Insecta - Odonata - Liassophlebiidae
Full reference: R. J. Tillyard. 1925. The British Liassic Dragonflies. Fossil Insects, British Museum Natural History 1:1-40
Parent taxon: Heterophlebioidea according to R. S. Kelly and A. Nel 2018
See also Bechly 2007, Bode 1953, Carpenter 1992, Nel et al. 1993, Nel and Petrulevičius 2005, Pritykina 1970, Tillyard 1925, Whalley 1985 and Zeuner 1962
Sister taxa: Anglophlebiidae, Archithemistidae, Heterophlebiidae, Huabeia, Myopophlebiidae, Parastenophlebiidae
Subtaxa: Bavarophlebia Ferganophlebia Grimmenopteron Liassophlebia Rossiphlebia
Type: Liassophlebia
Ecology: fast-moving volant carnivore-insectivore
• Jurassic of Germany (3 collections), Kyrgyzstan (1), the United Kingdom (6)
• Triassic of the United Kingdom (4)
Total: 14 collections including 17 occurrences