†family Archithemistidae Tillyard 1917 (dragonfly)
Insecta - Odonata - Archithemistidae
Alternative spellings: Archithemidae, Architheminae
Synonym: Diastatommidae Handlirsch 1906 [replaced name]
Parent taxon: Heterophlebioidea according to R. S. Kelly and A. Nel 2018
See also Bechly 2007, Carpenter 1992, Cowley 1942, Handlirsch 1906, Martynov 1925, Martynov 1937, Nel et al. 1993, Tillyard 1925 and Whalley 1985
Sister taxa: Anglophlebiidae, Heterophlebiidae, Huabeia, Liassophlebiidae, Myopophlebiidae, Parastenophlebiidae
Subtaxa: Archithemis Archithemitinae Diastatommitinae
Ecology: fast-moving volant carnivore-insectivore
Distribution: found only at Dobbertin, Mecklenburg (Greifswald collection) (Jurassic of Germany)