Reptilia - Testudines - Adocidae
Alternative combination: Zygoramma microglypha
Full reference: E. D. Cope. 1871. Supplement to the "Synopsis of the Extinct Batrachia and Reptilia of North America". Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 12:41-52
Belongs to Adocus according to J. H. Hutchison and R. E. Weems 1998
See also Hay 1902, Hay 1908 and Hay 1930
Sister taxa: Adocus agilis, Adocus aksary, Adocus amtgai, Adocus beatus, Adocus bossi, Adocus bostobensis, Adocus dzhurtasensis, Adocus firmus, Adocus foveatus, Adocus hesperius, Adocus inexpectatus, Adocus kazachstanica, Adocus kirtlandius, Adocus kizylkumensis, Adocus kokaku, Adocus lineolatus, Adocus onerosus, Adocus orientalis, Adocus planus, Adocus pravus, Adocus sengokuensis, Adocus striatula, Adocus syntheticus, Adocus vigoratus, Alamosemys substricta, Alamosemys annexa, Homorophus insuetus
Type specimen: AMNH 6129, a partial shell (greater part of the plastron and half of the carapace, with 4 peripheral bones, of an individual whose carapace must have had a length of about 600 mm). Its type locality is Birmingham (general) (Hornerstown Fm.), which is in a Maastrichtian/Paleocene terrestrial horizon in the Hornerstown Formation of New Jersey.
Ecology: aquatic omnivore
Distribution: found only at Birmingham (general) (Hornerstown Fm.)
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