Asteroidea - Euaxosida - Platanasteridae
Synonym: Palasteriscidae Gregory 1900
Full reference: W. K. Spencer. 1919. A monograph of the British Palaeozoic Asterozoa. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, London 1917(4):169-196
Parent taxon: Euaxosida according to D. B. Blake 2018
See also Blake 1989, Blake 1994, Blake 2007, Blake and Rozhnov 2007, Dean Shackleton 2005, Gregory 1900, Lehmann 1957, Owen 1965, Schuchert 1915, Spencer 1919 and Spencer and Wright 1966
Sister taxa: Cnemidactinidae, Devonistella, Eoactis, Helianthasteridae, Lacertasteridae, Lepidasteridae, Lepidasterina, Lepyriactis, Mesopalaeasteridae, Omanasteridae, Palasterinidae, Schondorfia, Taeniactis
Subtaxa: Foliaster Lanthanaster Palaebrisingidae Palaechinasteridae Palasteriscinae Phyrtosaster Platanaster
Ecology: slow-moving low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Devonian of United States (1: New York collection)
• Ordovician of the United Kingdom (1), United States (2: Ohio)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence