Timber Ridge (Cretaceous to of the United States)

Where: Blaine County, Montana (48.0° N, 108.9° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 57.7° N, 64.9° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

When: Judith River Formation, Middle Campanian to Middle Campanian (83.5 - 70.6 Ma)

Environment/lithology: deltaic; sandstone

• A strongly ferruginous sandstone with volcanic residue present, no marcasite, but with Sulphur crystals present in small amounts. The site represents a deltaic or near shore contact with the open sea.

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Primary reference: G. R. Case. 1978. A new selachian fauna from the Judith River Formation (Campanian) of Montana. Palaeontographica Abteilung A 160(Lfg. 1-6):176-205 [J. Kriwet/W. Glaeser/M. Carrano]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 69161: authorized by Juergen Kriwet, entered by Wolfgang Glaeser on 20.02.2007, edited by Matthew Carrano and Matthew Clapham

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Tribosphenida - Alphadontidae
"Alphadon cf. rhaister" = Turgidodon rhaister, Alphadon cf. halleyi
"Alphadon cf. rhaister" = Turgidodon rhaister Clemens 1966 metatherian
Alphadon cf. halleyi Sahni 1972 metatherian
 Marsupialia -
 Loricata -
Sebecosuchia indet. Colbert 1946 crocodilian
 Ornithischia - Hadrosauridae
Hadrosauridae indet. Cope 1869 hadrosaurid
 Caudata - Urodela
Scapherpeton sp. Cope 1876 salamander
 Teleostei -
 Hybodontiformes - Hybodontidae
"Hybodus montanensis n. sp." = Meristodonoides montanensis, Hybodus storeri n. sp.
"Hybodus montanensis n. sp." = Meristodonoides montanensis Case 1978 elasmobranch
Hybodus storeri n. sp. Case 1978 elasmobranch
 Synechodontiformes - Paraorthacodontidae
"Synechodus andersoni n. sp." = Paraorthacodus andersoni, "Synechodus striatus n. sp." = Paraorthacodus andersoni
"Synechodus andersoni n. sp." = Paraorthacodus andersoni Case 1978 elasmobranch
"Synechodus striatus n. sp." = Paraorthacodus andersoni Case 1978 elasmobranch
 Rajiformes - Ptychotrygonidae
Ptychotrygon blainensis n. sp. Case 1978 ray
 Rajiformes - Sclerorhynchidae
Ischyrhiza sp. Leidy 1856 ray
Ischyrhiza mira Leidy 1856 ray
Ischyrhiza cf. avonicola Estes 1964 ray
 Rajiformes -
Protoplatyrhina renae n. gen. n. sp.
Protoplatyrhina renae n. gen. n. sp. Case 1978 guitarfish
 Rajiformes - Rhinobatidae
Myledaphus bipartitus Cope 1876 guitarfish
 Lamniformes - Odontaspididae
Hypotodus grandis n. sp. Case 1978 sand tiger shark
Odontaspis sanguinei n. sp. Case 1978 sand tiger shark
 Lamniformes - Archaeolamnidae
"Plicatolamna arcuata" = Archaeolamna kopingensis
"Plicatolamna arcuata" = Archaeolamna kopingensis Davis 1890 mackerel shark
 Lamniformes - Anacoracidae
Squalicorax kaupi Agassiz 1843 crow shark
 Orectolobiformes - Orectolobidae
Cederstroemia triangulata2, "Cretorectolobus olsoni n. gen. n. sp." = Cretorectolobus olsoni, "Eucrossorhinus microcuspidatus n. sp." = Cretorectolobus olsoni
Cederstroemia triangulata2 Siverson 1995 wobbegong
Part of Cretorectolobus olsoni in Case, 1978 (Pl 3, fig 2; text-fig 10a)
"Cretorectolobus olsoni n. gen. n. sp." = Cretorectolobus olsoni Case 1978 wobbegong
"Eucrossorhinus microcuspidatus n. sp." = Cretorectolobus olsoni Case 1978 wobbegong
 Carcharhiniformes - Triakidae
Archaeotriakis rochelleae n. gen. n. sp. Case 1978 hound shark
 Squatiniformes - Squatinidae
Squatina sp.2 Dumeril 1806 angel shark
Part of Cretorectolobus olsoni in Case, 1978 (Pl 3, fig 1; text-figs 9,10b)
 Chimaeriformes - Callorhynchidae
Ischyodus bifurcatus1 Case 1978 plownose chimaera