris latissima
"Rhynchonella latissima" = Cyclothyris latissima Sowerby 1829
Upper sandstone layer
 Terebratulida - Cnismatocentridae
"Terebratula biplicata" = Nucleatina biplicata
"Terebratula biplicata" = Nucleatina biplicata Sowerby 1812
Upper sandstone layer