†family Mesopalaeasteridae Schuchert 1915 (sea star)

Asteroidea - Euaxosida - Mesopalaeasteridae

Full reference: C. Schuchert. 1915. Revision of Paleozoic Stelleroidea with special reference to North American Asteroidea. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 88:1-311

Parent taxon: Euaxosida according to D. B. Blake 2018

See also Spencer and Wright 1966

Sister taxa: Cnemidactinidae, Devonistella, Eoactis, Helianthasteridae, Lacertasteridae, Lepidasteridae, Lepidasterina, Lepyriactis, Omanasteridae, Palasterinidae, Platanasteridae, Schondorfia, Taeniactis

Subtaxa: Coccaster Lepidactininae Macroporaster Medinaster Mesopalaeaster Mesopalaeasterinae

View classification

Type: Mesopalaeaster

Ecology: slow-moving low-level epifaunal carnivore


• Devonian of the Czech Republic (1 collection)

• Silurian of Canada (1: Ontario), the United Kingdom (2)

• Ordovician of the United Kingdom (2), United States (17: Kentucky, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania)

Total: 23 collections including 24 occurrences

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