Leptopharsa poinari Golub and Popov 2000 (lace bug)

Insecta - Hemiptera - Tingidae

Full reference: V. B. Golub and Y. A. Popov. 2000. New Cenozoic lace bugs (Heteroptera: Tingidae). Paleontological Journal 34(Suppl 3):S290-S297

Belongs to Leptopharsa according to T. Wappler 2003

See also Golub and Popov 2000 and Golub and Popov 2002

Sister taxa: Leptopharsa antica, Leptopharsa colombiana, Leptopharsa evsyunini, Leptopharsa frater, Leptopharsa tacanae

Type specimen: AMNH DR-10-1797, an exoskeleton. Its type locality is Dominican amber (AMNH coll), which is in a Burdigalian/Langhian terrestrial amber in the Dominican Republic.


Distribution: found only at Dominican amber (AMNH coll)

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