Cerro Azul CA 14 (Cretaceous of Argentina)

Where: Neuquén, Argentina (38.8° S, 67.9° W: paleocoordinates 41.1° S, 55.8° W)

• coordinate stated in text

When: CC26 nannofossil zone, Jagüel Formation, Maastrichtian (72.1 - 66.0 Ma)

Environment/lithology: marine; siltstone

Size class: microfossils

Collection methods: quarrying, chemical, peroxide,

• Twenty-seven outcrop samples were studied, and approximately 20 g of dried rock was crushed and soaked in 200 mL of a hydrogen peroxide solution (H2O2) for 24 h, at a concentration of 35%. Residues were then washed and divided into grain fractions 63, 180 and 250 lm and dried at 60°C. All ostracods were hand-picked under a stereo microscope from each size fraction. Selected specimens were imaged in a EVO MA15 Zeiss scanning electron microscope at the Instituto Tecnologico de Micropaleontologia (itt Fossil) of the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil.

Primary reference: D. Ceolin, R. Whatley, G. Fauth and A. Concheyro. 2015. New genera and species of Ostracoda from the Maastrichtian and Danian of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina. Papers in Palaeontology 1(4): 425-495 [P. Wagner/P. Wagner/E. Vlachos]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 231998: authorized by Evangelos Vlachos, entered by Evangelos Vlachos on 10.10.2023, edited by Franco Aspromonte

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Podocopida - Pectocytheridae
Munseyella minima Bertels 1975 ostracod
Munseyella costaevermiculatus Ceolin et al. 2015 ostracod
Keijia huantraicoensis Bertels 1969 ostracod
 Podocopida - Candonidae
Paracypris imaguncula Ceolin et al. 2015 ostracod
 Podocopida - Pontocyprididae
Argilloecia abnormalis Ceolin et al. 2015 ostracod
 Podocopida - Cytheruridae
Hemiparacytheridea condilomata Ceolin et al. 2024 ostracod
 Podocopida - Trachyleberididae
Sthenarocythereis arcana Bertels 1975 ostracod
"Henryhowella (Wichmannella) meridionalis" = Wichmannella meridionalis Bertels 1969 ostracod
Cythereis trajectiones Ceolin et al. 2015 ostracod
Cythereis stratios Ceolin et al. 2015 ostracod
Castillocythereis albertoriccardii Ceolin et al. 2015 ostracod
Orthrocosta phantasia Ceolin et al. 2015 ostracod
Hysterocythereis coinotes Ceolin et al. 2015 ostracod
Togoina cretacea Bertels 1975 ostracod
 Platycopida - Cytherellidae
Cytherella terminopunctata Holden 1964 ostracod
Cytherella semicatillus Ceolin et al. 2015 ostracod
Cytherella saraballentae Ceolin et al. 2015 ostracod