†family Heterophlebiidae Needham 1903 (dragonfly)
Insecta - Odonata - Heterophlebiidae
Synonym: Heterophlebiidae Handlirsch 1906 [objective synonym]
Parent taxon: Heterophlebioidea according to G. Bechly 2007
See also Bode 1953, Carpenter 1992, Cowley 1942, Nel et al. 1993, Tillyard 1925 and Whalley 1985
Sister taxa: Anglophlebiidae, Archithemistidae, Huabeia, Liassophlebiidae, Myopophlebiidae, Parastenophlebiidae
Subtaxa: Heterophlebia Trigonophlebia
Ecology: fast-moving volant carnivore-insectivore
• Jurassic of Germany (14 collections), Luxembourg (1), the United Kingdom (7)
Total: 22 collections including 37 occurrences