CBI-14, Dzharakuduk II (Cretaceous to of Uzbekistan)

Also known as Dzarakuduk; Dzhara-Kuduk, Dzhirakuduk, Dzhyrakuduk, Kul’beke, TsBI-14

Where: Navoi, Uzbekistan (42.1° N, 62.7° E: paleocoordinates 36.8° N, 57.0° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Bissekty Formation, Middle Turonian to Middle Turonian (93.5 - 89.3 Ma)

• Approx. 57 m above the base of the formation

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: fluvial; sandstone and conglomerate

• Formation comprises medium-grained, poorly lithified, cross-bedded fluvial sandstones and clast-supported, well-cemented infraformational conglomerates

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Collected by L. A. Nessov and Uzbek-Russian-British-American-Canadian (URBAC) expedition in 1974–1994, 1997–2006; reposited in the USNM

Collection methods: surface (float),

Primary reference: L. A. Nessov. 1985. Redkie kostnye ryby, nazemiye yashcheritsy i mlekopitayushchie zony limanov i primorskikh nizmennostey mela Kyzylkumov [Rare bony fishes, terrestrial lizards, and mammals in the estuarine and coastal lowland zone of the Kyzyl-Kum Cretaceous]. Yearbook of the All-Union Paleontological Association 28:199-219 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 58168: authorized by Matthew Carrano, entered by Kaitlin Maguire on 25.01.2006, edited by Matthew Carrano, Roger Benson and Philip Mannion

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Acipenseriformes - Polyodontidae
Psephuroides kazakhorum n. gen. n. sp.14
Psephuroides kazakhorum n. gen. n. sp.14 Nessov 1997 paddlefish
including holotype
 Squamata -
Buckantaus crassidens n. gen. n. sp.
Buckantaus crassidens n. gen. n. sp. Nessov 1985 squamates
TsNIGR 26/12000
 Theropoda -
Theropoda indet.13 theropod
 Ichthyornithes -
Ichthyornis minusculus n. sp.12 Nessov 1990 avialan
PO 3941
 Theropoda -
Alexornithiformes indet.17 Brodkorb 1976 avialan
ZIN PO 4821, coracoid
 Alexornithiformes - Alexornithidae
Explorornis "sp. 1"17, Explorornis "sp. 2"17, Explorornis nessovi n. gen. n. sp.17, Sazavis prisca n. gen. n. sp.16, "Ichthyornis maltshevskyi n. sp." = Lenesornis maltshevskyi10
Explorornis "sp. 1"17 Panteleyev 1998 avialan
ZIN PO 4818, coracoid
Explorornis "sp. 2"17 Panteleyev 1998 avialan
ZIN PO 4817, coracoid
Explorornis nessovi n. gen. n. sp.17 Panteleyev 1998 avialan
ZIN PO 4819, coracoid
Sazavis prisca n. gen. n. sp.16 Nessov 1989 avialan
PO 3472
"Ichthyornis maltshevskyi n. sp." = Lenesornis maltshevskyi10 Nessov 1986 avialan
PO 3434
 Alexornithiformes -
Catenoleimus anchoretus n. gen. n. sp.17
Catenoleimus anchoretus n. gen. n. sp.17 avialan
ZIN PO 4606, coracoid
 Theropoda - Dromaeosauridae
Dromaeosauridae indet.13 Colbert and Russell 1969 maniraptoran
Itemirus medullaris21 Kurzanov 1976 maniraptoran
ZIN PH 2338/16, 2352/16, 2353/16, 2351/16, 90/16, 13/16, 2269/16, 182/16
Asiamericana asiatica n. gen. n. sp.13 Nessov 1995 maniraptoran
CCMGE 460/12457; ZIN PH 1073/16, 1074/16, 1075/16, 1076/16, 1077/16, 1078/16, 1079/16, 1080/16, 1081/16, 1082/16, 1083/16, 1084/16, 1085/16, 1086/16, 1087/16, 1088/16, 1089/16, 1091/16, 1092/16, 1093/16, 1094/16, 1095/16, 1096/16, 1097/16, 1098/16, 1099/16, 1100/16, 1102/16, 1103/16, 1104/16, 1105/16, 1108/16, 1110/16, 1111/16, 1112/16, 1113/16, 1114/16, 1116/16, 1117/16, 1118/16, 1120/16, 1122/16, 1123/16, 1124/16, 1126/16, 1129/16, 1130/16, 1131/16, 1132/16, 1133/16, 1134/16, 1135/16, 1136/16, 1137/16, 1139/16, 1141/16, 1142/16, 1143/16, 1144/16, 1145/16
 Neornithes -
? Neornithes indet.7 bird
PO 3434a
 Theropoda -
Euronychodon asiaticus n. sp.13 Nessov 1995 maniraptoran
CCMGE 9/12454; ZIN PH 301/16, 1052/16, 1053/16, 1055/16, 1056/16, 1057/16, 1058/16, 1060/16, 1062/16, 1063/16, 1064/16, 1065/16, 1066/16, 1069/16, 1070/16, 1072/16, 1149/16, 1150/16, 1151/16, 1152/16, 1833/16
 Theropoda - Caenagnathidae
Caenagnathasia martinsoni22 Currie et al. 1994 maniraptoran
ZIN PH 934/16, dorsal vertebra
 Theropoda -
Tyrannosauroidea indet.4 Walker 1964 coelurosaur
ZIN PH 1036/16, 1034/16, 1033/16, 1039/16, 684/16, 708/16, 756/16, 734/16, 120/16
? Alectrosaurus sp.13 Gilmore 1933 coelurosaur
"Segnosauria indet." = Therizinosauroidea13 Russell and Dong 1994 coelurosaur
 Theropoda - Ornithomimidae
Ornithomimidae indet.23 Marsh 1890 ornithomimid
USNM 538119; ZIN PH 429/16, 129/16, 134/16, 152/16, 611/16, 825/16, 1424/16, 989/16, 576/16, 126/16, 852/16, 821/16
 Ornithischia -
Ornithischia indet.13 ornithischian
 Ornithischia - Ceratopsidae
? Ceratopsidae indet.13 Marsh 1888 ceratopsid
 Ornithischia -
Turanoceratops tardabilis13 Nessov et al. 1989 ceratopsian
One element - CCGME 628/12457 (partial braincase) - now referred to Titanosauria indet.
Levnesovia transoxiana20 Sues and Averianov 2009 ornithopod
CCMGE 565/12457, 10/12454, 595/12176
 Ornithischia - Hadrosauridae
Hadrosauridae indet.13 Cope 1869 hadrosaurid
Cionodon kyzylkumensis13 hadrosaurid
 Saurischia -
Titanosauria indet.24 Bonaparte and Coria 1993 sauropod
Dzharatitanis kingi n. gen. n. sp.5 Averianov and Sues 2021 sauropod
USNM 538127 (holotype), caudal vertebra
 Plesiosauria -
? Plesiosauria indet.9 de Blainville 1835 plesiosaur
 Testudines - Pantrionychidae
Khunnuchelys kizylkumensis6 Brinkman et al. 1993 turtle
CCMGE 303/12458, 8a/12458
 Tribosphenida -
Theria indet.2, "Paranyctoides aralensis n. sp." = Paranyctoides quadrans2, "Paranyctoides aralensis" = Paranyctoides quadrans3
Theria indet.2 Parker and Haswell 1897 mammal
"Paranyctoides aralensis n. sp." = Paranyctoides quadrans2 Nessov 1982 eutherian
"Paranyctoides aralensis" = Paranyctoides quadrans3 Nessov 1982 eutherian
ZIN C.83131 (left dentary fragment)
 Tribosphenida - Periptychidae
Periptychidae indet.13 Cope 1882 condylarth
 Tribosphenida - Zhelestidae
"Zhelestidae" indet.2, "Parazhelestes minor" = Parazhelestes mynbulakensis15, Parazhelestes robustus n. gen. n. sp.15, "Aspanlestes aptap" = Aspanlestes aptap2, "? Zhelestes bezelgen n. sp." = Aspanlestes aptap11, "Sorlestes budan n. gen. n. sp." = Zhelestes temirkazyk9
"Zhelestidae" indet.2 Nessov 1990 eutherian
incl. 1 gen. et sp. nov.
"Parazhelestes minor" = Parazhelestes mynbulakensis15 Nessov 1985 eutherian
sp. nov.
Parazhelestes robustus n. gen. n. sp.15 Nessov 1993 eutherian
CCMGE 70/12455 (holotype left maxilla), CMGE 10/12953 (left M1), 10/12953 (right M2)
"Aspanlestes aptap" = Aspanlestes aptap2 Nessov 1985 eutherian
"? Zhelestes bezelgen n. sp." = Aspanlestes aptap11 Nessov 1985 eutherian
CCMGE 1/12455
"Sorlestes budan n. gen. n. sp." = Zhelestes temirkazyk9 Nessov 1985 eutherian
CCMGE 3/12176 and extra specimens listed by Nessov et al 1998
 Tribosphenida - Kennalestidae
Eoungulatum kudukensis n. gen. n. sp.15 Nessov et al. 1998 eutherian
CCMGE 2/12455 (holotype left M2)
cf. Eoungulatum kudukensis15 Nessov et al. 1998 eutherian
CCMGE 16/12953 (left M3), 17/12953 (right M2), 18/12953 (left M3)
 Tribosphenida -
Sazlestes tis n. gen. n. sp.14
Sazlestes tis n. gen. n. sp.14 Nessov 1997 eutherian
including holotype (ZIN C.82553)
 Tribosphenida - Zalambdalestidae
Kulbeckia kulbecke1 Nessov 1993 eutherian
 Deltatheroida - Deltatheridiidae
"Sulestes karakshi" = Sulestes karakshi3, "Sulestes karakshi" = Sulestes karakshi3, "? Deltatheroides kizylkumensis" = Sulestes karakshi2
"Sulestes karakshi" = Sulestes karakshi3 Nessov 1985 metatherian
URBAC 00-001, left m2; URBAC 00-057, right dentary fragment; URBAC 03-009, left m2; URBAC 03-043, right dentary fragment; URBAC 03-090, left dentary fragment; URBAC 03-104, left dentary fragment; URBAC 04-149, left maxilla fragment; URBAC 04-164, left maxilla fragment; URBAC 04-169, right m3; URBAC 04-217, left m4; URBAC 04-291, right m2; URBAC 04-344, left m2; URBAC 06-006, right dentary; URBAC 06-019, right m3; URBAC 98–012, right m3; URBAC 99-017, left M2; ZIN 88467, right dentary fragment; URBAC03-222, right dentary; ZIN 89008, left dentary fragment; ZIN 90311, right dentary fragment; CCMGE 5/12455, left dentary fragment; ZIN 90312, left maxilla fragment; CCMGE 40/12000, right maxilla; ZIN 90309, left dentary fragment; ZIN 90310, right dentary fragment; URBAC 04-346, left m4
"Sulestes karakshi" = Sulestes karakshi3 Nessov 1985 metatherian
"? Deltatheroides kizylkumensis" = Sulestes karakshi2 Nessov 1985 metatherian
 Multituberculata -
Uzbekbaatar kizylkumensis n. gen. n. sp.8
Uzbekbaatar kizylkumensis n. gen. n. sp.8 Kielan-Jaworowska and Nessov 1992 multituberculate
including CCMGE 100/ 12455, right p4 (holotype) and specimens referred by Averianov & Archibald (2006); four other cimolodontan multituberculate specimens from this locality may or may not be referrable
 Caudata - Urodela
Nesovtriton mynbulakensis n. gen. n. sp.19
Nesovtriton mynbulakensis n. gen. n. sp.19 Skutschas 2009 salamander
ZIN PH 1/85, 5/49, 3/85, 4/85, 5/85, 8/85
 Salientia - Gobiatidae
Gobiates tatarinovi n. sp.18 Ročec and Nessov 1993 frog
Gobiates dzhyrakudukensis n. sp.18 Ročec and Nessov 1993 frog
LU-N6/341 (holotype maxilla), 357
Gobiates asiaticus n. sp.18 Ročec and Nessov 1993 frog
LU-N6/370 (holotype partial squamosal)
Gobiates kizylkumensis n. sp.18 Ročec and Nessov 1993 frog
LU-N6/363 (holotype partial squamosal)
Gobiatoides parvus n. gen. n. sp.18 Ročec and Nessov 1993 frog
LU-N6/344 (holotype partial right maxilla)
 Salientia - Discoglossidae
cf. Kizylkuma sp.18 Nessov 1981 painted frog
LU-N6/319, 322, 423 (humeri)
Kizylkuma antiqua18 Nessov 1981 painted frog
LU-N6/271, 332, 398 (maxilla)
Estesina elegans18 Ročec and Nessov 1993 painted frog
LU-N6/335 (maxilla)
Procerobatrachus paulus n. gen. n. sp.18 Ročec and Nessov 1993 painted frog
LU-N6/412 (holotype partial maxilla)
Saevesoederberghia egredia n. gen. n. sp.18 Ročec and Nessov 1993 painted frog
LU-N6/375 (holotype partial maxilla)
Aralobatrachus robustus18 Nessov 1981 painted frog
LU-N6/353, 367, 409, 435, 314 (maxilla), 299 (urostyle), 343, 419, 427, 296 (humeri),
 Amiiformes - Amiidae
Amia limosa Nessov 1985 bowfin
 Lepisosteiformes - Lepisosteidae
 Teleostei -
Elopomorpha indet.13
TsNIGR 12/12000
 Albuliformes - Albulidae
Albula lapidosa Nessov 1985 bonefish
 Ichthyodectiformes - Ichthyodectidae
 Aspidorhynchiformes - Aspidorhynchidae
Belonostomus aciculiferus n. sp. Nessov 1985
TsNIGR 12/12000