Reptilia - Testudines - Adocidae
Alternative combination: Emys beatus
Synonyms: Adocus lacer Hay 1908, Adocus punctatus Marsh 1890
Full reference: J. Leidy. 1865. Cretaceous reptiles of the United States. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge 192:1-135
Belongs to Adocus according to E. V. Syromyatnikova et al. 2013
See also Cope 1868, Cope 1870, Hay 1902, Hay 1908, Hay 1930, Leidy 1865, Marsh 1890, Meylan and Gaffney 1989, Sonoda et al. 2015, Syromyatnikova et al. 2012, Syromyatnikova and Danilov 2013, White 1972 and Wieland 1904
Sister taxa: Adocus agilis, Adocus aksary, Adocus amtgai, Adocus bossi, Adocus bostobensis, Adocus dzhurtasensis, Adocus firmus, Adocus foveatus, Adocus hesperius, Adocus inexpectatus, Adocus kazachstanica, Adocus kirtlandius, Adocus kizylkumensis, Adocus kokaku, Adocus lineolatus, Adocus microglypha, Adocus onerosus, Adocus orientalis, Adocus planus, Adocus pravus, Adocus sengokuensis, Adocus striatula, Adocus syntheticus, Adocus vigoratus, Alamosemys substricta, Alamosemys annexa, Homorophus insuetus
Type specimens:
- Adocus beatus: ANSP 9184, a partial shell (several neurals and costals plus a left peripheral). Its type locality is Mullica Hill, which is in a Campanian/Maastrichtian terrestrial horizon in New Jersey.
- Adocus lacer: AMNH 1350, a partial shell (most of the plastron and parts of the carapace).
- Adocus punctatus: YPM, a shell (completely restored shell). Its type locality is Hornerstown area (Hornerstown Fm.) (PROXY), which is in a Maastrichtian marginal marine marl in the Hornerstown Formation of New Jersey.
Ecology: aquatic omnivore
• Cretaceous to Paleogene of United States (1: New Jersey collection)
• Cretaceous of United States (6: Missouri, New Jersey, South Carolina)
Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence
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