Paali Nala level C2 (DBC2) (Oligocene of Pakistan)

Also known as Bugti Hills; Gandoï syncline; DB-C2; Dera Bugti C2

Where: Balochistan, Pakistan (28.9° N, 69.1° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 14.1° N, 70.9° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate stated in text

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Bugti Member (Chitarwata Formation), Early/Lower Oligocene (33.9 - 28.4 Ma)

• "in the lowermost levels of the Lower Chitarwata Formation, which is early Oligocene in age"

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: fluvial-deltaic; sandstone

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Collected in 2000 - 2004

Collection methods: bulk, sieve,

• material is in the collection of the Institut des Sciences d l'Evolution, Université de Montpellier II; collections were made by "intensive screen-washing"

Primary reference: L. Marivaux, P.-O. Antoine, S. R. H. Baqri, M. Benammi, and Y. Chaimanee. 2005. Anthropoid primates from the Oligocene of Pakistan (Bugti Hills): Data on early anthropoid evolution and biogeography. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102(24):8436-8441 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 78520: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 07.02.2008, edited by K. Christopher Beard, Mark Uhen, Pauline Coster and Philip Mannion

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Perissodactyla - Rhinocerotidae
Epiaceratherium cf. magnum2 Uhlig 1999 rhinoceros
 Artiodactyla - Suidae
Hyotherium sp.11 von Meyer 1834 pig
UMC-DBC 2242 and 2244
 Artiodactyla - Tayassuidae
Pecarichoerus sp.11 Colbert 1933 peccary
UMC-DBC 2240 and 2241
 Artiodactyla -
Ruminantia indet.9 ruminant
DBC2 5037
 Artiodactyla - Lophiomerycidae
Nalameryx savagei10 Nanda and Sahni 1990 ruminant
DBC2 specimens
Nalameryx sulaimani n. sp.10 Métais et al. 2009 ruminant
DBC2 5108 - type
Lophiomeryx kargilensis10 Nanda and Sahni 1990 ruminant
DBC2 5009-5011, 5028, 5029, 5034, 5035, 5037, 5193-5200
 Artiodactyla - Palaeomerycidae
aff. Amphitragulus sp.9 Pomel 1847 ruminant
DBC2 5038, 5041, 5157, 5161-5166, 5168 and 5185
 Artiodactyla -
Mosaicomeryx aff. quercyi9 Jehenne 1987 ruminant
DBC2 5040, 5043, 5158, 5160, 5172, 5173 and 5182
Paalitherium gurki n. gen. n. sp.9 Métais et al. 2017 ruminant
DBC2 5186 - holotype; referred material: DBC2 5036, 5042 and 5181
Sanitherium sp.11 von Meyer 1866 ruminant
UMC-DBC 2239
 Rodentia - Aplodontidae
Oligopetes sp.6 Heissig 1979 mountain beaver
 Rodentia - Cricetidae
Atavocricetodon paaliense n. sp.4 Marivaux et al. 1999 rodent
Pseudocricetodon nawabi n. sp.4 Marivaux et al. 1999 rodent
 Rodentia -
 Rodentia - Dipodidae
Allosminthus sp.6 Wang 1985 rodent
 Rodentia - Diatomyidae
cf. Fallomus sp.6 Flynn et al. 1986 rodent
DBC 295, 296, 476-494
Fallomus razae6 Flynn et al. 1986 rodent
DBC 474, 475, 1001-1259, 1277
Fallomus quraishyi n. sp.6 Marivaux and Welcomme 2003 rodent
DBC 438 - type
Fallomus ginsburgi n. sp.6 Marivaux and Welcomme 2003 rodent
DBC 683 - type
 Rodentia -
Hodsahibia azrae6 Flynn et al. 1986 rodent
DBC 308-373
Hodsahibia beamshaiensis n. sp.6 Marivaux and Welcomme 2003 rodent
DBC 1438 - type
Hodsahibia gracilis n. sp.6 Marivaux and Welcomme 2003 rodent
DBC 302 - type
Bugtimys zafarullahi n. gen. n. sp.5 Marivaux et al. 2002 rodent
DBC 1261 - holotype
 Rodentia - Chapattimyidae
Baluchimys chaudryi6 Flynn and Cheema 1994 rodent
Zindapiria quadricollis6 Flynn and Cheema 1994 rodent
 Primates - Ekgmowechashalidae
Bugtilemur mathesoni n. gen. n. sp.7
Bugtilemur mathesoni n. gen. n. sp.7 Marivaux et al. 2001 primate
 Primates - Sivaladapidae
Guangxilemur singsilai n. sp.8 Marivaux et al. 2002 primate
 Primates - Eosimiidae
Phileosimias kamali n. gen. n. sp. Marivaux et al. 2005 monkey
UMC-DBC 2199 - holotype; referred material: UMC-DBC 2192-2219
Phileosimias brahuiorum n. sp. Marivaux et al. 2005 monkey
UMC-DBC 2221 - type; referred material: UMC-DBC 2220 and 2222
 Primates - Amphipithecidae
Bugtipithecus inexpectans n. gen. n. sp. Marivaux et al. 2005 monkey
UMC-DBC 2174 - holotype; referred material: UMC-DBC 2172, 2173, 2175-2178 and 2191
 Tribosphenida - Herpetotheriidae
Asiadidelphis akbarbugtii n. sp.3 Crochet et al. 2007 marsupial
PMNH−DBC2−2180 - type; referred material: PMNH−DBC2−2179 and 2223
 Carcharhiniformes - Sphyrnidae
Sphyrna sp.1 Rafinesque 1810 hammerhead shark
 Carcharhiniformes - Carcharhinidae
Carcharhinus sp.1 de Blainville 1816 requiem shark
species 2
Carcharhinus perseus n. sp.1 Adnet et al. 2007 requiem shark
Rhizoprionodon sp.1 Whitley 1929 sharpnose shark
 Myliobatiformes - Gymnuridae
Himantura sp.1 Müller and Henle 1837 stingray
 Myliobatiformes - Myliobatidae
Aetobatus sp.1 Blainville 1816 eagle ray
Myliobatis sp.1 Cuvier 1816 eagle ray
 Myliobatiformes - Dasyatidae
Dasyatis sp.1 Rafinesque 1810 whiptail stingray
 Rajiformes - Rhinobatidae
Rhinobatos sp.1 Link 1790 guitarfish
 Rhinopristiformes - Pristidae
? Pristis cf. lathami1 Galeotti 1837 sawfish
 Rhinopristiformes - Rhynchobatidae
Rhynchobatus cf. pristinus1 Probst 1877 wedgefish