Cerro Bosta (La Colonia paleobotany) (Cretaceous of Argentina)

Where: Chubut, Argentina (43.0° S, 67.6° W: paleocoordinates 45.3° S, 56.0° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Middle Member (La Colonia Formation), Maastrichtian (72.1 - 66.0 Ma)

• "Middle levels of the La Colonia Formation (Page et al. 1999)" (O'Gorman et al. 2013)

•La Colonia Fm = Maastrichtian (Clyde et al. 2021)

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marginal marine; lithology not reported

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils, microfossils

Reposited in the MEF

Collection methods: chemical,

• In De Benedetti et al. (2023) sections located at the El Buitre Hill and the Mirasol Chico Creek area: 1- Quebrada del Helecho/Cañadón del Irupé (QH/CI), 2- Cerro Bosta (CBO), 3- Cerro Buitre Norte (CBN = Plesiosaurio locality ‘LCP’ of De Benedetti et al., 2021), and 4- Chiva Muerta (CHM). Of the 157 processed samples, 83 were palynologically fertile. About 250 palynomorphs (including megaspores) were identified; among them, 20 belong to gymnosperms, and 67 to angiosperms.

•The samples were processed following standard palynological techniques (Traverse, 2007).

Primary reference: N. R. Cúneo, E. J. Hermsen, and M. A. Gandolfo. 2013. Regnellidium (Salviniales, Marsileaceae) macrofossils and associated spores from the Late Cretaceous of South America. PloSOne 174(3):340-349 [P. Wilf/E. Stiles/E. Stiles]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 199410: authorized by Peter Wilf, entered by Elena Stiles on 23.01.2019, edited by Evangelos Vlachos

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

Dryadopollis sp. Srivastava 1977
Nyssapollenites scabratus De Benedetti et al. 2023
 Pinidae - Pinidae
Dilwynites granulatus Harris 1965
Classopollis patagonicus n. sp. De Benedetti et al. 2023
Holotype: MPEF-PA 472 (Plate I, 10). Paratype: MPEF-PA 472 (Plate I, 11). Additional material:MPEF-PA 145, 147, 150, 151, 168–171, 453, 457, 470–472, 582, 608, 611, 621, 622, 652, 662, 663, 678–680, 690, 691, 693, 752, 819, 857, 864, 922, 923, 966, 978.
 Coniferales - Podocarpaceae
Podocarpidites ellipticus Cookson 1947 podocarp
Podocarpidites marwickii Couper 1953 podocarp
Podocarpidites rugulosus Romero 1977 podocarp
Podocarpidites rectangularis n. sp. De Benedetti et al. 2023 podocarp
Holotype: MPEF-PA 817 (Plate II, 6 and 8). Paratype: MPEF-PA 454 (Plate II, 7). Additional material:MPEF-PA 450, 454, 458, 472, 613, 671, 817, 821, 925.
Podocarpidites verrucosus Volkheimer 1972 podocarp
Gamerroites psilasaccus Archangelsky 1988 podocarp
Microcachryidites antarcticus Couper 1953 podocarp
Phyllocladidites mawsonii Cookson 1947 podocarp
Callialasporites trilobatus Balme 1957 podocarp
Lygistepollenites florinii Stover and Evans 1973 podocarp
Gemmamonocolpites chubutensis n. sp. De Benedetti et al. 2023
Holotype: MPEF-PA 826 (Plate II, 26). Paratype: MPEF-PA 828 (Plate II, 27). Additional material: MPEF-PA 170, 679, 828, 841, 930.
Rousea minuscula Archangelsky and Zamaloa 1986
Rousea patagonica Archangelsky 1973
Quadraplanus brossus Stover and Partridge 1973
Periporopollenites delicatus n. sp. De Benedetti et al. 2023
Holotype: MPEF-PA 460 (Plate VI, 19 and 20). Paratype: MPEF-PA 471 (Plate VI, 21). Additional material:MPEF-PA 151, 457, 461, 470, 575, 577, 582, 688, 946.
Rhoipites sp. Wodehouse 1933
Rhoipites baculatus Archangelsky 1973
Tricolporites sp. Cookson 1947
Retitricolporites ganganensis De Benedetti et al. 2023
Retitricolporites chubutensis Archangelsky 1973
Retitricolporites irupensis De Benedetti et al. 2023
Ailanthipites diminutus De Benedetti et al. 2023
Ailanthipites hexagonalis De Benedetti et al. 2023
 Poales - Typhaceae
Sparganiaceaepollenites annulatus n. sp. De Benedetti et al. 2023
Holotype: MPEF-PA 874 (Plate IV, 1). Paratypes: MPEF-PA 580 (Plate IV, 2). Additional material: MPEF-PA 149–151, 168, 171, 388, 396, 454, 456, 460, 580, 611, 628, 633, 685, 870,874, 922, 928–931, 976, 978.
 Mesangiosperms - Araceae
 Mesangiosperms - Liliaceae
Liliacidites buitrensis n. sp. De Benedetti et al. 2023
Holotype: MPEF-PA 819 (Plate III, 22). Paratype: MPEF-PA 821 (Plate III, 23). Additional material: MPEF-PA 146, 685, 819, 821, 931.
Liliacidites lacunosus n. sp. De Benedetti et al. 2023
Holotype: MPEF-PA 667 (Plate III, 26 and 27). Paratype: MPEF-PA 701 (Plate III, 28). Additional material:MPEF-PA 655, 666, 667, 675, 690, 700, 701, 803, 976.
Liliacidites regularis Archangelsky 1973
 Mesangiosperms - Arecaceae
Longapertites patagonicus Archangelsky 1973 palm
Longapertites andreisii Archangelsky 1973 palm
Spinizonocolpites hialinus Archangelsky and Zamaloa 1986 palm
Spinizonocolpites variabilis De Benedetti et al. 2023 palm
Arecipites minutiscabratus Mc Intyre 1968 palm
Arecipites botrus n. sp. De Benedetti et al. 2023 palm
Holotype: MPEF-PA 470 (Plate II, 21). Paratype: MPEF-PA 452 (Plate II, 22). Additionalmaterial: MPEF-PA 149, 170, 452–454, 456, 460, 470–472, 580, 587, 611, 631, 925.
Arecipites botrus De Benedetti et al. 2023 palm
 Chloranthales - Chloranthaceae
 Asterales - Asteraceae
Tubulifloridites lilliei Farabee and Canright 1986 daisy
 Gentianales - Apocynaceae
Cricotriporites minutiporus Jaramillo and Dilcher 2001 dogbane
 Gunnerales -
 Proteales - Proteaceae
Proteacidites sp. Cookson and Couper 1953
Proteacidites mirasolensis De Benedetti et al. 2023
Proteacidites baibianae n. sp. De Benedetti et al. 2023
Holotype: MPEF-PA 853 (Plate V, 6). Paratype: MPEF-PA 928 (Plate V, 7). Additional material: MPEF-PA 145, 147, 168, 169, 679, 688–692, 750–753, 803, 804, 817, 820, 853, 871, 922, 928, 951, 965, 976.
Propylipollis lateflexus Baldoni and Askin 1993
 Proteales - Nelumbonaceae
Nelumbopollenites patagonicus n. sp. De Benedetti et al. 2023 lotus
Holotype: MPEF-PA 622 (Plate IV, 21). Paratype: MPEF-PA 622 (Plate IV, 22). Additional material: MPEF-PA 149, 150, 165, 168, 580, 582–586, 621–625, 752, 753, 772, 788, 801, 873, 922.
 Proteales -
Peninsulapollis sp. Dettmann and Jarzen 1988
Peninsulapollis gillii Dettmann and Jarzen 1988
 Ericales - Ericaceae
Ericipites verrucatus n. sp. De Benedetti et al. 2023 heather
Holotype: MPEF-PA 622 (Plate IV, 12). Paratype: MPEF-PA 993 (Plate IV, 13). Additional material:MPEF-PA 149, 150, 165, 582, 621–623, 827, 993.
Ericipites scabratus Harris 1965 heather
 Ericales - Symplocaceae
Symplocoipollenites microechinatus n. sp. De Benedetti et al. 2023 sweetleaf
Holotype: MPEF-PA 454 (Plate VII, 21). Paratype: MPEF-PA 453 (Plate VII, 22). Additional material: MPEF-PA 453–458, 460, 461, 580, 582, 628.
 Piperales - Aristolochiaceae
Rosannia manika Srivastava and Braman 2010 magnoliids
 Fagales -
Nothofagidites saraensis Menendez and Caccavari 1975
 Malvales - Tiliaceae
Intratriporopollenites sp. Thomson and Pflug 1953
 Malvales - Bombacaceae
Bombacacidites brevis Dueñas 1980
  - Polypodiaceae
  - Marsileaceae
Regnellidium thomastaylorii n. sp. Cúneo et al. 2013
MPEF-Pb 5446–5500; MPEF-MEB 5501, 5502
Molaspora lobata Hall and Peake 1968
Confertisulcites sp. Anderson 1960
 Ephedrales -
Cycadopites sp. Wodehouse 1933
Krutzschipollis argentinum n. sp. De Benedetti et al. 2023
Holotype: MPEF-PA 804 (Plate VI, 4 and 5). Paratype: MPEF-PA 861 (Plate VI, 6). Additional material:MPEF-PA 145, 677, 679, 688, 691, 804, 861, 874, 947.
Parviprojectus archangelskyi De Benedetti et al. 2023