Gopherus depressus Brattstrom 1961 (gopher tortoise)

Reptilia - Testudines - Testudinidae

Alternative combination: Gopherus brattstromi

Synonyms: Geochelone dehiscus Des Lauriers 1965, Gopherus dehiscus Des Lauriers 1965

Full reference: B. H. Brattstrom. 1961. Some new fossil tortoises from western North America with remarks on the zoogeography and paleoecology of tortoises. Journal of Paleontology 35(3):543-560

Belongs to Gopherus according to E. Vlachos 2018

See also Bramble 1982, Brattstrom 1961, Des Lauriers 1965 and Reynoso and Montellano-Ballesteros 2004

Sister taxa: Gopherus (Gopherus), Gopherus (Oligopherus), Gopherus agassizii, Gopherus auffenbergi, Gopherus berlandieri, Gopherus brevisternus, Gopherus donlaloi, Gopherus edae, Gopherus flavomarginatus, Gopherus hexagonatus, Gopherus laticuneus, Gopherus mohavensis, Gopherus morafkai, Gopherus polyphemus, Testudo milleri

Type specimens:

  • Gopherus depressus: LACM-CIT 498/5133, a shell (entire shell). Its type locality is Cache Peak (LACM(CIT) 498), which is in a Hemingfordian/Barstovian terrestrial horizon in the Bopesta Formation of California.
  • Gopherus dehiscus: LACM 400(26)/5178 (holotype), a partial shell. Its type locality is Cajon Valley (LACM L.400), which is in a Hemingfordian/Barstovian terrestrial horizon in the Punchbowl Formation of California.

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore-herbivore


• Miocene of United States (2: California collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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