White Bluffs ( of the United States)
Also known as UCMP 2757; UCMP 3031
Where: Franklin County, Washington (46.3° N, 119.1° W)
• Paleocoordinates: 47.0° N, 117.7° W (Wright 2013)
• coordinate based on political unit
When: upper Member (Ringold Formation), Blancan (4.9 - 1.8 Ma)
Environment/lithology: terrestrial
Primary reference: E. P. Gustafson. 1978. The Vertebrate Faunas of the Pliocene Ringold Formation, South-Central Washington. Bulletin of the Museum of Natural History, University of Oregon 23:1-62 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/J. Marcot]more details
PaleoDB collection 20063: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 18.02.1993, edited by Jonathan Marcot
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
• originally described by Merriam and Buwalda 1917
composite of numerous localities from a 70 m interval
magnetically reversed
composite of numerous localities from a 70 m interval
magnetically reversed
Show authors, comments, and common names
Mammalia | |
Hypolagus ringoldensis n. sp. Gustafson 1978 rabbit | |
Neotoma cf. quadriplicata Hibbard 1941 pack rat
Peromyscus nosher Gustafson 1978 deer mouse | |
Castor californicus Kellogg 1911 beaver
Dipoides rexroadensis Hibbard and Riggs 1949 beaver | |
Thomomys cf. gidleyi Wilson 1933 pocket gopher | |
? Spermophilus russelli Gustafson 1978 ground squirrel
Ammospermophilus hanfordi Gustafson 1978 antelope squirrel | |
"Equus cf. simplicidens" = Plesippus simplicidens
"Equus cf. simplicidens" = Plesippus simplicidens Cope 1892 horse | |
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Bretzia pseudalces n. sp.
Bretzia pseudalces n. sp. Fry and Gustafson 1974 deer | |
Platygonus pearcei Gazin 1938 peccary | |
Hemiauchenia sp. Gervais and Ameghino 1880 camel
Megatylopus cf. cochrani Hibbard and Riggs 1949 camel | |
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Plionarctos harroldorum n. sp.5
Plionarctos harroldorum n. sp.5 Tedford and Martin 2001 bear LACM 3879; also at Ringold Flat (SDSM V-8644), Savage Island (SDSM V-8645), UWBM A3036, UWBM A9292, and UWBM A8814; "Ursus cf. abstrusus"
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Machairodontinae indet. Gill 1872 cat | |
Scapanus sp. Pomel 1848 mole | |
Mammut americanum Kerr 1792 American mastodon | |
"Megalonyx rohrmanni" = Megalonyx leptostomus
"Megalonyx rohrmanni" = Megalonyx leptostomus Cope 1893 edentate |